KM200 Buderus Binding no values in sitemap

I have a problem with the KM200 Buderus binding. The gateway is online and the hot water circuit and the outdoor temperature sensor are online too.
However, the sitemap does not show me any values, there comes only a “-”. I can’t find any error entries in the log files.
Attached the entries from the things, items and sitemap file.


Bridge km200:kmdevice:0815 "Buderus Gateway" @ "Keller" [ privateKey= "xxxxxx", maxnbrrepeats=10.0, readDelay=100, refreshInterval=30, maxNbrRepeats=10, ip4Address="", refreshinterval=30.0, readdelay=100.0 ] {
    dhwCircuit th_buderus_dhwc "Buderus Heizwasser"
    sensor th_buderus_sensor "Buderus Sensor"


Number nu_buderus_water "Wassertemperatur [%.1f °C]" { channel="km200:dhwCircuit:0815:th_buderus_dhwc:actualTemp" }

Number nu_buderus_outdoor "Außentemperatur [%.1f °C]" { channel="km200:sensor:0815:th_buderus_sensor:outdoor_t1" }


Frame label="Heizung" {

        Text item=nu_buderus_outdoor icon="temperature"

        Text item=nu_buderus_water icon="temperature"


Thanks for any helpful feedback

Anything usefull in the logs

thats all I found in event.log

Thing 'km200:kmdevice:0815' changed from INITIALIZING to ONLINE
2021-03-01 07:03:39.213 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'km200:sensor:0815:th_buderus_sensor' changed from UNINITIALIZED (BRIDGE_UNINITIALIZED) to INITIALIZING
2021-03-01 07:03:39.215 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'km200:dhwCircuit:0815:th_buderus_dhwc' changed from UNINITIALIZED (BRIDGE_UNINITIALIZED) to INITIALIZING
2021-03-01 07:03:39.236 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'km200:dhwCircuit:0815:th_buderus_dhwc' changed from INITIALIZING to UNKNOWN (CONFIGURATION_PENDING)
2021-03-01 07:03:39.239 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'km200:dhwCircuit:0815:th_buderus_dhwc' changed from UNKNOWN (CONFIGURATION_PENDING) to ONLINE
2021-03-01 07:03:39.245 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'km200:sensor:0815:th_buderus_sensor' changed from INITIALIZING to UNKNOWN (CONFIGURATION_PENDING)
2021-03-01 07:03:39.247 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'km200:sensor:0815:th_buderus_sensor' changed from UNKNOWN (CONFIGURATION_PENDING) to ONLINE

Nothing else

No one an idea? I would like to integrate the heater, it is the last device that is not yet connected via openHAB