KNX Thing in OH3

Hello Guys. Trying to get my OH3 and KNX up and running. I’ve added the Binding, and it seems to be connected to the KNX bus.
But then i wanna add some things/channels to that binding, and here i can’t figure out what’s causing the problem…
Earlier i used the very old way, where items was created directly with KNX addreses…

If i go to my “Thing” and “Code” for the KNX module i get following:

UID: knx:ip:4cd99b16c5
label: KNX
thingTypeUID: knx:ip
useNAT: false
readRetriesLimit: 3
autoReconnectPeriod: 60
type: ROUTER
localSourceAddr: 1.1.254
readingPause: 50
portNumber: 3671
responseTimeout: 10
location: Tavle

Thing device 100_ON_OFF “100 ON/OFF aktuator” @ “KNX” [ address=“1.1.200”, fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
Type switch : Ch_A “Channel A” [ ga= “0/3/6” ]
Type switch : Ch_C “Channel C” [ ga= “0/5/10” ]
Type switch : Ch_D “Channel D” [ ga= “0/2/12” ]
Type switch : Ch_E “Channel E” [ ga= “0/4/0” ]
Type switch : Ch_F “Channel F” [ ga= “0/4/0+<0/4/1” ]
Type switch : Ch_G “Channel G” [ ga= “2/0/0” ]
Type switch : Ch_H “Channel H” [ ga= “2/1/5+<2/1/6” ]
Type switch : Ch_I “Channel I” [ ga= “2/0/20+<2/0/21” ]
Type switch : Ch_J “Channel J” [ ga= “2/0/10+<2/0/11” ]
Type switch : Ch_K “Channel K” [ ga= “2/1/10+<2/1/11” ]

The first part setting up the configuration is generated automatically from the binding - then i try inserted the Thing 100_On_OFF - and then it got mad at me :slight_smile:

Should i just continue like describes in the wiki and delete the lines automatically generated?