KNX2 Rollershutter Position behaves strangely

I had decided to give the KNX2 Binding a second Chance and sat up my devices all new.
Using the most recent 2.4 nightly Build and a Enertex router to my KNX bus.

So far, the shutters work well but the Position Object behaves strangely:
The very second a shutter starts moving, the Position jumps to 100%. After the shutter has stopped, it then jumps to the respective (correct) value. This can be seen with different RL actuators, which are even from different Brands.

Looking a the KNX Group monitor, everything is correct. The actuator never sends anything when starting to move (eg no “100%” value) but only after stopping the respective value is sent. With only OH2 on the bus, no echos as well.

Even more strange: Within PaperUI the state of one channel gets only updated with the correct value, after I have clicked on annother rollershutter. I can’t help, but it seems there is something really broken with the rollershutter stuff in KNX2… any ideas ?



Bridge	knx:ip:KNXRouter "Enertex KNX/IP Router" @ "KNX" [
	localSourceAddr="1.1.55" ]

                Thing device GENERIC "Scenes and Commands" @ "KNX" 
                        Type    number-control  :               Scenes                          "Szenen"                                [ ga="17.001:0/1/0" ]
                        Type    switch  :               		Presence                        "Anwesenheit"                           [ ga="<0/0/8" ]
                        Type    switch  :               		Night                           "Nachtobjekt"                           [ ga="<0/0/12" ]
                        // Type    switch  :               		Day                             "Tagobjekt"                             [ ga="<0/0/13" ]
                        Type    switch  :               		Absence                         "Abwesenheit"                           [ ga="<0/0/14" ]
                        Type    switch-control  :               ShadingHouse                    "Beschattung_Haus"                      [ ga="4/0/0" ]
                        Type    switch-control  :               ShadingEast                     "Beschattung_Ost"                       [ ga="4/0/1" ]
                        Type    switch-control  :               ShadingSouth                    "Beschattung_Sued"                      [ ga="4/0/2" ]
                        Type    switch-control  :               ShadingWest                     "Beschattung_West"                      [ ga="4/0/3" ]
                        Type    switch-control  :               ShadingAuto                     "Beschattung_Automatik"                 [ ga="4/0/15" ]
                        Type    switch-control  :               ShadingLockPosition             "Beschattung absolute Pos. sperren"     [ ga="4/0/16" ]
                        Type    switch-control  :               ShadingStateKitchenEast         "Beschattung_Status_Kueche_Ost"         [ ga="1.011:6/7/1" ]
                        Type    switch-control  :               ShadingStateLivingEast          "Beschattung_Status_Wohnen_Ost"         [ ga="1.011:6/7/2" ]
                        Type    switch-control  :               ShadingStateLivingSouth         "Beschattung_Status_Wohnen_Sued"        [ ga="1.011:6/7/3" ]
                        Type    switch-control  :               ShadingStateBalcony             "Beschattung_Status_Balkon"             [ ga="1.011:6/7/4" ]
                        Type    switch-control  :               ShadingStateBedroom             "Beschattung_Status_Schlafen"           [ ga="1.011:6/7/5" ]
                        Type    rollershutter-control  :        RSGroupHouseAll                 "RL_Haus_Alles"                         [ upDown="3/1/16", stopMove="3/2/16", position="3/2/16+3/5/16" ]
                        Type    rollershutter-control  :        RSGroupEGAll                    "RL_EG_Alles"                           [ upDown="3/1/33", stopMove="3/2/33", position="3/2/33+3/5/33" ]
                        Type    rollershutter-control  :        RSGroupOGAll                    "RL_OG_Alles"                           [ upDown="3/1/32", stopMove="3/2/32", position="3/2/32+3/5/32" ]
                        Type    rollershutter-control  :        RSGroupEastAll                  "RL_Ost_Alles"                          [ upDown="3/1/17", stopMove="3/2/17", position="3/2/17+3/5/17" ]
                        Type    rollershutter-control  :        RSGroupSouthAll                 "RL_Sued_Alles"                         [ upDown="3/1/18", stopMove="3/2/18", position="3/2/18+3/5/18" ]
                        Type    rollershutter-control  :        RSGroupWestAll                  "RL_West_Alles"                         [ upDown="3/1/19", stopMove="3/2/19", position="3/2/19+3/5/19" ]
                        Type    switch-control  :               CentralOff                      "Zentral-Aus EG"                        [ ga="0/0/4" ]
                Thing device MEASURES "Sensor Data" @ "KNX" 
                        Type    number  :       TempOutsideSouth                "Temperatur Aussen Süd"         [ ga="9.001:<11/2/20"]
                        Type    number  :       TempOutsideNorth                "Temperatur Aussen Nord"        [ ga="9.001:<11/2/22"]
                        Type    number  :       HumidityOutside                 "Feuchte Aussen Süd"            [ ga="9.001:<11/3/20"]
                        Type    number  :       TempOffice                      "Temperatur Büro"               [ ga="9.001:<11/2/7"]                        
                        Type    number  :       HumidityOffice                  "Feuchte Büro"                  [ ga="9.001:<10/0/7"]
                        Type    number  :       TempLibrary                     "Temperatur Bibliothek"         [ ga="9.001:<11/2/5"]
                        Type    number  :       TempLiving                      "Temperatur Wohnzimmer"         [ ga="9.001:<11/2/1"]
                        Type    number  :       TempSupplyroom                  "Temperatur Vorratskeller"      [ ga="9.001:<11/2/17"]
                        Type    number  :       HumiditySupplyroom              "Feuchte Vorratskeller"         [ ga="9.001:<10/0/17"]
                        Type    number  :       BrightnessEast                  "Helligkeit Ost"                [ ga="9.004:<11/1/19"]                    
                        Type    number  :       BrightnessSouth                 "Helligkeit Süd"                [ ga="9.004:<11/1/20"]
                        Type    number  :       BrightnessWest                  "Helligkeit West"               [ ga="9.004:<11/1/21"]
                        Type    number  :       Dusk                            "Dämmerung"                     [ ga="9.004:<11/1/23"]

                Thing device SA2JUNGREG "SA2 Jung Heizkeller" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.2", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01      "Licht Küche"                   [ ga="1/1/0+<1/4/0" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel02      "Licht Unterschrank Nord"       [ ga="1/1/2+<1/4/2" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel03      "Steckdose Esse"                [ ga="2/1/0+<2/4/0" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel04      "Licht Unterschrank West"       [ ga="1/1/3+<1/4/3" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel05      "Wohnen Wandlampe West Links"   [ ga="1/1/8+<1/4/8" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel06      "Wohnen Wandlampe West Rechts"  [ ga="1/1/9+<1/4/9" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel07      "Licht Garten"                  [ ga="1/1/24+<1/4/24" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel08      "Licht Balkon"                  [ ga="1/1/25+<1/4/25" ]

                Thing device SA3JUNGREG "SA3 Jung Heizkeller" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.3", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01      "Licht Flur UG"                 [ ga="1/1/52+<1/4/52" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel02      "Steckdose Heizkeller UG"       [ ga="2/1/22+<2/4/22" ]

                Thing device SA3JUNGREGC "SA3 Jung (Strommessung) Heizkeller - Current" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.3", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=120 ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel01C    "Steckdose Heizkeller UG"       [ ga="9.021:<2/2/22" ]

                Thing device SA5ABBREG "SA5 ABB Unterverteilung" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.4", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01      "Licht Treppenhaus"             [ ga="1/1/18+<1/4/18" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01T    "Licht Treppenhaus Zeit"        [ ga="1/0/18+<1/4/18" ]


                Thing device DA1THEBENREG "DA1 Theben Dimmer Heizkeller" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.5", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    dimmer  :       Channel01      "Wohnen Licht Decke Flur EG"    [ switch="1/1/4+<1/4/4", position="1/3/4+<1/5/4", increaseDecrease="1/2/4" ]
                        Type    dimmer  :       Channel02      "Wohnen Wandlampen Ost"         [ switch="1/1/45+<1/4/45", position="1/3/45+<1/5/45", increaseDecrease="1/2/45" ]
                        Type    dimmer  :       Channel03      "Licht Esstisch"                [ switch="1/1/10+<1/4/10", position="1/3/10+<1/5/10", increaseDecrease="1/2/10" ]

                Thing device SA6MDTREG "SA6 MDT Unterverteilung" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.6", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01      "Steckdose Waschmaschine"       [ ga="2/1/13+<2/4/13" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel02      "Steckdose Trockner"            [ ga="2/1/14+<2/4/14" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel03      "Steckdose Geschirrspüler"      [ ga="2/1/2+<2/4/2" ]

                Thing device SA6MDTREGC "SA6 MDT (Strommessung) Unterverteilung" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.6", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel01C    "Strom Steckdose Waschmaschine"         [ ga="9.021:<2/5/13" ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel02C    "Strom Steckdose Trockner"              [ ga="9.021:<2/5/14" ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel03C    "Strom Steckdose Geschirrspüler"        [ ga="9.021:<2/5/2" ]

                Thing device SA7JUNGUP "SA7 Jung UP Bibliothek" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.20", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01      "Steckdose West"                        [ ga="1/1/26+1.011:<1/4/26" ]
                Thing device SA8MDTUP "SA8 MDT UP Licht Gästebett und Indirekt" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.21", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01     "Licht Gästebett"                        [ ga="1/1/28+1.011:<1/4/28" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel02     "Indirekte Beleuchtung"                  [ ga="1/1/27+1.011:<1/4/27" ]

                Thing device SA9MDTUP "SA09 MDT UP SD Bibliothek Ost" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.22", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01      "SD Bibliothek Ost"                     [ ga="2/1/17+1.011:2/4/17" ]

                Thing device SA10MDTUP "SA10 MDT UP SD Bibliothek Süd" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.23", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01      "SD Bibliothek Süd"                     [ ga="2/1/16+1.011:2/4/16" ]

                Thing device SA12MDTUP "SA12 MDT UP Licht Kellertreppe und Waschküche" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.25", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01     "Licht Kellertreppe"                     [ ga="1/1/19+<1/4/19" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel02     "Licht Waschküche"                       [ ga="1/1/20+<1/4/20" ]
                Thing device SA13MDTUP "SA13 MDT UP SD WoZi Nord-Ost" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.27", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01      "Wohnen Steckdose Nord-Ost"             [ ga="2/1/3+<2/4/3" ]
                Thing device SA14MDTUP "SA14 MDT UP SD WoZi Süd-Ost" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.28", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01      "Wohnen Steckdose Süd-Ost"              [ ga="2/1/4+<2/4/4" ]
                Thing device SA15MDTUP "SA15 MDT UP SD WoZi Süd" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.29", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01      "Wohnen Steckdose Süd"                  [ ga="2/1/5+<2/4/5" ]

                Thing device SA16MDTUP "SA16 MDT UP Treppenhaus" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.31", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01      "Licht Treppenhaus"                     [ ga="1/1/18+<1/4/21" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01T     "Licht Treppenhaus Zeit"                [ ga="1/0/18+<1/4/21" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel02      "Aussenlicht Treppenhaus"               [ ga="1/1/22+<1/4/22" ] 
                        Type    switch  :       Channel03      "Licht Garage"                          [ ga="1/1/23+<1/4/23" ]
                Thing device SA17JUNGUP "SA17 Jung UP Treppenhaus oben" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.32", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01     "Steckdose Treppenhaus Oben"             [ ga="2/1/12+<2/4/12" ]

                Thing device RA1MDTREG "RA1 MDT Rolladenaktor Heizkeller" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.60", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    rollershutter  :        Channel01     "Rolladen Küche Ost"             [ upDown="3/1/1", stopMove="3/2/1", position="5.001:3/3/1+<3/5/1" ]
                        Type    rollershutter  :        Channel02     "Rolladen Wohnzimmer Ost"        [ upDown="3/1/2", stopMove="3/2/2", position="5.001:3/3/2+<3/5/2" ]
                        Type    rollershutter  :        Channel03     "Rolladen Wohnzimmer Süd"        [ upDown="3/1/3", stopMove="3/2/3", position="5.001:3/3/3+<3/5/3" ]
                        Type    rollershutter  :        Channel04     "Rolladen Balkontür"             [ upDown="3/1/4", stopMove="3/2/4", position="5.001:3/3/4+<3/5/4" ]

                Thing device RA2JUNGUP "RA2 Jung Rolladenaktor UP Treppenhaus" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.61", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    rollershutter  :        Channel01     "Rolladen Treppenhaus"           [ upDown="3/1/8", stopMove="3/2/8", position="5.001:3/3/8+<3/5/8" ]
                        Type    contact  :              Channel02     "Fenster Treppenhaus West"       [ ga="8/4/9" ]
		Thing device RA3MDTUP "RA3 MDT Rolladenaktor UP Zimmer West-West" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.62", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    rollershutter  :        Channel01     "Rolladen Zimmer West-West"      [ upDown="3/1/9", stopMove="3/2/9", position="5.001:3/3/9+<3/5/9" ]
                        Type    contact  :              Channel02     "Fenster Zimmer West-West"       [ ga="8/4/10" ]

		Thing device RA4MDTUP "RA4 MDT Rolladenaktor UP Zimmer West-Sued" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.63", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    rollershutter  :        Channel01     "Rolladen Zimmer West-West"      [ upDown="3/1/10", stopMove="3/2/10", position="5.001:3/3/10+<3/5/10" ]
                        Type    contact  :              Channel02     "Fenster Zimmer West-West"       [ ga="8/4/11" ]
		Thing device RA5MDTUP "RA5 MDT Rolladenaktor UP Zimmer Ost-Sued" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.64", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    rollershutter  :        Channel01     "Rolladen Zimmer West-West"      [ upDown="3/1/12", stopMove="3/2/12", position="5.001:3/3/12+<3/5/12" ]
                        Type    contact  :              Channel02     "Fenster Zimmer West-West"       [ ga="<8/4/13" ]
		Thing device BE1MDT "BE1 MDT Binäreingang Heizkeller" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.70", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    contact  :              Channel01     "Balkontür"                      [ ga="1.019:<8/4/0" ]
                        Type    contact  :              Channel02     "Fenster Wohnen Süd"             [ ga="1.019:<8/4/1" ]
                        Type    contact  :              Channel03     "Fenster Wohnen Ost"             [ ga="1.019:<8/4/2" ]
                        Type    contact  :              Channel04     "Fenster Küche Ost"              [ ga="1.019:<8/4/3" ]

                Thing device BE2MDTUP "BE2 MDT Binäreingang UP Haustür" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.71", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01          "Treppenhaus Licht"                [ ga="1/1/18" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01T         "Treppenhaus Licht Zeit"           [ ga="1/0/18" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel02          "Treppenhaus Licht an Haustür"     [ ga="1/1/21" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel02T         "Aussenlicht Zeit"                 [ ga="1/0/22" ]
                        Type    contact  :      Channel03          "Haustür Türkontakt"               [ ga="1.019:<8/4/20" ]
                        Type    contact  :      Channel04          "Garage Türkontakt"                [ ga="1.019:<8/4/28" ]
                        Type    contact  :      Channel05          "Garage Torkontakt"                [ ga="1.019:<8/4/29" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel06          "Garagenlicht"                     [ ga="1/1/23" ]

                Thing device BE3MDTUP "BE3 MDT Binäreingang UP Waschküche" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.72", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01               "Licht Waschküche"                 [ ga="1/1/20" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01T              "Kellertreppe Licht"               [ ga="1/1/18" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01L              "Szene"                            [ ga="0/1/13" ]                          
                        Type    switch  :       Channel02               "Kellertreppe Licht"               [ ga="1/1/19" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel02T              "Kellertreppe Licht Zeit"          [ ga="1/0/19" ]
                Thing device BE4MDTUP "BE4 MDT Binäreingang UP Bibliothek" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.73", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01               "Licht Gästebett"                  [ ga="1/1/28" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01L              "Bibliothek Alles Aus"             [ ga="2/0/4" ]                          

                Thing device HA1MDTREG "HA1 MDT Heizungsaktor Heizkeller" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.200", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel01         "Sommer/Winterumschaltung"          [ ga="1.001:0/0/19" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel02         "Heizung in Betrieb"                [ ga="1.001:<12/0/1" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel03         "Heizung Störung"                   [ ga="1.001:<12/0/2" ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel04         "Heizung Temperatur Wohnzimmer"     [ ga="9.001:<11/2/1" ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel05         "Heizung Betriebsartenvorwahl"      [ ga="5.005:12/6/0" ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel06         "Heizung Sollwertverschiebung"      [ ga="9.001:12/3/0" ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel07         "Heizung aktueller Sollwert"        [ ga="9.001:13/2/0" ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel08         "Heizung Wohnzimmer Stellwert"      [ ga="5.001:<13/1/0" ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel09         "Heizung Wohnzimmer Betriebsart"    [ ga="5.005:<13/6/0" ]
                Thing device LO4MDT "LO4 MDT Wetterstation" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.56", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel01         "Helligkeit Ost"                    [ ga="9.004:<11/1/19" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel02         "Schwellwert 1 Ost"                 [ ga="1.001:<4/0/1" ]
                        // Type    switch  :       Channel03         "Schwellwert 2 Ost"                 [ ga="1.001:" ]
                        // Type    switch  :       Channel04         "Sperrobjekt Schwellwert 1 Ost"     [ ga="1.001:" ]
                        // Type    switch  :       Channel05         "Sperrobjekt Schwellwert 2 Ost"     [ ga="1.001:" ]
                        // Type    number  :       Channel06         "Rolladenposition Ost senden"       [ ga="5.001:" ]
                        // Type    switch  :       Channel07         "Fassade Sperrobjekt Ost"           [ ga="1.003:" ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel08         "Helligkeit Süd"                    [ ga="9.004:<11/1/20" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel09         "Schwellwert 1 Süd"                 [ ga="1.001:<4/0/2" ]
                        // Type    switch  :       Channel10         "Schwellwert 2 Süd"                 [ ga="1.001:" ]
                        // Type    switch  :       Channel11         "Sperrobjekt Schwellwert 1 Süd"     [ ga="1.001:" ]
                        // Type    switch  :       Channel12         "Sperrobjekt Schwellwert 2 Süd"     [ ga="1.001:" ]
                        // Type    number  :       Channel13         "Rolladenposition Süd senden"       [ ga="5.001:" ]
                        // Type    switch  :       Channel14         "Fassade Sperrobjekt Süd"           [ ga="1.003:" ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel15         "Helligkeit West"                  [ ga="9.004:<11/1/21" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel16         "Schwellwert 1 West"               [ ga="1.001:<4/0/3" ]
                        // Type    switch  :       Channel17         "Schwellwert 2 West"                 [ ga="1.001:" ]
                        // Type    switch  :       Channel18         "Sperrobjekt Schwellwert 1 West"     [ ga="1.001:" ]
                        // Type    switch  :       Channel19         "Sperrobjekt Schwellwert 2 West"     [ ga="1.001:" ]
                        // Type    number  :       Channel20         "Rolladenposition West senden"       [ ga="5.001:" ]
                        // Type    switch  :       Channel21         "Fassade Sperrobjekt West"           [ ga="1.003:" ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel22         "Dämmerung Helligkeit"             [ ga="9.004:<11/1/23" ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel23         "Windgeschwindigkeit"              [ ga="9.005:<11/6/0" ]
                        Type    number  :       Channel24         "Temperatur Aussen Ost"            [ ga="9.004:<11/2/19" ]
                        Type    switch  :       Channel25         "Nacht"                            [ ga="<0/0/12" ]


// Rolläden

// Group gRL			"Rollläden Haus"		<shutter>	(All)
Group gRLEG				"Rollläden EG"		<shutter>	(All)
Group gRLDG				"Rollläden OG"		<shutter>	(All)
Group gBeschattung		"Beschattung"		<sun>		(All)
Group gRLSammelgruppe	"RL Sammelgruppen"	<shutter>	(All)
Group:Rollershutter:OR(0, 100) 	gRL 	"Rollläden [Position: %d %%]" 	<rollershutter>		(All)
Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) 	gRLstati 	"Beschattungen [Aktiv: %d]"	    <rollershutter>		(All)

// Rolladen EG
Rollershutter RL_Kueche_Ost			"RL Küche EG [%d %%]"			(gRLEG,gRL)	[ "Lighting" ]	{ channel="knx:device:KNXRouter:RA1MDTREG:Channel01" }
Rollershutter RL_WoZi_Ost			"RL Ost [%d %%]"				(gRLEG,gRL)	[ "Lighting" ]	{ channel="knx:device:KNXRouter:RA1MDTREG:Channel02" }
Rollershutter RL_WoZi_Sued			"RL Süd [%d %%]"				(gRLEG,gRL)	[ "Lighting" ]	{ channel="knx:device:KNXRouter:RA1MDTREG:Channel03" }
Rollershutter RL_WoZi_Balkon		"RL Balkon [%d %%]"	    		(gRLEG,gRL)	[ "Lighting" ]	{ channel="knx:device:KNXRouter:RA1MDTREG:Channel04" }

// Rolladen OG 
Rollershutter RL_Treppenhaus 		"RL Treppenhaus [%d %%]"		    (gRLDG,gRL)	[ "Lighting" ]	{ channel="knx:device:KNXRouter:RA2JUNGUP:Channel01" }
Rollershutter RL_Zimmer_West_West 	"RL Mediazimmer West [%d %%]"		(gRLDG,gRL)	[ "Lighting" ]	{ channel="knx:device:KNXRouter:RA3MDTUP:Channel01" }
Rollershutter RL_Zimmer_West_Sued 	"RL Mediazimmer Süd [%d %%]"		(gRLDG,gRL)	[ "Lighting" ]	{ channel="knx:device:KNXRouter:RA4MDTUP:Channel01" }
//Switch RL_Zimmer_West_Alle_Sperren  "RL Mediazimmer sperren"            (gRLDG,gRL)	[ "Lighting" ]	{ channel="1.001:3/7/35" }
Rollershutter RL_Zimmer_Ost_Suedt 	"RL Gästezimmer Süd [%d %%]"	    (gRLDG,gRL)	[ "Lighting" ]	{ channel="knx:device:KNXRouter:RA5MDTUP:Channel01" }
//Switch RL_Zimmer_Ost_Alle_Sperren   "RL Gästezimmer sperren"            (gRLDG,gRL)	[ "Lighting" ]	{ channel="1.001:3/7/36" }

// Szenen für Rolläden
// Number Scene_RL						"Szene Rolläden"					(Szenen RL)	[ "Lighting" ]	{ channel="1.022:0/1/1" }

// Beschattungen
Switch Beschattung_Haus				        "Beschattung Haus"				    (gBeschattung)	        { channel="1.001:4/0/0" }
Switch Beschattung_Ost				        "Beschattung Ost"				    (gBeschattung)	        { channel="1.001:4/0/1" }
Switch Beschattung_Sued				        "Beschattung Süd"				    (gBeschattung)	        { channel="1.001:4/0/2" }
Switch Beschattung_West				        "Beschattung West"				    (gBeschattung)	        { channel="1.001:4/0/3" }
Switch Beschattung_Automatik		        "Beschattung sperren"			    (gBeschattung)          { channel="1.001:4/0/15" }
Switch Beschattung_Absolute_Pos_Sperren		"Position Sperren"		    	    (gBeschattung)          { channel="1.001:4/0/16" }
Switch Beschattung_Zimmer_West_Sperren      "Beschattung Media sperren"         (gBeschattung)          { channel="1.001:3/0/39" }
Switch Beschattung_Zimmer_Ost_Sperren       "Beschattung Gäste sperren"         (gBeschattung)          { channel="1.001:3/0/40" }

// Beschattung Stati
Switch Beschattung_Status_Kueche_Ost		"Beschattung Küche Ost"  	    (gRLstati)              { channel="1.011:6/7/1" }
Switch Beschattung_Status_Wohnen_Ost		"Beschattung Wohnen Ost"	    (gRLstati)              { channel="1.011:6/7/2" }
Switch Beschattung_Status_Wohnen_Sued		"Beschattung Wohnen Süd"	    (gRLstati) 	            { channel="1.011:6/7/3" }
Switch Beschattung_Status_Wohnen_Balkon		"Beschattung Balkon"		    (gRLstati)              { channel="1.011:6/7/4" }
Switch Beschattung_Status_Schlafen			"Beschattung Schlafen"	    	(gRLstati)              { channel="1.011:6/7/5" }
Switch Beschattung_Status_Zimmer_West_Sued	"Beschattung Media Süd"     	(gRLstati)              { channel="1.011:6/7/10" }
Switch Beschattung_Status_Zimmer_Ost_Sued	"Beschattung Gäste Süd"	        (gRLstati)              { channel="1.011:6/7/12" }

// Sammelgruppen 
Rollershutter RL_Haus_Alles			"RL Haus [%d %%]"		    (gRLSammelgruppe)	        { channel="1.008:3/1/16+5.001:3/5/3,3/2/16" }
Rollershutter RL_EG_Alles			"RL Unten [%d %%]"		    (gRLSammelgruppe)	        { channel="1.008:3/1/33+5.001:3/5/3,3/2/33" }
Rollershutter RL_Zimmer_West_Alles  "RL Mediazimmer [%d %%]"    (gRLSammelgruppe)	        { channel="1.008:3/1/35+5.001:3/5/10,3/2/35" }
Rollershutter RL_Zimmer_Ost_Alles	"RL Gäste [%d %%]"		    (gRLSammelgruppe)	        { channel="1.008:3/1/36+5.001:3/5/12,3/2/36" }
Rollershutter RL_OG_Alles			"RL Oben [%d %%]"		    (gRLSammelgruppe)	        { channel="1.008:3/1/32+5.001:3/5/8,3/2/32" }
Rollershutter RL_Ost_Alles			"RL Ost [%d %%]"	    	(gRLSammelgruppe)	        { channel="1.008:3/1/17+5.001:3/5/3,3/2/17" }
Rollershutter RL_Sued_Alles			"RL Süd [%d %%]"		    (gRLSammelgruppe)	        { channel="1.008:3/1/18+5.001:3/5/3,3/2/18" }
Rollershutter RL_West_Alles			"RL West [%d %%]"		    (gRLSammelgruppe)       	{ channel="1.008:3/1/19+5.001:3/5/8,3/2/19" }

Sounds like a job for autoupdate=“false” on affected Items? (where you have real position feedback available from the device, and don’t want OH guessing a new value in response to a command)

Thanks for the super quick response. I totally missinterpreted the way autoupdate works, so never considered this as the solution. It works now as expected, thanks a thousand times.

It looks like I’m having the same issue. My configuration looks like:


    Thing device ja_1_2_6 "1.2.6 Jalousieaktor" @ "D0UV Unterverteilung OG/DG" [
        address = "1.2.6"
    ] {
        Type rollershutter : O1_Schlafen_Rolladen_Fenster_SO "O1_Schlafen_Rolladen_Fenster_SO" [ upDown="3/3/20", stopMove="3/3/21", position="5:001:3/3/22+<4/3/22" ]
        Type string        : O1_Schlafen_Rolladen_Fenster_SO_Diagnosetext "O1_Schlafen_Rolladen_Fenster_SO_Diagnosetext" [ ga="<4/3/23" ]


Rollershutter O1_Schlafen_Rolladen_Fenster_SO "Rolladen Fenster SO [%s%% zu]" (O1_Schlafen, gRollaeden) { channel = "knx:device:bridge:ja_1_2_6:O1_Schlafen_Rolladen_Fenster_SO", autoupdate = "false" }
String O1_Schlafen_Rolladen_Fenster_SO_Diagnosetext "Rolladen Fenster SO [%s]" (O1_Schlafen, gRollaeden) { channel = "knx:device:bridge:ja_1_2_6:O1_Schlafen_Rolladen_Fenster_SO_Diagnosetext" }

I have the same issue - when I don’t use “autoupdate=false”, the position immediately jumps after pressing Up/Down. As soon as I add “autoupdate=false” the position does not jump anymore immediately, however it also does not update to the state that the actor sends (on GA 4/3/22).

Any ideas?

BTW: This is a recently upgraded openHAB 2.4

Just an idea: remove the blanks

{ channel = "knx:device:bridge:ja_1_2_6:O1_Schlafen_Rolladen_Fenster_SO", autoupdate = "false" }
{ channel="knx:device:bridge:ja_1_2_6:O1_Schlafen_Rolladen_Fenster_SO",autoupdate="false" }

as I have encontered a couple of strange effects which have been caused by blanks in the wrong position…
(I remember that there has been a change in 2.3, if I’m not wrong)

Thanks for the idea! I tried removing blanks in item definiton as well as in the thing definition - no change :frowning:

I solved it - adding a read interval to the KNX Thing helped. As soon as I do that it regularly reads the status (as expected), but it also starts processing the status messages that are actively sent by the actors immediately.

I think this should not be necessary as reading the actors is technically not required.

Interesting to know. My read intervall is zero, still it works as expected. What model is your rollershutter actuator please? I am using the 8 channel MDT model.

MDT here, too! But also if I was sending the value via ETS I was not getting it updated correctly in OpenHAB (before making the change as described above).

I have seen some knx values not getting read by the oh2 side as well, since I moved to the knx 2 binding. In most cases (but not all) a complete restart of the oh2 server solved that as well. No idea why some values are entirely ignored. Good to know you found a working solution for your installation.

Happy new year :wink:

Out of curiousity: what did you set your read intervall to, please?

I set it to 3600