Kostal Inverter Binding: get event details from Inverter

Hello Everybody
I’m having a Kostal PLENTICORE plus 8.5 Inverter, connected with the Kostal Inverter Binding to OH3 and it runs fine.

The Binding offers the 4 channels:


Question: is it also possible to get the Event-Message from the inverter? The local portal of the inverter shows Events with the following information:

For monitoring it would be great to have this information in OH3 to process it further. Any hints how to get this information?
Kind Regards

I have done the part of this binding regarded to Piko 10-20, I don’t know if the author of the Plenticore-part still are active.
I do know that this info. is not possible to catch in the actual version of the binding.
I have some thoughts about how to extend the Plenticore part and have already done some checks.
So, Please try to http://‘your inverter ip’/api/v1/events/latest and if we are lucky could it be that you get an answer with an JSON-string with the info.you are searching for.
If this works, then I or someone else has to find a way either to extend the binding or to catch the info.in some other way and deliver it to OH3.
We will see after you have tested, so Please, let me know about the result.

Best regards Basse

Hello Basse,
thanks for your help! When I call the given URL I’m getting:

{“message”:“The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the URL requested. You either supplied the wrong credentials (e.g. a bad password), or your browser doesn’t understand how to supply the credentials required.”}

Do you know how to add the credentials respectively what is the username that I have to pass over?

Best Regards

Hi, I myself as I said before have an Kostal Piko, but my girlfriend have an Plenticore, so I have done some tests on her. I will do some checks hopefully at weekend, but I found something that might be helpful ( I did all this for some month ago so I have to update myself ).
Please, try with:
http://‘Inverter-IP’/api/v1/processdata? or /api/v1/events/latest?
Could also be that you have to login to Inverter GUI and then in another browser-window send the URL’s.
Good luck, I will be back asap!
Br Basse

I have now done some testing and found some results some not.
I think I found out why you get the {“message”:"… and this is because you have to be logged in to the inverter for to get another legal response. If you log in from one Web-browser window will you set up this connection with a very unique sessionId. For to be able to send another http-command, authorized as this connection, you have to use the very same sessionId and send another http-command ex. /api/v1/events/latest .
This is how I have made it regarded to the configuration part of PIKO 10-20.
If it’s even possible to do it as described above from a Web browser is still unclear, I have found some info. about how to catch the sessionId but they all are using Java, PHP JS etc.

I am trying to do the very same for Plenticore as for Piko, be able to configure it, and found out that the different parameters shall be sent to the inverter as an JSON-string.
This is a JSON-string example for to change name of the inverter:
postJsonData = “[{“moduleid”:“scb:network”,“settings”:[{“id”:“Hostname”,“value”:“scbP”}]}]”;
I am using this string in the Kostal binding, so there I have the possibilities to catch the sessionId and reuse it for the next http-command I like to send.

About the response from /api/v1/events/latest so have I seen that it could be as a couple of lines, is it any specific part of this info. you are interested in or do you like to have it all presentated?
I ask because this info.is returned as of another JSON-syntax then the now catched parameters.

Br Basse

Hi Basse,

thanks for your info. I’m interested in the whole message. Is it structured like:

or like:

My goal is, to have a Monitoring about the errors so that I could react in case of severe errors.


Thank’s for the info. I will do my best to try to build the binding for to catch these messages, they are now in the same TODO-que as the possibilities to make configuration changes. I can’t give any promisses about some schedule, though the summer is a busy time for me.
About to catch the info. from a Web-browser will it be great if someone with more knowledge about HTTP/HTTPS could help you.

And finaly a question, do you have batteries connected to your system, if so will it be great if you can help me to capture some packages regarded to set/unset configuration of the battery parametes?
If it possible I will let you know further on what I am interrested in.
I myself has no batteries connected, it’s on another TODO but still not yet reality.

Br Basse

Hi Basse,

I have a battery connected and could help testing. What do you need?

I do need help to find out about the different JSON-strings that are sent to the inverter for configuration-issues and in this case also the info you like to see in OH.
I think I have found themessage for your info., but it will be very good if you can confirm.

I usually use Wireshark for capturing of packets regared to the different configuration-issues.
And I usually do as:
Start capturing in Wireshark and run 1 single choice from the Browser connected and logged in to the inverter, for Example, Info / Device Information.
Stop capturing and try to find this session in Wireshark, right-click on one of the presumably package and Follow / HTTP-stream

Regarded to Setting are the JSON-messages I am looking for :
Battery usage from a grid demand
Battery charge from excess energy as from
Battery use strategy
Min. charging status (SoC)
Smart battery control
Time-controlled battery usage

There might be more and I will be very Thankful if you then let me know about them also, or if it is some of the described ones which is not necesarry.

And as usual, you should not feeled stressed, I my self are in hurry this time of year and have little spare time for this kind of work, I will do my best to progress but Please no hurry.

BR Basse

Hi @frieso,
I have found out how to catch the information from inverter you are looking for, so far so good.
So then is my question right now:
Are you interested to have all these responded parameters and if so, then presentated in one channel for each parameter?
The parameters are as: is_active, description, long-description, start-time, end-time, category, group, code.

Br Basse

Hi @Basse_03
Great you could find those values!! Yes to have them all as a channel would be great so I could on one side make a nice “error-dashboard” with the description / time Info’s and on the otherside create rules of action with the category, group and code information.

The wireshark Info’s I’m working on it.

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