I’m running OH3.3-release on an Raspberry Pi3 /4GB.
Presently I’m going for a generic Modbus configuration and lots of Things to keep an eye on.
But there’s also a Kostal binding, which relies on the (AFAIK only swagger-documented) Kostal-API v1.
Running perhaps into some issues (OH3: MQTT binding not reacting to incoming payloads) I’m wondering what’s best for openHAB and the Kostal: Modbus or API? Has anyone managed to get a look inside the Kostal, which method is “less stressful” for the inverter? and openHAB seems to have some kind of issues with loads of modbus channels/items…? (see: Modbus performance management in openHAB 2)?
I need fast polling, as I need near-realtime data for my PV-optimized energy consumption.
Is the API internally using the modbus to gather information? So modbus would be the less overhead method?
Anyone an idea, which is more suitable?