[lcn] Limit on number of software connections - How do you run your setup?


I am using the lcn oh2 binding. Everything is working fine.

Once in a while I need to connect the LCN-PRO configurator. Unfortunately, I have to disconnect openHAB while making those changes. Otherwise LCN-PRO complains:

ControlApp error: The server does not accept any more LCN software connections. An additional license key for the server is required. (Code: 0))

This is an annoying inconvenience. How are you tackling this issue? Can it be addressed without purchasing one more license. The default 2 licenses should be enough: one for LCN-PRO, one for the binding. How can I find out who is using the licenses?

I would love to have your input.


The shipped licenses with LCN-PKE should be enough to connect LCN-PRO and openHAB simultaneously. The LCN-PCHK software needs an additional license for that. If it produces this error message anyway, it sounds like a bug in LCN-PKE or a configuration error in LCN-PCHK.

I am using LCN-PKE. ©2018 - Issendorff KG - Version: 1.82 - LCN-PCHK 3.2.2.
Is there a firmware update available?

How is LCN-PKE tracking the connections? Could it be that ethernet and wifi on raspberry pi use 2 licenses?

OpenHAB uses only one connection per configured PCK Bridge, regardless of how many network interfaces exist in the OH hardware. It’s unlikely that ethernet and wifi will interfere. I can’t say much about LCN-PKE.