Hi @fwolter,
hello community
@fwolter: Thank you so much for re-implementing the LCN binding! This is really awesome…
In preperation to be ready for OH3, I start to migrate my LCN1 configuration to LCN2. I prefer to keep everything in config-files without using PaperUI/HabAdmin… Now, I stuck in the process.
This is my setup:
Raspi 4, Jessy, with Openhab 2.5.9
I was able to connect to my LCN-Interface (lcnpchk 2.8) within my lcn2.thing file:
Bridge lcn:pckGateway:HomeBusName "MyLCNSystem" [ hostname = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", port = 4114, username = "USER", password = "PWD", mode = "native200", timeoutMs = 3500 ] { }
This works, but I’m not sure, if syntax is right/appropiate.
Now, I start to define Items as described in the LCN-binding documentation:
Dimmer lcnLightKitchen {channel="lcn:module:HomeBusName:S000M123:output#1"[profile="lcn:output", controlOutputs12=true]}
But this does not work. The only way to make it work is to use the discovery function, add the Thing (module) via PaperUI and then use the definition for lcnLightKitchen.
Is this intended, to add LCN-Things via any UI? Or is it possible to define those things only in config-files.
Once, again. Thanks for that upgrade
Best wishes