"Less then" / "Greater then" comparison return value seems to be inverted

Maybe adding a “" to it or some other symbol with a note somewhere on the page saying "blocks with "” are deprecated and should be removed.

Or adding a warning level log statement that prints that to the logs when ever a deprecated block is used. Just some sort of indication that the block shouldn’t be used, obvious and annoying enough to encourage users to switch but not so much that it’s continued use become unbearable.

The blocks themselves cannot actually be removed until OH 5 I would think as that would be a breaking change. But at some point you will need to replace a block or two, may as well start thinking about that now. I’m not saying this is the best way to handle this particular situation, it’s just one option among many.

Any block that returns a state as a String should indicate that it’s returning a String in the block name itself.

That or “state as string”. Any one of the three get states should probably be the first entry. This could be useful on it’s own but it will be vital if the “get state of item” block becomes marked as deprecated so it’s obvious what block they should use instead.