LG Thinq Binding

LG Thinq Binding

This binding was developed to integrate the LG ThinQ API with openHAB.
The ThinQ Thinq Binding works as a hub/bridge to discovery and first configure the LG ThinQ devices related with the LG’s user account.
Thus, the first thing is to create the LG ThinQ Bridge and then, it will discover all Things you have related in your LG Account.
Please, read the README for more details.


Version 0.2

  • fix labeling error in AC’s Operation Mode
  • fix constant warning reported by LG API in AC devices.

Version 0.1

  • initial release



Thanks for contributing this binding!
Is there a documentation for textual configuration of the things and and items?

There’s no documentation for textual configuration. Some required configuration attributes are gotten at discovery process and can’t be predict by yourself. So, it’s not possible to manually/textualy registry some LG Thinq thing.

However, if you’ve already had your things discovered by the bridge and want to create textual configuration, it’s possible because the pre required configuration attributes were already discovered and you can copy that even I thinking it should’t be useful, unless you have some backup needs.

I just installed the binding and it appears to be working as I’m getting values from the LG API but I am constantly getting this error in OH 4.2.

2024-09-24 12:58:25.303 [WARN ] [es.LGThinQAbstractApiV2ClientService] - Error returned by LG Server API. HTTP Status: 400. The reason is: {“resultCode”:“9006”,“result”:“”}

Also, should I be able to set the Target Temperature or is this just for read only values?



What’s the kind of your device ?

Window A/C Unit
Model# LW1217ERSM1.AT1AUSH

This is a known log message for AC’s that was already fixed but has not been released yet and you can safely ignore it.
When the new version will be released, I will notice in this topic.

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Is it possible to set the temperature of the AC from within openhab? Target Temperature seems to be a read only value for me.

Sure. Everything (and a little bit more) that you can do with AC in the App, you can do with this binding.
The thing is… since the target temperature is a Numeric Type, (and not a enum labeled), you can’t enter values through the settings interface, if you are trying to do so.
You need to create a vision of the thing using some UI Interface avaliable for OpenHab end users, like sitemap, habpanel or (my preferrable) OpenHab UI. Then you create a Widget and map the target temperature and that’s it.

You can use a some available widget in the market store. I like “Air Conditioner Controller” provided by @hmerk with some changes to fit better to this binding.

If you want, I can send the json here to you give a try.

The result is something like this:

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