Lightwave Binding Broken by latest firmware

My Lightwave Wifi Link upgraded to version 2.91Z at lunchtime today and this has broken the heating and the wifi status messages. You’ll also see some more errors in the logs as there are more messages that we aren’t handling.

Anyway - if you’ve been upgraded you can find a new binding here:

Let me know how it goes.

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I was upgraded on Thursday evening because Lightwave are trying to work out why my valves keep reverting to their default schedules. Only noticed this morning that values weren’t updating in openHAB. I have installed the new snapshot - looking good so far. Two devices have updated, the other two probably haven’t sent messages yet.

Thanks for keeping this up to date so promptly.

All devices now updating but seems we have lost the value of “Signal”. Error message in log file states:

State was null for DiningRadSignal type SIGNAL, message org.openhab.binding.lightwaverf.internal.command.LightwaveRfHeatingInfoResponse@15d78d7

Not sure if this parameter has disappeared in the latest firmware.

Yeah they removed it from the message. Which seems strange as it could be useful.

I’ve created a build with the energy monitor fix here:
