Hi All, I have a property with an outbuilding and would like to run 2 lwrf wifi-remote hubs, one in the main house and the second in the outbuilding. (The lwrf range extenders are pretty useless). I think this would work by using broadcast as the IP address, has anyone tried this?
As this would cause both hubs units to relay all commands it might be better if the bindings allowed for an array of IP addresses in the config file and items referenced the “index” of the hub the item is bound to. This would allow the item to direct the request to the correct hub and reduce unnecessary radio transitions.
Any advice or comments welcome on this before I start delving under the hood.
Hi Bob,
I’ll take a look if I can do this once the latest pull request is merged into openhab.
I’ve raised an issue for it here: https://github.com/foxy82/openhab/issues/22