Limit=2000' failed: Not Found

Thank you. I found org.openhab.binding.amazonechocontrol-2.5.13-SNAPSHOT.jar in a drop box link after googling.

After installation I have no errors in the log, but I can’t get a routine started either.

…oops, my mistake. I confused startRoutine with startCommand.

As of today:
2.5.10-1 works together with org.openhab.binding.amazonechocontrol-2.5.13-SNAPSHOT.jar

Routine ‘Ansicht eins’ is run with this command:
Echo_AZ_StartRoutine.sendCommand(‘start Ansicht eins’)

Hi, can you provide this for me for 2.5.11 please?

I got a version from the dropbox mentioned…how do i install this OH 2.5.11…I don’t have an addons folder…I have a services folder…thoughts?