Linkable widget should contain either only frames or none at all

I’m migrating my openHAB 1.8 to 2.2

Could you help me to detect this message appeared after the migration?

2018-03-14 17:01:44.775 [INFO ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl]:
Validation issues found in configuration model 'home.sitemap', using it anyway:
Linkable widget should contain either only frames or none at all

Thank you!

Post your sitemap please.

Linkable widget should contain either only frames or none at all

Have you already migrated 1.8 to 2.0 and received this message?

Thats not only an error getting after migration.

The sitemap is too complex to post here…
Please show me an example of this problem.

Thanks, but I know google…

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…please ignore my post.

Someone who can help me?
Thank you!

I think it’s a bug in the validator, the sitemaps work just fine, and i don’t see any reason why everything should be wrapped in frames.

I just ignore these messages, annoying as they are.

Thanks Nicholas,

i stumbled upon the same bug now - just having couple of frames in the sitemap for having the right structure and visibility to different items.

will ignore them but in anyway would be nice getting a fix sometime.


I’m seeing these too and my original site map is 2+. Any insight into what is causing these errors?

It’s a problem in your sitemap structure. I believe it’s to do with the way things are nested.

Frame label="top frame" {
   Text label="linkable widget, click for more" {
      Text item=someItem label="this is fine on its own"
       Frame label="but not allowed to mix frames and others on one 'level'" {
            Text item=otherItem label="so this is broken"

Thank you for the details! I do have these structures exactly as you described. I was using the DSC Binding example, but I think it was my edits which caused the problem.