Linking XMPP to HABot


I love XMPP :slight_smile: And I wanted to discuss with my habot through Chat. I reimplement quickly card in a rule , inspired by Rhasspy to HABot

rule "XMPP Cmd to HABot"
    Channel "xmppclient:xmppBridge:xmpp:xmpp_command" triggered
    var openhab_url_prefix = "http://..."
    var actionName = receivedEvent.split("#")
    var url = openhab_url_prefix + "/rest/habot/chat"
    var contenttype = "text/plain"
    var output = sendHttpPostRequest(url, contenttype, actionName.get(1))
    val actions = getActions("xmppclient","xmppclient:xmppBridge:xmpp")

    var String intent = transform("JSONPATH", "$", output)

    var answer = transform("JSONPATH", "$.answer", output)
    actions.publishXMPP(actionName.get(0), answer)

    if (output.contains("matchedItemNames")) {
       if (intent.contains("get-status")) {
          var i = 0
          var String item_name = transform("JSONPATH", "$.matchedItemNames[" + i + "]", output)
          while (!item_name.startsWith("{\"")) {
             var item_url = openhab_url_prefix + "/rest/items/" + item_name
             var item_output = sendHttpGetRequest(item_url)

             var item_label = transform("JSONPATH", "$.label", item_output)
             var item_value = transform("JSONPATH", "$.state", item_output)
             actions.publishXMPP(actionName.get(0), item_name + " (" + item_label + ") = " + item_value)

             item_name = transform("JSONPATH", "$.matchedItemNames[" + i + "]", output)
       if (intent.contains("activate-object")) {
          var i = 0
          var String item_name = transform("JSONPATH", "$.matchedItemNames[" + i + "]", output)
          while (!item_name.startsWith("{\"")) {
             var item_url = openhab_url_prefix + "/rest/items/" + item_name
             var item_output = sendHttpGetRequest(item_url)

             var item_label = transform("JSONPATH", "$.label", item_output)
             actions.publishXMPP(actionName.get(0), item_label + " (" + item_name + ")")
             item_name = transform("JSONPATH", "$.matchedItemNames[" + i + "]", output)
       if (intent.contains("get-history")) {
          var chart_url = openhab_url_prefix + "/chart?period="
          var period = transform("JSONPATH", "$[0].config.period", output)
          chart_url += period
          chart_url += "&theme=bright&t=1635285901890&items="
          var i = 0
          var String item_name = transform("JSONPATH", "$.matchedItemNames[" + i + "]", output)
          while (!item_name.startsWith("{\"")) {
             chart_url += item_name + ","
             item_name = transform("JSONPATH", "$.matchedItemNames[" + i + "]", output)
          executeCommandLine(Duration.ofSeconds(1), "/bin/rm", "/tmp/chart.jpg")
          executeCommandLine(Duration.ofSeconds(5), "/usr/bin/curl", chart_url, "-o", "/tmp/chart.jpg")

    } else {
       var hint = transform("JSONPATH", "$.hint", output)
       actions.publishXMPP(actionName.get(0), hint)

If your jabber client support voice input, you can send voice commands

We can even share Chart images through publishXMPPImageByHTTPThis text will be hidden