Linux SmartHome Designer Install and run

I downloaded the zip file to a folder. I do not see any documentation on how to run this program . Is there some command needed to exucute the program? I had no problem on my window box, but not sure how to fire it up on a linux box running OH2

assuming you are running Ubuntu / Unity:

then you only need to Double-click “SmartHome-Designer”
First start may take a while. Finally, just do a right click on the Icon in Starter and select “Keep in starter”.
Worked for me.

Thanks for the info. I have done exactly that and nothing happens when I double click on the program. I know I have Java installed because I have OH2 running on the box while I am trying run the program

when you do a right click on the program file and select “Open with different program”(may not be 100% the right wording), what does it list? should look like so:

In a command prompt you can navigate to where you extracted the Designer and type ./SmartHome-Designer. This will show you any errors that may be popping up when you try to run it.

My install does do show the Java Runtime. I must have done something wrong during the install


I have the same Problem. I choose the OpenJDK Java 8 Runtime, but nothing happens if I double click.
If I do:

I get the error: Exec format error

Does anybody know a solution?

I am running a fresh linux mint os.


Does this designer work of OH1 as well?
If not, was there an OH1 designer that would run on Linux?