Localized demo server

I think its good to create localized sitemaps on the demo server. Especially for screenshots for the mobile apps.

I just saw that some pages are translated, e.g. http://demo.openhab.org:8080/basicui/app?w=GF_Toilet&sitemap=demo
I think it’s better to have one sitemap per language and not one mixed sitemap.

@Kai @ThomDietrich Does one of you manage the demo server?

Yes, I deal with the demo server.
It actually contains the (only English) demo files from the distro, but as it has the HomeBuilder installed, people are playing with it and create new items in different languages that are then picked up by the dynamic sitemap pages (like the rooms where the sitemap only refers to the group item).

The best way to avoid this is probably to remove the dynamic groups from the demo.sitemap - or create a (list of?) specific sitemaps for the different languages, which could all be added to https://github.com/openhab/openhab-distro/tree/master/features/distro-resources/src/main/resources/sitemaps - feel free to create those in a PR.

and I believe I should add some config property to Home Builder so it doesn’t happen at all :slight_smile:
I’m just recovering from a actual home building craze (hence my absence here) so I think I’ll submit a PR for that as well.

You mean a parameter that lets people play with the homebuilder, but that doesn’t create anything in the end? Yes, might be useful for this, but it could be a hidden/undocumented feature as there probably is no use for any regular setup.

For my own testing purposes, I have created a few docker images (four, in fact, as of now, “default”, german, french and turkish) which change their language on the fly and display a testbed setup.

If so wanted, I could port my setup to where the demo server lives, so we could have, say,

which is actually very similiar to my internal testbed setup, albeit with different domain names :smile:

IMO it’s better to have localized sitemaps and the clients should choose the sitemap based on the device’s locale. There is already that can be used as a starting point: https://github.com/openhab/openhab-distro/blob/master/features/distro-resources/src/main/resources/sitemaps/lang_en_GB.sitemap
Because Crowdin cannot deal very well with the sitemap, one has to write a script (like this https://github.com/openhab/openhab-android/tree/master/assets/store_descriptions), that takes strings from a xml file and assembles sitemap files.

Maybe this is an offtopic post but i’d like to thanks the developers for providing a demo page. I was stuck wit h many items and their properties but after consulting the demo pages and the items i just discovered how wrong i was doing things, therefore, thanks again, this saves me and other lots of time.

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