Log viewer for HabPanel or directly in any browser - Without PHP, frontail or any additionals installations

Dear community,

I wanted to share an easy option to view the log files in a Browser.

Usually I am not sitting on my computer and when an event occurs, I am to lazy to start my computer. And checking logs by smartphone and command line is quite frustrating.

I have installed PHP and Frontail on my server. But as I always fight with installing packages due the different configurations everybody has, I was searching for a way to read the log files without installing additional packages to help beginners to read the log-files easily.

That’s why I tried to write this tutorial for beginners and even the JavaScript and HTML code is as simple as possible, so everybody can (hopefully) understand it.

I am running Debian on a Raspberry Pi3. If the paths are not equal to your system, please be so kind and let me know which system you use and where your paths are. I will add it to this tutorial.
In this tutorial I will assume an IP address of my Raspberry. Please replace it with your address.

In this solution, no PHP or similar serverside scripting is necessary. The reading of the log files and adjusting of the webview will be done by JavaScript in the browser directly.
The only change that needs to be done, is a “Symbolic link” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link from the webserver directory to the log files.
After that, the log files can be viewed through the webserver, by a webbrowser or as in this solution by Javascript running on a website.

To create a symbolic link, you need to connect to the command line view of your server running openhab.

You can do this by attaching keyboard and screen to you OpenHab Server or by SSH protocol using for example Putty or a similar terminal program.
If you are using Windows, I would recommend to get the freeware putty https://www.putty.org/

Enter the IP address of you OpenHab Server (In my example and connect to it. If you are using Debian, standard username is “pi” and standard passwort is “raspberry”. Of course, use yours, if you changed it.

Please check if the folders and files are available:

$ ls /etc/openhab2/html/

You should be now see files in the webserver folder of Openhab. Usually there is an “index.html” and “readme.txt”

$ cat /var/log/openhab2/events.log

You should now see all your openhab events.

If both are correct, continue. If not, try to find the correct paths and replace them in this tutorial with yours.

Step 1
run following commands in terminal to create links from your webserver folder to the log-folder:
$ sudo ln --symbolic /var/log/openhab2/events.log /etc/openhab2/html/ln_log_events.html
$ sudo ln --symbolic /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log /etc/openhab2/html/ln_log_openhab.html

You can try it with this command:

$ cat /etc/openhab2/html/ln_log_events.html

If the symbolic link is created successfully, create a HTML file inside the webserver folder.
You can use a samba share, if you know how, or nano editor in your terminal. https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/42980/the-beginners-guide-to-nano-the-linux-command-line-text-editor/

Step 2
Create the file /etc/openhab2/html/logs.html and place this whole content inside:

	<title>Openhab Log-File Viewer v1.43</title>
	<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width, height=device-height" />
	<!-- Thanks to https://saeedalipoor.github.io/icono/ -->
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://icono-49d6.kxcdn.com/icono.min.css">
	<style id="sitestyles">
	html, body {
	#top {
	#logcontent {
		height:calc(100% - 35px);
		margin-right: 20px!important;
	#filter {
	#settings {
	.entryrow {
		border-bottom:1px solid grey;
	#loadmore {
		border:1px solid black;
	.markicon {

	<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.2.min.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">
		var readEventsDone = false;
		var readOpenhabDone = false;
		var rowEventsLog;
		var rowOpenhabLog
		var doubleRows  = true;
		var regex = /^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}) (\[\w+ \] )?(\[.*?\]) - (.*?)$/;
		var maxentries = 200;
		var entiresstep = 100;
		var filter = false;
		var filterRegExp = false;
		var excludeAlways = false;
		var jumpToId = 0;
		var markcounter = 0;
		var markColors = [
		var debug=false;
		function loadData() {
			readEventsDone = false;
			readOpenhabDone = false;
			$('#logcontent').html('Please wait...<br>');
				beforeSend: function() {
					$('#logcontent').append('Reading events.log...<br>');
				success: function(data) {
					rowEventsLog = data.split("\n");
					rowEventsLog = $.map( rowEventsLog, function(v){	return v === "" ? null : v;	});
					$('#logcontent').append('Completed events.log<br>');
				beforeSend: function() {
					$('#logcontent').append('Reading openhab.log...<br>');
				success: function(data) {
					rowOpenhabLog = data.split("\n");
					rowOpenhabLog = $.map( rowOpenhabLog, function(v){	return v === "" ? null : v;	});
					$('#logcontent').append('Completed openhab.log<br>');
		function check() {
			if (readEventsDone && readOpenhabDone) show(maxentries);
		function show(maxentriesInternal) {
			filter = $('#filter').val();
			if (debug) printdebug('Filter=##'+filter+'##','debug');
			if (filter) {
				$('#logcontent').append('Searching for:' + $('#filter').val() + '<br>');
				filterRegExp = new RegExp('('+filter+')','ig');
			if (excludeAlways) {
				$('#logcontent').append('Excluding:' + excludeAlways + '<br>');
			var pointerEvents = rowEventsLog.length - 1;
			var pointerOpenhab = rowOpenhabLog.length - 1;
			if (debug) printdebug('pointerEvents='+pointerEvents);
			if (debug) printdebug('pointerOpenhab='+pointerOpenhab);
			var nextTimestampEvents = 0;
			var nextTimestampOpenhab = 0;
			if (pointerEvents > 0) {
				doneWithEventsLog = false;
				nextTimestampEvents = Date.parse(rowEventsLog[(pointerEvents)].substr(0,23));
				if (debug) printdebug('nextTimestampEvents="'+nextTimestampEvents);
			} else doneWithEventsLog = true;
			if (pointerOpenhab > 0) {
				doneWithOpenhabLog = false;
				nextTimestampOpenhab = Date.parse(rowOpenhabLog[(pointerOpenhab)].substr(0,23));
				if (debug) printdebug('nextTimestampOpenhab="'+nextTimestampOpenhab);
			} else doneWithOpenhabLog = true;

			var counter=0
			var jumpToCounter=0
			while (!doneWithEventsLog || !doneWithOpenhabLog) {
				if (counter > maxentriesInternal) {
					if (debug) printdebug('counter > maxentriesInternal: BREAK');
				if (nextTimestampEvents > nextTimestampOpenhab) {
					// ######################################## Event Log ########################################
					if (debug) printdebug('nextTimestampEvents > nextTimestampOpenhab: EventLog is next');
					if ( excludeAlways && rowEventsLog[pointerEvents].match(excludeAlways) !== null) {
						if (debug) printdebug('Skip due exclude:'+rowEventsLog[(pointerEvents)] );
					} else if (filter && rowEventsLog[pointerEvents].match(filterRegExp) === null) {
						if (debug) printdebug('Skip due Filter:'+rowEventsLog[(pointerEvents)] );
					else printrow(rowEventsLog[pointerEvents],'event', jumpToCounter );
					nextTimestampEvents = 0
					while (pointerEvents >= 0 && !(nextTimestampEvents > 0)) {
						nextTimestampEvents = Date.parse(rowEventsLog[(pointerEvents)].substr(0,23));
						if (debug) printdebug('EL: nextTimestampOpenhab:'+nextTimestampOpenhab+' # DateTime should be standing here:('+rowEventsLog[(pointerEvents)].substr(0,23)+')' );
						if (nextTimestampEvents < 1451606400000|| nextTimestampEvents > 4670438400000) nextTimestampEvents = 0; //wrong Date parse
						if (!(nextTimestampEvents > 0)) {
							if (debug) printdebug('EL: Skip due no datetime found:'+rowEventsLog[(pointerEvents)] );
						} else if (debug) printdebug('EL: No Skip due datetime found:'+rowEventsLog[(pointerEvents)] );
					if (pointerEvents < 0) doneWithEventsLog = true;
					// ######################################## Event Log ########################################

				} else {
					// ######################################## Openhab Log ########################################
					if (debug) printdebug('nextTimestampEvents < nextTimestampOpenhab: OpenhabLog is next');
					if ( excludeAlways && rowOpenhabLog[pointerOpenhab].match(excludeAlways) !== null) {
						if (debug) printdebug('Skip due exclude:'+rowOpenhabLog[(pointerOpenhab)] );
					} else if (filter && rowOpenhabLog[pointerOpenhab].match(filterRegExp) === null) {
						if (debug) printdebug('Skip due Filter:'+rowOpenhabLog[(pointerOpenhab)] );
					else printrow(rowOpenhabLog[pointerOpenhab],'openhab', jumpToCounter );
					nextTimestampOpenhab = 0
					while (pointerOpenhab >= 0 && !(nextTimestampOpenhab > 0)) {
						nextTimestampOpenhab = Date.parse(rowOpenhabLog[(pointerOpenhab)].substr(0,23));
						if (debug) printdebug('OL: nextTimestampOpenhab:'+nextTimestampOpenhab+' # DateTime should be standing here:('+rowOpenhabLog[(pointerOpenhab)].substr(0,23)+')' );
						if (nextTimestampOpenhab < 1451606400000|| nextTimestampOpenhab > 4670438400000) nextTimestampOpenhab = 0; //wrong Date parse
						if (!(nextTimestampOpenhab > 0)) {
							if (debug) printdebug('OL: Skip due no datetime found:'+rowOpenhabLog[(pointerOpenhab)] );
						} else if (debug) printdebug('OL: No Skip due datetime found:'+rowOpenhabLog[(pointerOpenhab)] );
					if (pointerOpenhab < 0) doneWithOpenhabLog = true;
					// ######################################## Openhab Log ########################################
			if (counter > maxentriesInternal) {
				$('#logcontent').append( "<div id='loadmore' onclick='show(" + ( parseInt(maxentriesInternal) + parseInt(entiresstep) )  + ")'>Load " + entiresstep + " more entries</div>" );

		function jumpTo(id) {
			jumpToId = id;
			filter = false;
			$('#logcontent').scrollTop(parseInt($('#logcontent')[0].scrollHeight), 2000 );
		function printrow(value, type, id) {
			var row = value.split(new RegExp(regex));
			if (row[1] == undefined) return;
			var output = '';
			if (filterRegExp) row[1] = row[1].replace(filterRegExp, '<u>$1</u>');
			if (id == jumpToId ) output += '<div class="entryrow entry' + type + '" style="background-color:#FF8A80;">';
			else output += '<div class="entryrow entry' + type + '">';
			if (filter) output += '<div class="thisId icono-pin" onclick="jumpTo('+id+')"></div>';
			else output += '<div class="thisId icono-bookmark markicon" onclick="mark(this)"></div>';
			if (debug) output += '<b>(Id:' + id + ')</b>';
			output += '<i>' + row[1] + ' '; //date and time
			if (typeof row[2] != "undefined") {
				if (filterRegExp) row[2] = row[2].replace(filterRegExp, '<u>$1</u>');
				output += row[2] + ' ';
			if (filterRegExp) row[2] = row[3].replace(filterRegExp, '<u>$1</u>');
			output += row[3] + ' </i>';
			if (doubleRows ) output += '<br>';
			if (filterRegExp) row[4] = row[4].replace(filterRegExp, '<u>$1</u>');
			output += '<b>' + row[4] + '</b></div>';
			$('#logcontent').append( output );
		function printdebug(value) {
			var output = '<div class="entryrow entryDebug">' + value + '</div>';
			$('#logcontent').append( output );
		function mark(that){
			if ( markcounter >= markColors.length ) markcounter = 0;
<div id="top">
	<input type="text" id="filter" placeholder="Filter">
	<span class="icono-sliders" id="iconsettings"></span>
	<span class="icono-reset" onclick="loadData()"></span>

<div id="logcontent"></div>
<div id="settings">
	<span class="icono-crossCircle" id="iconclose"></span>
	Font-family: <select class="settings" id="fontfamily">
		<option value="0">default</option>
		<option value="verdana">verdana</option>
		<option value="times">times</option>
		<option value="courier">courier</option>
		<option value="arial">arial</option>
	Font-size: <select class="settings" id="fontsize">
		<option value="0">default</option>
	Lines: <select class="settings" id="lines">
	Color default text and icons: <input type="color" class="settings" id="colordefault">
	Color openhab.log entries: <input type="color" class="settings" id="coloropenhab" value="#EF6C00">
	Color events.log entries: <input type="color" class="settings" id="colorevents" value="#5C6BC0">
	Always exclude entries with content: <input type="text" class="settings" id="exclude"> (e.g. "temperature" or "temperature;brightness")
	Maximum entries shown: <input type="text" class="settings" id="maxentries" value="200"> (Reduce if browser is lagging)

	$('#filter').on('input', function() {
	$('#iconsettings').click(function(e) {  
	$('#iconclose').click(function(e) {  
	$('.settings').change(function() {
		var queryParameters = {}, queryString = location.search.substring(1),
		re = /([^&=]+)=([^&]*)/g, m;
		while (m = re.exec(queryString)) {
			queryParameters[decodeURIComponent(m[1])] = decodeURIComponent(m[2]);
		queryParameters[$(this).attr('id')] = this.value.replace('#','');
		location.search = $.param(queryParameters);
	let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
	if (searchParams.has('fontfamily')) {
		$('html, body').css("font-family", searchParams.get("fontfamily"));
	if (searchParams.has('fontsize')) {
		$('html, body').css("font-size", searchParams.get("fontsize"));
	if (searchParams.has('lines')) {
		if (searchParams.get("lines") == 1) doubleRows  = false;
	if (searchParams.has('colordefault')) {
		$('#sitestyles').append('body {color:#' + searchParams.get("colordefault") + '}');
	if (searchParams.has('coloropenhab')) {
		$('#sitestyles').append('.entryopenhab {color:#' + searchParams.get("coloropenhab") + '}');
	else $('#sitestyles').append('.entryopenhab {color:#EF6C00}');
	if (searchParams.has('colorevents')) {
		$('#sitestyles').append('.entryevent {color:#' + searchParams.get("colorevents") + '}');
	else $('#sitestyles').append('.entryevent {color:#5C6BC0}');
	if (searchParams.has('exclude') && searchParams.get("exclude") != '') {
		var excludeParam = searchParams.get("exclude");
		excludeAlways = new RegExp(excludeParam.replace(/;/g,'|'),'i');
	if (searchParams.has('maxentries')) {
		maxentries = searchParams.get("maxentries");
		if (maxentries < 100) entiresstep = maxentries;
		else entiresstep = 100;

Step 3
Call http://[ip or name]:8080/static/ln_log_events.html in your Browser. You should see the pure log file. If not, check file permissions.
If it works, call http://[ip or name]:8080/static/logs.html in your browser.


You can change the view as you want by the setting button on top right. These changes will NOT be saved i a cookie or on the server. Changes will generate a URL which contains the settings.
If you want to use it as a frame, for example in habpanel, adjust the settings in a separate browser tab as needed and copy the final URL with all settings included to the frame.

If your log files are really big, I wrote also a bash script to split my log files, backup every entry more than two days ago and keep the newest entry. Check Google for bash scripts and how to run them daily using crontabs. Test the bash first by running it and change the line to
to activate it.




if $debug; then
	echo Debug mode on
	echo Debug mode off

dateToKeep=$(date --date="$daysToKeep days ago" +"%Y-%m-%d")
echo "Date to keep $daysToKeep days:$(tput setaf 3) $dateToKeep $(tput sgr 0)"

dateToArchive=$(date --date="$((daysToKeep+1)) days ago" +"%Y-%m-%d")
echo Newest date to archive: $dateToArchive 

# Log openhab
if $debug; then
	echo "\n$(tput setaf 5)######### openhab.log #########$(tput sgr 0)"
	zeileo=$(cat /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log | tr -d "\000" | grep -n -m 1 "$dateToKeep " | cut -f1 -d:)
	echo "\n"First entry line with actual date: $zeileo
	echo $((zeileo-1)): $(sed -n "$((zeileo-1))"p /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log)
	echo $((zeileo+0)): $(sed -n "$((zeileo+0))"p /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log)
	echo $((zeileo+1)): $(sed -n "$((zeileo+1))"p /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log)

if [ ! -f /var/log/openhab2/openhab_$dateToArchive.log.old ]; then

	head -n$zeileo /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log > /var/log/openhab2/openhab_$dateToArchive.log.old
	tail --lines=+$zeileo /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log > /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log.new
	if $debug; then
		echo "\n"Last lines in Archive /var/log/openhab2/openhab_$dateToArchive.log.old:
		lastLineArchive=$(wc -l < /var/log/openhab2/openhab_$dateToArchive.log.old)
		echo $((lastLineArchive - 1)): $(sed -n "$((lastLineArchive-1))"p /var/log/openhab2/openhab_$dateToArchive.log.old)
		echo $((lastLineArchive - 0)): $(sed -n "$((lastLineArchive-0))"p /var/log/openhab2/openhab_$dateToArchive.log.old)
		echo "\nFirst line in shrinked Log file:"
		echo 1: $(head -n 1 /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log.new)
	if $debug; then
		echo "\n$(tput setaf 1)Debug mode active. Log has not changed.$(tput sgr 0)"
		rm /var/log/openhab2/openhab_$dateToArchive.log.old
		#cat /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log.new > /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log
		echo "\n$(tput setaf 2)Backup is created. Log is splitted.$(tput sgr 0)"
	rm /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log.new
	echo "$(tput setaf 1)Backup already exists!$(tput sgr 0)"

# Log events
if $debug; then
	echo "\n$(tput setaf 5)######### events.log #########$(tput sgr 0)"
	zeilee=$(cat /var/log/openhab2/events.log | tr -d "\000" | grep -n -m 1 "$dateToKeep " | cut -f1 -d:)
	echo "\n"First entry line with actual date: $zeilee
	echo $((zeilee-1)): $(sed -n "$((zeilee-1))"p /var/log/openhab2/events.log)
	echo $((zeilee+0)): $(sed -n "$((zeilee+0))"p /var/log/openhab2/events.log)
	echo $((zeilee+1)): $(sed -n "$((zeilee+1))"p /var/log/openhab2/events.log)

if [ ! -f /var/log/openhab2/events_$dateToArchive.log.old ]; then
	head -n$zeilee /var/log/openhab2/events.log > /var/log/openhab2/events_$dateToArchive.log.old
	tail --lines=+$zeilee /var/log/openhab2/events.log > /var/log/openhab2/events.log.new
	if $debug; then
		echo "\n"Last lines in Archive /var/log/openhab2/events_$dateToArchive.log.old:
		lastLineArchive=$(wc -l < /var/log/openhab2/events_$dateToArchive.log.old)
		echo $((lastLineArchive - 1)): $(sed -n "$((lastLineArchive-1))"p /var/log/openhab2/events_$dateToArchive.log.old)
		echo $((lastLineArchive - 0)): $(sed -n "$((lastLineArchive-0))"p /var/log/openhab2/events_$dateToArchive.log.old)
		echo "\nFirst line in actual Log file:"
		echo 1: $(head -n 1 /var/log/openhab2/events.log.new)
	if $debug; then
		echo "\n$(tput setaf 1)Debug mode active. Log has not changed.$(tput sgr 0)"
		rm /var/log/openhab2/events_$dateToArchive.log.old
		#cat /var/log/openhab2/events.log.new > /var/log/openhab2/events.log
		echo "\n$(tput setaf 2)Backup wurde erzeugt. Log wurde getrennt.$(tput sgr 0)"
	rm /var/log/openhab2/events.log.new
	echo "$(tput setaf 1)Backup already exists!$(tput sgr 0)"

If you have any questions, suggestions or changes you want be included, feel free to post them here.
If you have different paths, please let me know, I will extend the this tutorial.

I hope you like it.



I will definitely have to try this.

Can you add the steps needed for setup on a windows machine ? thanks

As I said, I dont have Windows or any other system running except mine. You can find on wikipedia a description how to add a symbolic link under windows. Check where your log- and webserver-folders are, try to create a link as in my description and post your result here to help other windows user. I can not install windows and openhab exactly as you did.

Thanks for sharing!

It worked for me very well, thank you.

I changed the symbolic links according to File Locations. So with an manual installation:

sudo ln --symbolic --relative /opt/openhab2/userdata/logs/audit.log /opt/openhab2/conf/html/audit.log
sudo ln --symbolic --relative /opt/openhab2/userdata/logs/events.log /opt/openhab2/conf/html/events.log
sudo ln --symbolic --relative /opt/openhab2/userdata/logs/openhab.log /opt/openhab2/conf/html/openhab.log

Remarks: I really use symbolic links (In your example you use hardlinks) and I use relative paths, due to the fact that everything is included in one folder with an manual installation of OpenHab.

I also added the audit.log and renamed the links, see above and changed the names in your logs.html file.


I have followed and created the links, but when I try to call the logs.html file I am stuck at “reading events” - the logs never show. See attached.

Any ideas?
Best regards - Peter

Have you tried

You can try it with this command:

$ cat /etc/openhab2/html/ln_log_events.html

to see if the link was successfully created?
If yes, try to open the events log directly in you browser:

http://[ip or name]:8080/static/ln_log_events.html

If not, check the permissions of the file. Google the command $ sudo chmod 777 filename
If yes, maybe your logfile is to big. Check my bash script to split the logfile

I have made some updates. Check Version 1.2

it’s really cool

for another log, i am getting it as
all the lines are condensed

any ideas?

The file has html as ending. The browser expects a html coded file. And in html code “new line” will be ignored. Add somehow
at every line end or change the ending.

Hey @wlanrouter1.
I tried setting up everything (great writeup guide!) but I’m having some dificulties.
It did not display anything but “load 100 more entries” as @sapster77 displayed above
I thought about the file beeing to big so I shorted it down.
But I only get 1 item to show from the log (per log).
So one line show from events and one show from openhab.
Timestamp [vent.itemstatechanhe] and the item that changed.
And for the other log:
timestamp [info] [el.core…] Loading model ‘xxxx.rules’

If I remove those lines in the logfiles, the precious event/item is shown.

The hardlink is working as I can see the logfiles from HTML folder

I’m on windows but that should not affect anything as it is java.
I tried using a newer jquery 3.3.x but it did not have any other affect.
Is there a way to troubleshoot this?

Hi, works fine on Chrome, but not in Safari (Habpanel on IPAD). Here it only shows the last openhab.log entry, but not the (more important) events.log entries… Any idea about the bugfix needed in logs.html?


Hey @sintei and @DirkNeumann

Sorry for the late answer, life is a little stressful right now. I can’t help you since I don’t have your environment. But I updatet the version in the first Post to 1.3
First, all is in English now (correct me if not) for a better understanding and there is a var debug=false
Change it to debug=true
Maybe this will help you a little bit.

1 Like

Hi all,

I’ve just got this tool running.

Great work I’ve to say. Thank for that.

I’ve to do 2 modifications to the logs.html file to get the viewer running.

I’ve changed line 2 from:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://icono-49d6.kxcdn.com/icono.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://icono-49d6.kxcdn.com/icono.min.css">

I’ve changed line 63 from:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.2.min.js"></script>

Because, modern browser deny the use of unsecured connections



has anyone done this with a Openhab installation on a synology NAS?
Trying but with my limited knowledge of programming i cant get it to work. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you, works great!

Regarding the size of the log files, it might be easier to edit the log config to adjust the max. log file size:


Search for “log4j2.appender.out.policies.size.size” (for openhab.log and events.log) and change the value from 16MB to 1MB or 512KB or whatever your prefer.

Logging Documentation: Logging | openHAB

Works like a charm. Thank you. At least on a desktop browser. On iPhone I only see one line. Any idea? Memory issue?

I saw someone screenshot where this was an option next to paper ui or habpanel under yourip:8080. How this is done?


I switched to frontail. Runs in own docker. Perfect.


I successfully used you logviewer for quite some time now.

Now there’s one problem: I seem to have log entries that prevent the events.log entries from being displayed. Probably a problem with the long log entries / new lines of the recently added item “RFLinkRaw”? Unfortunately I am not able to debug javascript code.

I can reproduce this problem by copying the events.log file to another openhab machine: events.log (610.3 KB)

Any help would be appreciated!

Edit: Solved by adding a regex filter to the serial binding item RFLinkRaw (to filer out carriage return and new lines).

why does this not work from external ?
That means access my sitemap from myopenhab ?

Br Peter