Logviewer removed

After update of openhabian-config logviewer was removed. How do I reinstall? I’m still using 4.2.3. There is no need to upgrade immediately!

Check the 4.3 release blog post:

Frontail is not maintained anymore and may have security risks.
You have now a log viewer in MainUI.

He is still on 4.2.x….

Yes, I saw that, but I thought updating openhabian-config already removed that old log viewer.
I better shut my mouth, I have never used openHABian yet :grinning:

You can re-install frontail. See here:

It does have significant security vulnerabilities.

I spent a little bit of time researching alternatives before the PR to add logging to OH popped up and it seems that this niche isn’t really bing addressed anymore very well. The top two options I found are GitHub - NiNiyas/tailon: Webapp for looking at and searching through files and streams. Fork of https://github.com/gvalkov/tailon and GitHub - NarrativeScience-old/log.io: Real-time log monitoring in your browser but in both cases the repo hasn’t seen any activity for a year. :man_shrugging:

Log.io is quite a bit heavier weight with both a server and agents to stream the logs to the server.

Everything else is really heavy weight (e.g. Graylog, Logstash, Spelunk, etc.). Definitely not suitable for an SBC type deployment to share resources with OH.

That removal on openHAB 4.2.x was unintentional. My bad, thats a bug in the code, and regardless we are backpedaling on the outright removal. We will be issuing an update in the next day or two to add the log viewer back for those that still want it.

Do heed @rlkoshak’s warnings though, it does have real issues that can be exploited.


Anyway. It might be removed for 4.3. Removing in 4.2.3 was not professional.
Why does no one downgrade the new inline logviewer? Do they want to loose customers? A x.x.0 mostly has no product quality.

That was not intentional, I had implemented a check to remove in only 4.3+ but it apparently didn’t work as expected. Sorry.

Because it is a new feature, like a new Binding. Those are normally not backported.

openHABian is a completely separate product from openHAB. It has it’s own versioning and it’s own release schedule and it is not tied to OH releases. Frontail is a

We don’t have customers. We have users and volunteers that do the best they can with the time they have to donate. If you are unhappy you can ask for your money back. :wink:

If that’s your opinion of OH initial releases wouldn’t you want OH to avoid backporting new features (as is currently the case)?


I’m just looking for a way to restore my existing installation (using frontail).
If there’s a better solution in 4.3, that’s fine.

See @ndye’s post above.

When this is done, when you run openhabian-config let it update itself and you can reinstall Frontail from the menu again.

In the mean time you can install it yourself manually or upgrade to OH 4.3 and use the log viewer built into MainUI now under Developer Tools → Log Viewer.

Good morning Rich,
I have just re-installed frontail in my 4.2.3 system :grinning:

Thanks a lot to all for this quick fix.

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Sorry that I reuse this thread for a question about the new log viewer!

I just tried it the fist time:

1.) I wanted copy a log to the clipboard with the copy icon. Seams not to work. I tried it with firefox and chrome. with filter and without. Nothing copied to the clipboard.

2.) In frontail you could filter also for the log level. If you type “error” you got easy and fast the last error in the log. This was helpful if you face an issue and just want to check if you see an error in the history.
In the new log viewer seams to filter only for the text part of the message. is there a way to filter fast for errors in the log history?

Thanks cdjackson for implementing this feature! And sorry if I ask stupid questions…

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I just tried this and it also seems not to work now. Please can you raise an issue and I’ll take a look.

Filtering will be improved, but at the moment it’s just filtering on the message. The log viewer was quite a late addition and only just made it into the 4.3 release by a matter of days so there wasn’t really time to make it as fully featured as we might ultimately like…

Hi @chris,

no need to excuse it with “last minute implementation” :slight_smile:
I like the new features: The button to see always errors independent of filters and the easy way to change the log levels look very promising!

I will raise an issue for openhab-webui for the “clipboard icon”. I guess this is the right project.

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