Looking for a "latch" behavior for a motion sensor contact-type item

OH4 RPi4

My security system includes motion sensors, which I would like to use to simulate occupancy or presence. The motion sensors items are Contact types (open/closed). When there is motion, the security binding updates the item, Open, indicating momentary presence. However, as soon as the motion stops, the contact closes. Looking to create an item whose state is latched for some period of time (perhaps 15 minutes) after which, return to the closed state.

I looked at expire metadata and follow transformation profile, but these seem more to deal with commands to the physical device. I’m interested in responding to the transient opening of a contact, by latching it for 15 minutes. Trying to avoid complex rules and scripts, initially.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.


Neither of these are what you need. You need one of:

Assuming the debounce profile works for you there’s no rules required. The Debounce Rule Template you can install from Add-on Store → Automation in MainUI and then instantiate a rule based on the template.


Excellent. This is all good. Thanks!