Looking for an Alexa Smart Plug Binding

Just picked up an Amazon Echo Gen 3 and an Amazon Smart Plug for $45 over at Best Buy. My Hope is to replace my Wemo plug with the Amazon Smart Plug (for $10 I couldn’t pass it up) but I can’t seem to find a Binding that supports the plug. Is my Google Foo just lacking ie can anyone link me to a Binding that may support this plug. I hope if one doesn’t exist it probably soon will as my Openhab has had occasional problems staying connected to my Wemo plug. I have to restart the server once a month or so to reconnect.

I don’t think that you can integrate this in OH2…

According to this: https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Smart-Plug-works-Alexa/dp/B01MZEEFNX

Maybe using IFTTT and the Echo Dot?

It also didn’t show up for me in the amazonechocontrol binding. However, if you want to have a simple switch, you can create a group in the Alexa app and only assign your plug to this group. This group will show up in the auto discovery:

// Thing:
Bridge amazonechocontrol:account:account1 "Amazon Account" @ "Accounts" [discoverSmartHome=2, pollingIntervalSmartHomeAlexa=10, pollingIntervalSmartSkills=60] { Thing smartHomeDeviceGroup LR_TV "TV" @ "LivingRoom" [id="amzn1.HomeAutomation.ApplicanceGroup....."] }

// Item:
Switch LR_TV_Toggle { channel="amazonechocontrol:smartHomeDeviceGroup:account1:LR_TV:powerState" }