If you have z-wave already, how about these telldus https://telldus.com/produkt/remote-controlled-outlet-telldus-z-wave/
or these Z-Wave TKB TZ67G ones, they both go for 25-30 e?
The reason I am suggesting all these alternatives over really cheap ones, is because I was in the same position as you, I even did some diy mysensors plugs, and modifying some existing etc.
But then I got kids, and I got persuaded by others on mysensor forums that it is just not worth it to save money on the devices that go into the mains (110-220v). If god forbid something bad happens, and it is possible that the device I opened and “modified” is the cause of an accident (I know flashing of sonof is really safe to do, you just solder pins and upload some software, I’ve done it, however…), I am not sure how would I handle situation myself, not sure I would ever stop thinking about “what if…”, “did I really do it right” and “was it worth it…”… My father is an electrician, and I’ve been dealing with high currents since I was 6, but now I just wont do it, I don’t want that variable around. By not opening a device that goes into the mains, I know I did not do anything to even potentially mess it up.
I guess I am too much of an boring adult now (I do some interesting diy projects still, but not on more then 48V DC )