Looking for solutions for a gas bottle scale

Hi there,
currently I am planing to build an outdoor kitchen which includes a gas pizza oven and a built in sizzle zone, gas grill not included.
Due to a lack of a gas pipe I still need gas bottles and because of that I thought it would be really cool to be informed before a bottle is empty.
So my idea was to build in a gas bottle scale.
But the only thing I found online where stand alone devices which could not be included in OpenHab or in gas grills built in devices.
Maybe some of you have already built something yourself.
It would be perfect if you could come up with a suggestion based on ether zigbee, WiFi or Homematic.

Thanks in advance
BR Andreas

I had a similar question, have a look at some of the replies here.

I stumbled upon this entry by chance:

The site is in German, but based on your name I assume that shouldn’t be an obstacle…
I have to point out that I have no experience with this topic at all, but maybe you can do something with it


Thank you two for your comments, I will have a look at it and see if I can integrate it in OpenHab

google weight sensor pad
My idea was to put one in the refrigerator so I could check if I needed to stop for beer on the way home :rofl:

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Sounds Like a top selling idea I wonder why nobody come up with a solution like that before :rofl:

Will do but it first glance I did not find anything zigbee compatible.

I realized a scale for my water reservoir that waters the balcony plants. I think that would work for your gas bottle as well. A HX711 analog-digital-converter reads a weight sensor set and an ESP send it by MQTT to OpenHAB.

Sounds interesting may I write you an DM regarding details in german?

I have just done this:

It works well.

I did a JavaScript transform to get the percentage of gas left. I did hard code the full weight and the empty weight but that could be done via an item I suppose.
Here is the transform:

(function(data) {
  //Example: if the weight is 40kg which is input weight of the tank and gas (not a full tank)
//Full tank is 78kg empty is 33kg
var percent100=78
var percent0=33

//if the input is less than 33 then default it to 33 to make the reading work
if (input < percent0){
//First, find the difference between 100% and 0%: 78kg - 33kg = 45kg
var difference=(percent100 - percent0) //45kg
//Then, find the difference between 40kg and 33kg (0%): 40kg - 33kg = 7kg
var difffrom0=(input - percent0) //7kg
//Now, divide the difference by the total range and multiply by 100:
//(7kg / 45kg) x 100 = 15.56%
var returnValue=parseFloat((difffrom0/difference)*100).toFixed(1)

//  var returnValue = "String has " + data.length + " characters"
  return returnValue

I 3d printed the housing for the weight sensors HX711 and 3d printed the wifi enclosure.

Here is the screenshot on the phone:

Here is the set up:

Here is the gas bottle widget. The gas level changes to red when below 10%

uid: gasbottleWidget
tags: []
    - description: Title
      label: Title
      name: title
      required: false
      type: TEXT
    - context: item
      description: Item that contains the level in %
      label: Level Item
      name: levelItem
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - default: red
      description: "Empty colour: red, blue,... or rgb(200,10,65) or '#ff0066'"
      label: Low colour
      name: lowColour
      required: false
      type: TEXT
    - default: blue
      description: "Full colour: red, blue,... or rgb(200,10,65) or '#ff0066'"
      label: Full colour
      name: fullColour
      required: false
      type: TEXT
    - default: "10"
      description: "Full colour: red, blue,... or rgb(200,10,65) or '#ff0066'"
      label: Low level percent where colour changes
      name: lowLevel
      required: false
      type: DECIMAL
    - description: Text label under the tank
      label: tankLabel
      name: tankLabel
      required: false
      type: TEXT
    - default: 200px
      description: Height in px (needed for responsive layout)
      label: Height
      name: height
      required: false
      type: INTEGER
  parameterGroups: []
timestamp: Aug 10, 2024, 9:31:49 PM
component: f7-card
  outline: true
  title: =props.title
    - component: f7-block
          display: flex
          height: =props.height
          justify-content: center
          - component: svg
              viewBox: 0 0 80 230
              xlmns: http://www.w3.org/2000/svg
                - component: text
                    content: =items[props.levelItem].state+'%'
                    fill: =themeOptions.dark=='dark'?'white':'black'
                    text-anchor: middle
                    x: 40
                    y: 15
                - component: defs
                      - component: linearGradient
                          comment: the id can only be used once in a page; so we have to make it unique if
                            we want to use the widget more than once
                          id: ='Grad'+props.levelItem
                          x1: 0%
                          x2: 0%
                          y1: 100%
                          y2: 0%
                            - component: stop
                                comment: in order to have a hard line, both stops must use the same offset
                                offset: =items[props.levelItem].state+'%'
                                stop-color: =((Number.parseFloat(items[props.levelItem].state))<=props.lowLevel)?(props.lowColour||'red'):(props.fullColour||'blue')
                            - component: stop
                                comment: the upper part is transparent stop-color rgba(0,0,0,0)
                                offset: =items[props.levelItem].state+'%'
                                stop-color: rgba(0,0,0,0)
                            - component: animate
                                attributeName: y2
                                dur: 1s
                                from: 100%
                                repeatCount: 1
                                to: 0%
                - component: path
                    d: M 0,20 q 10,0 10,10 l 0 160 q 0,10 10,10  l 40,0 q 10,0 10,-10 l 0,-160 q
                      0,-10 10,-10 M 10,110 l 20,0 M 10,65 l 10,0 M 10,155 l
                    fill: ='url(#Grad'+props.levelItem+')'
                    stroke: =themeOptions.dark=='dark'?'white':'black'
                    stroke-width: 2
                - component: text
                    content: =props.tankLabel
                    fill: =themeOptions.dark=='dark'?'white':'black'
                    text-anchor: middle
                    x: 40
                    y: 220

I was going to do both gas bottles but I may just use the single set up and move the bottles myself rather than the gas people coming and dropping the bottles hard onto the scales. I have put lifting bolts on the scale frame so it lifts the sensors up off the ground when I replace the bottles.

Hope some one finds this useful.


First of all, COOL!
The video was very helpful and up until the point with the integration into Home Assistant, I was confident I could do it myself.

Now I’m obviously looking at the integration into Openhab, but I suspect it’s quite similar here, you have to add a thing via MQTT, I’ve already found an old post here: https://community.openhab.org/t/configuring-openhab-for-tasmota-things/100383/2

I have several possible uses for it, firstly in my grill kitchen so that I know when the gas bottle is empty.
Secondly, I have a water softener which needs to be filled with salt.

I think I need to get to work on implementing this soon.

It’s not that hard to do.
Flashing tasmota now is simple using Chrome and tasmota ota.

If you do the flash make sure to pick the sensors binary to flash it otherwise there will be no hx711 options.

As soon as my order from AliExpress is here I’ll give it a try!

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