Hi All,
I’ll looking for some documentation or any guidance to make a node using a esp8266-01 with a adafruit microphone.
I have a few nodes for relays, temperature sensors, and 433hz transmitters I built with ESP-01s using the ESPEASY software and mqtt…
I would love if I could easily use one of the Devices as a settings on ESPEASY software, but not sure what type of output comes from the microphone…this is what I currently have https://www.adafruit.com/products/1063
The purpose: I am trying to detect when a neighbor’s dog barks to activate a high frequency noise generator, which stops their barking pretty quickly. I have this setup via mqtt (turn on and off) but would love to make it automatic to better classic condition the dogs not to bark. (I’ve tried talking to the owners but they don’t intend on training their dogs). Maybe this can be done easier with another piece of hardware.