I’ve not seen a binding for this. I’m very interested in one. If one does not exist and one is not under development, can anybody point me (I’d consider myself a power user but not a dev. Took a java class in college… 20 years ago).
RA2 is controlled via an IP-based “repeater”. You can download the config in XML via HTTP. Commands are sent and status retrieved via a telnet connection to the repeater. Commands are issued as strings preceded by #. So #DeviceNumber,Command,Intensity – like #3,1,80 would turn device 3 on at 80%. Could be a dimmer, a binary switch, window blinds, electrical sockets etc. They have a decent doc that outlines their protocols.
If a plugin does not exist, based on my very simplified explanation above, what other device bindings should I look at to try to get started here?
Thank you