I’m trying to monitor events for a garage door cci but the Lutron binding doesn’t appear to getting or possibly using the events.
I have a VCRX (integration id 34) that was auto-discovered and I enabled the cci1 channel and created a Contact item.
Contact F1_GarageDoor_cci1 “Garage Door 1 Status” (F1_Garage, gGarageDoor, gDEBUG) {channel=“lutron:vcrx:00748D3A:34:cci1”}
I can move the garage door up/down and see the LED for cci1 turn off/on so I know the vcrx is reading the physical contact.
From the console, I can see the state is always NULL no matter how many times I move the garage door and see the cci LED change.
openhab> smarthome:items list F1_GarageDoor_cci1
F1_GarageDoor_cci1 (Type=ContactItem, State=NULL, Label=Garage Door 1 Status, Category=garagedoor, Groups=[F1_Garage, gGarageDoor, gDEBUG])
If I telnet into the RA2, I can see that the cci device is enabled. And if I move the garage door I can see the monitor events come across in the session.
GNET> ?help,?device,1
?DEVICE,<state=1> device state
RESPONSE: ~DEVICE,,0,<1=Enable/disable state>,
FORMAT: state = (1=enabled,2=disabled)GNET> ?device,34,32,1
~DEVICE,34,00000,1,1GNET> ~DEVICE,34,32,4
I don’t see anything in the logs showing the state change for the cci.
From researching this, it appears that the cci state can’t be read directly but can only be captured from a monitoring event being reported which I understand is different from most of the Lutron devices.
What am I missing?
- Platform information:
- Hardware: x86_64
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04
- Java Runtime Environment: openjdk version “1.8.0_232”
- openHAB version: 2.5.0-1