[LuxtronikHeatpump] missing temperatureHeatingLimit channel

i am using the LuxtronikHeatpump binding v.3.3.0 and i am missing the temperatureHeatingLimit
channel on my thing configuration site. Also if i clicked “show advanced”.
The readme describes, that the binding provides this channel.

Is it possible that my heatpump doesn`t support this channel or is there something wrong with the binding?

Best regards!

@sgiehl @ChaosKid42 do you have any hints for me?

That is outdors temperature to stop heating right?
I was able to set this channel on OH admin panel, so it may work if you can change that in heatpump controller manually or in heatpump web gui. Check there if paramerter exists,

What heatpump model you have? And firmware vresion?

i can set the heating limit in the controller.
i have a novelan lad7 with fw 2.86

I suspect that your controller stores this setting at diferent channel number. You have quite new firmware.
I have 1.x firmware maybe 2.x is a bit out of order.
On openhab 2.5 i also dont see that channel but on openhab 3.2 i did, i still mainly use 2.5. But can spin up oh3 to confirm what channel number is my setting at.

I wish i would know how to get raw message out of the binding but i dont. Maybe by increasing log level.

I think you may be able to capture the dataframe with wireshark if you have a hub laying around to sniff into traffic to see on which index there is the value, than change it on controller and observe.

One thing of note: I really dont like to mess with this value and leave it disabled as heatpump still seems to like to try heating in cold summer days but than again not heat on warm fall days, it lacks the compensation for house heat inertia.

As your easy fix, I turn heating to off or auto via OH rule based on average temperature of rooms inside or long 2-3 day average of T outside. It seems heatpump is to fast at deciding on actual T outside.


currently i cannot write any mode to the heatpump (Luxtronik v.2.88.3). I dont know if it is the binding with openhab 4 or the latest update v2.88.3. Does anybody know if the read/write permissions changed by latest firmware updates?
@holgerf you did the latest changes on the binding. Do you know anything about the issue or can you test it?

@sgiehl is code owner of this binding and did the implementation. I did some changes to modernize code in the add-ons repo, not specifically for this binding (hopefully not breaking anything). I cannot test as I don’t own such a device.

Commit history

@rafael_09 What channels exactly are you trying to write? For me and my heatpump everything still works normally with openHAB 4

I’m trying to write the channels heatingMode and hotWaterMode. They’re number channels and a change of the item affects nothing on the heat pump side. After the thing refresh period the old values will be restored.

When you’re out of any issues it has to be the firmware update I think, right? Did you try the latest update?

Is there anything that I can debug?

I’m running firmware V2.86.0. Setting heating or hotWater mode works without problems there.
I actually don’t have plans to update the firmware as everything runs without problems here…

You could maybe check if the value of the channel changes when you change the mode manually on your heatpump.

I have SW version 3.88.0 and no problem to set the values. Did you restart? I had - for whatever reason - frequent silent connection loss (by means the binding still thinks the connection is there but the heatpump does not communicate) between the binding and the heatpump.

Upfront: Sorry for capturing this thread, I’m writing here hope all you out there to use Luxtronik hp will be reading it, it’s a niche group.

I’d like to raise temperature or prevent heating from within OH, based on available energy (cheap grid or PV power)

As all heat pumps including Luxtronik controlled ones have Smart Grid ready input to signal right that, there often also are channels to switch to one of those 4 SGr modes of pump operation, even without using the electrical input signalling.
I see an EVUSperre switch channel (which is one of the SGr contacts), but no channel for the other SGr contact.
Do you know a way to switch into one of the SGr modes ?

Short of using that, how do you tell your heat pump to increase heating while power is cheap ?
Any clever means or algorithm you would be willing to share ?

I prefer to control the heating offset instead of turning heatpump off. I set it towards -5 that lowers water temperature for 10°C. Then when it is cheaper i put it to 0 if boost is needed OH puts it gradually towards +5.
If you have known times of cheap rates than a rule timer is sufficient.

I actually desingned termostat to automate heatpump offset in OH as heatpump was unaware of temperatures in house and the smart radiator valves were closing all the time resulting in to high temperatures and caucing the cycling.

I measure temperature in 5 main rooms, living, kitchen, bedroom, office, bathroom.
Then i pull average to get baseline for reference.

So i have daytime and nighttime temperature setpoint and i monitor flow of valves in % to keep flow above 50% and number of cycles of heatpump to hlod them below 24 a day.

Mainly i see it is most efficient from 10am to 16 when we also have cheap rate and it is the warmest time of day. So i boost heating at 10am to 16.

EVU actually blocks everything so it isnt good for cold winter, i only use it to prevent heatpump from running in event of a phase drpoing out. I have 3 phase detector signal to EVU input. So EVU needs to be ON for HP to run. Without that added protection breaker was poping every time there was a single phase outage on our street.

The thread could also be moved to new title if desired.

Here are my thermostat rules. The termostat actually keeps temperature comftable as it evens out fast weather changes and it already boosts efficiency. It doesnt track tarrifs tho as we have constant time shedule.

So typically our heatpump keeps 20C at night and bath is 23C,
It runs more over the warm part of day to maimtain 22C for the evening and bath is 24C on medium tarrif with good COP.
At 8 pm it lowers the heating for comftable sleep, but it keeps ticking away on low temp on cheap tarrif.

In event of high intermitent tarrifs that are forcasted for next year, i will add a lower timed setpiont to the rules.

First rule is calculating the target setpiont for heatpump
Second is startup rule
The third is triggering decrease setpoint
And fourth is triggering increase setpoint
Last is notify rule to keep things in check.

You will have to translate it from slovenian.

Ogrevanje_Termostat.rules.txt (9.2 KB)

Could you please show your items? Which channels are you using to modify the heating offset?

What do you mean by " I set it towards -5 that lowers water temperature for 10°C. "
Doesn’t an offset of 1K mean 1K ?

Sure here are setting items, where heating temperature goes by 0.5K from -5 to +5.
I see that HP moves target for 1K as i change ofset by 0.5, you can chek yours on the control unit it is on main screen.
That ofset seems like room temperature ofset that assumes 0.5K room temperature equals 1K water change.
The bold one is the ofset, it is standard channel from OH2 days. I remember only those four settings were available back then.

Number HeatPump_heating_operation_mode “Heizung Betriebsart [%.0f]” (Heatpump) { channel=“luxtronikheatpump:heatpump:L1A407:heatingMode” }

Number HeatPump_heating_temperature “Heizung Temperatur [%.1f]” (Heatpump) { channel=“luxtronikheatpump:heatpump:L1A407:temperatureHeatingParallelShift” }

Number HeatPump_warmwater_operation_mode “Warmwasser Betriebsart [%.0f]” (Heatpump) { channel=“luxtronikheatpump:heatpump:L1A407:hotWaterMode” }

Number HeatPump_warmwater_temperature “Warmwasser Temperatur [%.1f]” (Heatpump) { channel=“luxtronikheatpump:heatpump:L1A407:temperatureHotWaterTarget” }

Thanks a lot!
Do you also know which heating modes exist and what’s the strings I have to set to change mode?
(or is there a different procedure to make that mode change happen?)
I’m actually looking to set the heating into the “instant-on” or “maximum” mode, also called ‘emergency mode’ in some heating systems when power is really really cheap.
And back, of course, when it no longer is.

Sorry for asking, but I don’t have access to any such pump device to try stuff myself at the moment.

The heating modes are Auto, Backup Heater, Party, Holidays, Off.

Where the party mode keeps nightime setback disabled, that setback is set under heating curve menu on HP.

Seems like heatpump by default does not allow sauna mode😅. As all modes are dictated by weather compensation thermostat or fixed setpoint of buffer tank, but that setpoint seems unavailable to set in OH.

So the best bet is to use party mode and set proper nightime ofsett in combination with heating ofsett. By default nightime timers are disabled and need to be set to call nightime mode, that also seems unavailable in OH.

I may check but i belive nightime ofsett can be also positive number to boost heating.

You are welcome, i understand


Yeah what a pity. Then again, better safe than sorry.
Speaking of which, do you know if one can safely increase hot water temperature?
Will it be downmixed on outlet or will I burn myself by doing so ?

I think that heating temperature offset should be fine as it can do +/- 10°C on water T so 20°C range.
I confirmed that party mode can be used booost heating to disable night temperature, that can set additional offset in range -10°C to +15°C.

That should cover the range from 20°C to 55°C for heating return temperature.

Max hot water temperature is 55°C, so it burns a bit but is safe on new faucets that default to middle setting , thst is usually max T without heaters. Same for heating. As per limits in temperatures menu that is locked.

Our heating operates at 30 to 50°C return
Typically is around 40°C for heating and 48°C for hot water.

Runing over 60 and it would trigger heaters and protect compressor when high pressure limit triggers.

With heaters it is allowed to 65°C, but it shouldn’t run heaters unless there is lots of PV as they eat lots of power like 3x 3kW in addition to 3x 1kw for HP on 3 phase, so i have only one heater on.
Pedal to metal it can pull 20A per phase thats a lot, 13A heater and 6A compressor.

The story…
We had issues with running 3x25A fuses that meter would shut off the house.
So i installed heaters shutoff with sonoff that disables heaters contactor in HP.

The sonoff is triggered by OH rule that monitors 3 phase power at the main supply.
I also have maual override switch.

Now things seem fine but i need to optimize the rule as it burns cpu with pulling database every second to get AvgMax cureent, i realized i can do minimum since to get the similar behaviour.


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