I’m trying to send a mail with a longer content, which should come from different items.
How can I do this, that it looks like this more or less:
I’m trying to send a mail with a longer content, which should come from different items.
How can I do this, that it looks like this more or less:
Under the Text category there is a block that lets you concatinate a bunch of Strings into one.
Click the cog after adding the block to your script and add an “item” for each string you want to add to the final String. (it looks like you need 7).
Then plug each of your strings into each slot.
Great Stuff friends. It is working very well.
I was first a little bit struggling, because the Send " " was set to HTML and not to text.
Which will not use the “CRLF” feature that each text item will start with a new line on the mail- content.
But neamwhile it work
So special Thanks again here…
The day and time for vaild of the warning is the looking in the format I would like to have.
Current it look like that: 2025-02-13T13:00:00.000+0100
But it should look like that: 13.02.2025 13:00 Uhr
So I will search how to convert the time and date value.
Thanks again