MainUI Tile to show gate status

Hi All,

I’m trying to get the tile to change color, red if its open, green if its closed

component: oh-cell
  actionItem: RearGateRollerDoor_Control_GateFull
  title: Rear Gate
  icon: oh:garagedoor
  action: toggle
  color: "=(items.RearGateRollerDoor_Control_GateFull.state === 'OPEN') ? 'green'
    : 'red'"
  actionCommand: ON
  actionCommandAlt: OFF
  footer: Power
  on: "=(items.Gate_status.state === 'CLOSED') ? 'green' : 'red'"
  item: RearGateRollerDoor_Control_GateFull

My item for the open/closed view, is a contact item of ‘Gate_status’

Item works, just doesnt change color on state
