Make habpanel widget read-only in a rule

For a quick situation summary:

I have a running home-automation system using MQTT protocol. For a user-friendly use (and dumb-proof, really), I would need to affect HabPanel widget interaction from within a rule. The widget (knob) works as a thermostat, which I want to be adjustable by the user. In some situations, I want to block it (so noone can set the temperature for example plus 10 degrees), but the item itself must be changeable through different widgets, buttons, rules, etc.
In manual widget settings, there is a checkbox to enable the read-only mode. I would need to make this rather automatic, so there is no need for the administrator to manually disable it.

The question is - is there any way how to change this from within a rule? I have searched for a quite long time for now, but have found nothing.

Sure, there are ways how to make it work, but all of them need quite a bit of coding or using otherwise unnecessary items. So I’m looking for a better, easier solution, maybe some design pattern.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated.