Manual for downloading and installing openhab not working

The manual here on the site for downloading openhab on an ubuntu 20.04 and apt is NOT!!! working. I did try it 2 times exactly as discribed but openhab didn’t start. Great first experiance!!

Welcome to openHAB,

I’m sorry that you’re not having a good start. We’ll try to help you, but more detail is required.

Am I correct in thinking that you’re talking about this section of the documentation for manual installation on Linux?

I probably can’t help you with this myself (I use openHABian), but I want to get you on the right track. If you can describe how far you get in the process and what goes wrong, it’ll help a lot. Otherwise, we’re just guessing since we can’t see what you see.

It would also help for you to provide details on your Ubuntu system. Is it a fresh installation, or are you already running other software on it?

Out of curiousity, can I ask why you’re doing the manual installation instead of apt?

Welcome to the community.
Like @rpwong already wrote, we really would like to help, but doing so, we need more information.

OS is clear, but which Java version is installed?
What documentation did you follow?
According to the documentation used, are there any error during installation?

He is using apt! Wrote that apt is not working…

Oops, I missed that. I picked up on “manual” as “manual installation”.

Which of the steps

  • preparing the repository key
  • downloading the software
  • starting the software

do you think does not work ?
Each single step itself is fine.
In case any of the above single steps fails it should generate an error message or an entry in the log files.
For further support these would be required.

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