Mapdb doesn't restoreOnStartup

i just flashed the actual openhabian image to a new sd card a waited until the setup was done.
i installed “needed and recommended system packages” and mosquitto via openhabian-config.
then i installed all needed bindings and copied all my *.things *items etc. files from my previous install.

i installed mapdb with this settings:

Strategies {
    everyHour       : "0 0 * * * ?"
    everyDay        : "0 0 0 * * ?"
    default = everyChange

Items {

        *   :   strategy = everyChange,restoreOnStartup


but my items are not restored on with their last value on reboot. see also this thread.

i didn’t mess with zram config, this is what what zramctl brings up:

[17:19:22] openhabian@oha2:~$ zramctl
/dev/zram1 lzo-rle       500M 17.3M 228.9K  588K       4 /opt/zram/zram1
/dev/zram0 lzo-rle       600M    4K    87B   12K       4 [SWAP]

didn’t touch /etc/ztab:

# swap  alg     mem_limit       disk_size       swap_priority   page-cluster    swappiness
swap    lz4     200M            600M            75              0               90

# dir   alg     mem_limit       disk_size       target_dir                      bind_dir
dir     lz4     150M            500M            /var/lib/openhab2/persistence   /persistence.bind
# do not enable as long as you make substantial config changes
#dir    lz4     30M             100M            /var/lib/openhab2/jsondb        /jsondb.bind

# log   alg     mem_limit       disk_size       target_dir                      bind_dir                oldlog_dir
log     lzo     150M            500M            /var/log                        /log.bind

EDIT: disables/removed ZRAM via openhabian-config and persistence behaves as expected.