MapDB missing values

If I view mapDB values with PersistenceViewer I miss some values. I have a example below.

Number:Volume               GasPerDag                       "Dag [%.3f m³]"         <gas>       (BG_Meterkast)      ["Measurement","Energy"]   { widgetOrder = "K" }
Number:Volume               GasPerDagReference              "dRef[%.3f m³]"                                              

If I change the loglevel to trace I see the following loging

2024-01-20 09:55:00.039 [DEBUG] [pdb.internal.MapDbPersistenceService] - store called for GasPerDag
2024-01-20 09:53:55.263 [DEBUG] [pdb.internal.MapDbPersistenceService] - Stored 'GasPerDagReference' with state '8438.253 ㎥' as '{"name":"GasPerDagReference","state":"org.openhab.core.library.types.QuantityType@@@8438.253 ㎥","timestamp":"Jan 20, 2024, 1:55:00 AM"}' in MapDB database

I can find GasPerDagReference but not GasPerDag. Can somebody explain this?

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