MapView in Android App does not show the location

I have followed the tutorial for the iCloud binding and built the sitemap to show the battery status, last update the the location on MapView.

From the browser (PC or mobile), I can see the location, but throw the Android App, the location is not shown on the map.

Following is my items & sitemaps along with screenshot from both environments.


Group Hayat_iPhone_Group "Hayat's iPhone"

DateTime Hayat_iPhone_LastLocationUpdate "Last Update: [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY, %1$tI:%1$tM %1$Tp]" <time> (Hayat_iPhone_Group) {channel="icloud:device:######:locationLastUpdate"}

Number Hayat_iPhone_BatteryLevel "Battery Level [%d %%]" <battery> (Hayat_iPhone_Group) {channel="icloud:device:######:batteryLevel"}

Location Hayat_iPhone_Location "Coordinates [%2$s°N %3$s°E]" (Hayat_iPhone_Group) {channel="icloud:device:#####:location"}


sitemap hayat_icloud label="Hayat's iPhone" {
    Frame item=Hayat_iPhone_Group {
        Text item=Hayat_iPhone_BatteryLevel
        Text item=Hayat_iPhone_LastLocationUpdate
        //For Basic UI and Mobile App
        Mapview item=Hayat_iPhone_Location height=10

I tested on an iPhone, the location is coming fine. So, it is the android application.

Hey @Alahdal,
thanks for reporting. Can you enable demo mode in the app and check if the Map under “Widget Overview” is displayed correctly?

Hello @mueller-ma, yes it is displayed correctly.

Can you post the log of the app? Settings => View log

Here you are.

--------- beginning of main

04-29 20:58:04.215 9594 9594 D ViewRootImpl@5b3f848[LogActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0
04-29 20:58:04.265 9594 9594 D ViewRootImpl@5b3f848[LogActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1
04-29 20:58:04.270 9594 9594 D LogActivity: onOptionsItemSelected()
04-29 20:58:04.272 9594 29542 D LogActivity: Clear log
--------- beginning of events
04-29 20:58:06.552 9594 9594 I am_on_paused_called: [0,org.openhab.habdroid.ui.LogActivity,performPause]
04-29 20:58:06.592 9594 9640 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0x75ac599010 disconnect failed
04-29 20:58:06.592 9594 9640 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x75bc714080, 0x75ac599000
04-29 20:58:06.606 9594 9594 D ViewRootImpl@5b3f848[LogActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true
04-29 20:58:06.609 9594 9594 D ViewRootImpl@5b3f848[LogActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 1
04-29 20:58:06.609 9594 9594 D InputMethodManager: prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@2f6d6e1[LogActivity]
04-29 20:58:06.609 9594 9594 D InputMethodManager: getNavigationBarColor() -855310
04-29 20:58:06.610 9594 9594 D ViewRootImpl@5b3f848[LogActivity]: Surface release. android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.setStoppedState:669
04-29 20:58:06.611 9594 9594 I am_on_stop_called: [0,org.openhab.habdroid.ui.LogActivity,STOP_ACTIVITY_ITEM]
04-29 20:58:06.624 9594 9594 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: fd=100
04-29 20:58:06.634 9594 9594 D ViewRootImpl@5b3f848[LogActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false
04-29 20:58:07.482 9594 9594 I am_on_destroy_called: [0,org.openhab.habdroid.ui.MainActivity,performDestroy]
04-29 20:58:07.484 9594 9594 D ViewRootImpl@e09c07[MainActivity]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow
04-29 20:58:07.484 9594 9594 D ViewRootImpl@e09c07[MainActivity]: Surface release. android.view.ViewRootImpl.doDie:7931 android.view.ViewRootImpl.die:7899 android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.removeViewLocked:497 android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.removeView:435 android.view.WindowManagerImpl.removeViewImmediate:124
04-29 20:58:07.489 9594 9594 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: fd=76
04-29 20:58:11.019 29598 29598 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=default, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=org.openhab.habdroid
04-29 20:58:11.025 29598 29598 E penhab.habdroi: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-29 20:58:11.036 29598 29598 D TimaKeyStoreProvider: TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
04-29 20:58:11.060 29598 29598 D ConnectivityManager_URSP: Ursp sIsUrsp=false, sIsCheckUrsp=false, uid=10319
04-29 20:58:11.061 29598 29598 D Proxy : urspP is null: 10319
04-29 20:58:11.064 29598 29598 I penhab.habdroi: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
04-29 20:58:11.080 29598 29598 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
04-29 20:58:11.081 29598 29598 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-29 20:58:11.081 29598 29598 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
04-29 20:58:11.091 29598 29598 D FirebaseApp: is not linked. Skipping initialization.
04-29 20:58:11.091 29598 29598 D FirebaseApp: is not linked. Skipping initialization.
04-29 20:58:11.091 29598 29598 D FirebaseApp: is not linked. Skipping initialization.
04-29 20:58:11.091 29598 29598 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful
04-29 20:58:11.118 29598 29598 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-29 20:58:11.121 29598 29629 W Fabric : Could not call getId on$Info
04-29 20:58:11.121 29598 29629 W Fabric : Could not call isLimitAdTrackingEnabled on$Info
04-29 20:58:11.124 29598 29598 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider initialization successful
04-29 20:58:11.125 29598 29617 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
04-29 20:58:11.127 29598 29617 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
04-29 20:58:11.127 29598 29617 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: getAppKeyStore(/data/user/0/org.openhab.habdroid/app_KeyStore/KeyStore.bks) - exception loading file key store
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: /data/user/0/org.openhab.habdroid/app_KeyStore/KeyStore.bks (No such file or directory)
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at Method)
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at de.duenndns.ssl.MemorizingTrustManager.loadAppKeyStore(
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at de.duenndns.ssl.MemorizingTrustManager.init(
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at de.duenndns.ssl.MemorizingTrustManager.(
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at org.openhab.habdroid.core.connection.ConnectionFactory.(
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at org.openhab.habdroid.core.connection.ConnectionFactory.initialize(
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at org.openhab.habdroid.core.HabDroidApplication.onCreate(
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at$1200(
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at$H.handleMessage(
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at android.os.Looper.loop(
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at$
04-29 20:58:11.130 29598 29598 I MemorizingTrustManager: at
04-29 20:58:11.175 29598 29617 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON
04-29 20:58:11.209 29598 29598 D MainActivity: onCreate()
04-29 20:58:11.212 29598 29598 D skia : — Failed to create image decoder with message ‘unimplemented’
04-29 20:58:11.224 29598 29639 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
04-29 20:58:11.228 29598 29598 I AppCompatViewInflater: app:theme is now deprecated. Please move to using android:theme instead.
04-29 20:58:11.241 29598 29598 D MainActivity: Got intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.openhab.habdroid/.ui.MainActivity bnds=[432,1122][648,1387] }
04-29 20:58:11.242 29598 29598 I am_on_create_called: [0,org.openhab.habdroid.ui.MainActivity,performCreate]
04-29 20:58:11.244 29598 29598 D MainActivity: onStart()
04-29 20:58:11.244 29598 29598 D PageConnectionHolderFragment: onStart(), started false
04-29 20:58:11.244 29598 29598 D MainActivity: onAvailableConnectionChanged()
04-29 20:58:11.244 29598 29598 D ContentController: Update to connection null (message null)
04-29 20:58:11.244 29598 29598 D PageConnectionHolderFragment: updateActiveConnections: URL list [], connection null
04-29 20:58:11.246 29598 29598 D ScrollView: initGoToTop
04-29 20:58:11.250 29598 29598 I am_on_start_called: [0,org.openhab.habdroid.ui.MainActivity,handleStartActivity]
04-29 20:58:11.250 29598 29598 D MainActivity: onPostCreate()
04-29 20:58:11.251 29598 29598 D MainActivity: onResume()
04-29 20:58:11.255 29598 29598 I am_on_resume_called: [0,org.openhab.habdroid.ui.MainActivity,RESUME_ACTIVITY]
04-29 20:58:11.255 29598 29598 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-29 20:58:11.257 29598 29598 D EmergencyMode: [EmergencyManager] android createPackageContext successful
04-29 20:58:11.270 29598 29598 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: fd=68
04-29 20:58:11.271 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@699a6a4[MainActivity]: setView = DecorView@70a1c0d[MainActivity] TM=true MM=false
04-29 20:58:11.272 29598 29598 D MainActivity: onAvailableConnectionChanged()
04-29 20:58:11.275 29598 29598 D ContentController: Update to connection org.openhab.habdroid.core.connection.DefaultConnection@a34dd1a (message null)
04-29 20:58:11.275 29598 29598 D PageConnectionHolderFragment: updateActiveConnections: URL list [], connection org.openhab.habdroid.core.connection.DefaultConnection@a34dd1a
04-29 20:58:11.276 29598 29598 D ScrollView: initGoToTop
04-29 20:58:11.285 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@699a6a4[MainActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow
04-29 20:58:11.294 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@699a6a4[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 505961443328} changed=true
04-29 20:58:11.299 29598 29598 D ScrollView: onsize change changed
04-29 20:58:11.300 29598 29643 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
04-29 20:58:11.300 29598 29643 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0
04-29 20:58:11.301 29598 29643 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
04-29 20:58:11.301 29598 29643 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
04-29 20:58:11.307 29598 29598 D MainActivity: onCreateOptionsMenu()
04-29 20:58:11.307 29598 29598 D MainActivity: onPrepareOptionsMenu()
04-29 20:58:11.309 29598 29643 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-29 20:58:11.309 29598 29643 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x75dddf8800, 0x75cda6f010
04-29 20:58:11.314 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@699a6a4[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 1
04-29 20:58:11.314 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@70a1c0d[MainActivity]
04-29 20:58:11.314 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: getNavigationBarColor() -855310
04-29 20:58:11.315 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@70a1c0d[MainActivity]
04-29 20:58:11.315 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: getNavigationBarColor() -855310
04-29 20:58:11.315 29598 29598 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=org.openhab.habdroid ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
04-29 20:58:11.315 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: startInputInner - Id : 0
04-29 20:58:11.315 29598 29598 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
04-29 20:58:11.319 29598 29609 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: fd=80
04-29 20:58:11.346 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@70a1c0d[MainActivity]
04-29 20:58:11.347 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: getNavigationBarColor() -855310
04-29 20:58:11.347 29598 29598 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=org.openhab.habdroid ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
04-29 20:58:11.347 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: startInputInner - Id : 0
04-29 20:58:11.347 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@699a6a4[MainActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 63 - 0, 39) vi=Rect(0, 63 - 0, 39) or=1
04-29 20:58:11.445 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: ------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
04-29 20:58:11.445 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: == Chain0 ==
04-29 20:58:11.445 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: Version: 3
04-29 20:58:11.445 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014a84a6a63047dddbae6d139b7a64565eff3a8eca1
04-29 20:58:11.445 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: SubjectKeyIdentifier: 41604141b1cf4ed90d3c6d2000f8e08b73b515b6e8fb668
04-29 20:58:11.445 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: Serial Number: 39a54d7983f0df38e1c73860824aab4e206
04-29 20:58:11.445 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: SubjectDN: CN=home.
04-29 20:58:11.446 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: IssuerDN: CN=Let’s Encrypt Authority X3, O=Let’s Encrypt, C=US
04-29 20:58:11.448 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: Get not before: Sun Mar 03 04:59:04 GMT+03:00 2019
04-29 20:58:11.448 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: Get not after: Sat Jun 01 04:59:04 GMT+03:00 2019
04-29 20:58:11.448 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
04-29 20:58:11.448 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: Signature: 4347efb43366b358f79005b3eb1255bd25de038343e7ac9deee000ba5c9752c2dc9b227d518cd35dba09de9d683f5d30bc8b3f1ffc52db140eedc623e69ec48bac2150c3d3e0970d5943cdf27c11e7b022eb797e62f9f95c0ef9f60a853bd19355b8e071fe5f78235cf681c1f2a58b8273bb4b28feeb48f5331e7609c303b71790a0a0bcb814372147b318727056df688b9af8b75cf61ff30c911c84ea6fe61021622ce9728423f7456bdc9da7c1e1c7db51259ca2f3c6e43378c24c464a28912bb8e2d6dd7db1aee4ce387bfd97e054a91d95484812342d320909a7888a4ef220a8636e905cc702b5665fe1bebc382872b9e255e1df06954eebf30ebcdd2248
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: Public key:
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT:
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ba 3d 99 1e 3f 82 9f
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 1b e3 09 88 ab 3b d2 27 ba 13 1d 6c 2b ed 70 41 9f c6 c2 22
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 05 a0 bb f0 32 4f dc e3 cc 1c 34 be 66 97 ac 37 06 3e 41 fb
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: bb d5 18 55 35 cb ab d9 e4 98 5c 9b b4 f7 ba f8 0a 7e 95 6b
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 8f 7a a2 c8 05 4f 41 7b 62 9a 59 c4 c2 af 02 d3 93 15 91 3a
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: a9 c5 f6 d2 36 fd a6 32 d5 3e 17 ab 41 88 92 1e ee b6 3b 60
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: ee ef fd 6c 54 0d 60 d6 51 fc 9e a2 80 6c 7e 56 3a 18 9e ae
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 7b ba 59 d3 ff 7b bb 50 d9 17 4b 44 29 cb bf 9e b8 63 6e e3
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: d6 e1 15 10 87 aa 25 bd 9f 14 95 c0 47 14 bb 7c 99 f3 c3 8f
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 32 8a 3c 6d 06 a6 cf f0 38 2f f8 c9 cb 6e b5 09 ca c5 66 82
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: b4 66 e9 f4 44 df 37 48 35 b2 29 ad 84 3b 8e 4e 72 a2 e6 50
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: f5 3b 3d 54 d2 75 7a 3a a9 b4 86 62 3d 30 47 70 7f f3 66 5f
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 85 9a 3e f7 e6 91 e4 96 cb 09 60 f6 75 1e 5f f8 11 7e 83 8d
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 20 4c 80 45 e7 7d c1 ef bd 02 03 01 00 01
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: == Chain1 ==
04-29 20:58:11.453 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: Version: 3
04-29 20:58:11.454 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014c4a7b1a47b2c71fadbe14b9075ffc41560858910
04-29 20:58:11.454 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414a84a6a63047dddbae6d139b7a64565eff3a8eca1
04-29 20:58:11.454 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: Serial Number: a0141420000015385736a0b85eca708
04-29 20:58:11.454 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: SubjectDN: CN=Let’s Encrypt Authority X3, O=Let’s Encrypt, C=US
04-29 20:58:11.454 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: IssuerDN: CN=DST Root CA X3, O=Digital Signature Trust Co.
04-29 20:58:11.454 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: Get not before: Thu Mar 17 19:40:46 GMT+03:00 2016
04-29 20:58:11.454 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: Get not after: Wed Mar 17 19:40:46 GMT+03:00 2021
04-29 20:58:11.454 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
04-29 20:58:11.454 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: Signature: -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
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: Public key:
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT:
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 9c d3 0c f0 5a e5 2e
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 47 b7 72 5d 37 83 b3 68 63 30 ea d7 35 26 19 25 e1 bd be 35
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: f1 70 92 2f b7 b8 4b 41 05 ab a9 9e 35 08 58 ec b1 2a c4 68
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 87 0b a3 e3 75 e4 e6 f3 a7 62 71 ba 79 81 60 1f d7 91 9a 9f
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: f3 d0 78 67 71 c8 69 0e 95 91 cf fe e6 99 e9 60 3c 48 cc 7e
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: ca 4d 77 12 24 9d 47 1b 5a eb b9 ec 1e 37 00 1c 9c ac 7b a7
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 05 ea ce 4a eb bd 41 e5 36 98 b9 cb fd 6d 3c 96 68 df 23 2a
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 42 90 0c 86 74 67 c8 7f a5 9a b8 52 61 14 13 3f 65 e9 82 87
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: cb db fa 0e 56 f6 86 89 f3 85 3f 97 86 af b0 dc 1a ef 6b 0d
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 95 16 7d c4 2b a0 65 b2 99 04 36 75 80 6b ac 4a f3 1b 90 49
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 78 2f a2 96 4f 2a 20 25 29 04 c6 74 c0 d0 31 cd 8f 31 38 95
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 16 ba a8 33 b8 43 f1 b1 1f c3 30 7f a2 79 31 13 3d 2d 36 f8
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: e3 fc f2 33 6a b9 39 31 c5 af c4 8d 0d 1d 64 16 33 aa fa 84
04-29 20:58:11.461 29598 29638 E CONSCRYPT: 29 b6 d4 0b c0 d8 7d c3 93 02 03 01 00 01
04-29 20:58:11.515 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: ------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
04-29 20:58:11.515 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: == Chain0 ==
04-29 20:58:11.515 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: Version: 3
04-29 20:58:11.515 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014a84a6a63047dddbae6d139b7a64565eff3a8eca1
04-29 20:58:11.515 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: SubjectKeyIdentifier: 41604141b1cf4ed90d3c6d2000f8e08b73b515b6e8fb668
04-29 20:58:11.515 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: Serial Number: 39a54d7983f0df38e1c73860824aab4e206
04-29 20:58:11.516 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: SubjectDN: CN=home.
04-29 20:58:11.516 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: IssuerDN: CN=Let’s Encrypt Authority X3, O=Let’s Encrypt, C=US
04-29 20:58:11.516 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: Get not before: Sun Mar 03 04:59:04 GMT+03:00 2019
04-29 20:58:11.516 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: Get not after: Sat Jun 01 04:59:04 GMT+03:00 2019
04-29 20:58:11.516 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
04-29 20:58:11.516 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: Signature: 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
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: Public key:
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT:
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ba 3d 99 1e 3f 82 9f
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 1b e3 09 88 ab 3b d2 27 ba 13 1d 6c 2b ed 70 41 9f c6 c2 22
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 05 a0 bb f0 32 4f dc e3 cc 1c 34 be 66 97 ac 37 06 3e 41 fb
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: bb d5 18 55 35 cb ab d9 e4 98 5c 9b b4 f7 ba f8 0a 7e 95 6b
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 8f 7a a2 c8 05 4f 41 7b 62 9a 59 c4 c2 af 02 d3 93 15 91 3a
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: a9 c5 f6 d2 36 fd a6 32 d5 3e 17 ab 41 88 92 1e ee b6 3b 60
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: ee ef fd 6c 54 0d 60 d6 51 fc 9e a2 80 6c 7e 56 3a 18 9e ae
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 7b ba 59 d3 ff 7b bb 50 d9 17 4b 44 29 cb bf 9e b8 63 6e e3
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: d6 e1 15 10 87 aa 25 bd 9f 14 95 c0 47 14 bb 7c 99 f3 c3 8f
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 32 8a 3c 6d 06 a6 cf f0 38 2f f8 c9 cb 6e b5 09 ca c5 66 82
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: b4 66 e9 f4 44 df 37 48 35 b2 29 ad 84 3b 8e 4e 72 a2 e6 50
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: f5 3b 3d 54 d2 75 7a 3a a9 b4 86 62 3d 30 47 70 7f f3 66 5f
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 85 9a 3e f7 e6 91 e4 96 cb 09 60 f6 75 1e 5f f8 11 7e 83 8d
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 20 4c 80 45 e7 7d c1 ef bd 02 03 01 00 01
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: == Chain1 ==
04-29 20:58:11.519 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: Version: 3
04-29 20:58:11.520 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014c4a7b1a47b2c71fadbe14b9075ffc41560858910
04-29 20:58:11.520 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414a84a6a63047dddbae6d139b7a64565eff3a8eca1
04-29 20:58:11.520 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: Serial Number: a0141420000015385736a0b85eca708
04-29 20:58:11.520 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: SubjectDN: CN=Let’s Encrypt Authority X3, O=Let’s Encrypt, C=US
04-29 20:58:11.520 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: IssuerDN: CN=DST Root CA X3, O=Digital Signature Trust Co.
04-29 20:58:11.520 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: Get not before: Thu Mar 17 19:40:46 GMT+03:00 2016
04-29 20:58:11.520 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: Get not after: Wed Mar 17 19:40:46 GMT+03:00 2021
04-29 20:58:11.520 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
04-29 20:58:11.520 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: Signature: -22cc28ee0c9ca7c722e7ea04f6aa4189a9468fb75a96b8d8843ddbf76d0ea5e0b5edd6c8db8baee39d9747326a8f981a085b43b1d7ae326417517862152745a55efe65230f2295e29527c1a8dc6159e1fb9d650028fa3548e0c03ff5b7436b4f499a9d1f3eab1a5cd552df3b1619442337094a3ccd5c6733885719869af8d434d701c5e9ad7e31adf3d1a07c172af9cc04889331bf15cd61e06da3be3e8b93a4a2f5a0cc33b26053c70fd084d39d62265c6e90dae4d06f4ee6b9c20981e4598578465c8592e705da5a6e78ea1f0de9d0a74ff9d0d397d939b467322560f306806f12bcb5edbbb1908c85d7155b559184b38278221f36fdbb5878503ccba44bbe
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: Public key:
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT:
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 9c d3 0c f0 5a e5 2e
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 47 b7 72 5d 37 83 b3 68 63 30 ea d7 35 26 19 25 e1 bd be 35
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: f1 70 92 2f b7 b8 4b 41 05 ab a9 9e 35 08 58 ec b1 2a c4 68
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 87 0b a3 e3 75 e4 e6 f3 a7 62 71 ba 79 81 60 1f d7 91 9a 9f
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: f3 d0 78 67 71 c8 69 0e 95 91 cf fe e6 99 e9 60 3c 48 cc 7e
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: ca 4d 77 12 24 9d 47 1b 5a eb b9 ec 1e 37 00 1c 9c ac 7b a7
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 05 ea ce 4a eb bd 41 e5 36 98 b9 cb fd 6d 3c 96 68 df 23 2a
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 42 90 0c 86 74 67 c8 7f a5 9a b8 52 61 14 13 3f 65 e9 82 87
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: cb db fa 0e 56 f6 86 89 f3 85 3f 97 86 af b0 dc 1a ef 6b 0d
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 95 16 7d c4 2b a0 65 b2 99 04 36 75 80 6b ac 4a f3 1b 90 49
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 78 2f a2 96 4f 2a 20 25 29 04 c6 74 c0 d0 31 cd 8f 31 38 95
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 16 ba a8 33 b8 43 f1 b1 1f c3 30 7f a2 79 31 13 3d 2d 36 f8
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: e3 fc f2 33 6a b9 39 31 c5 af c4 8d 0d 1d 64 16 33 aa fa 84
04-29 20:58:11.525 29598 29644 E CONSCRYPT: 29 b6 d4 0b c0 d8 7d c3 93 02 03 01 00 01
04-29 20:58:11.919 29598 29627 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
04-29 20:58:11.920 29598 29627 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
04-29 20:58:12.005 29598 29598 D MainActivity: onCloudConnectionChanged()
04-29 20:58:12.029 29598 29666 D FcmRegistrationService: Register device at openHAB-cloud with URL: addAndroidRegistration?deviceId=568cfc735530bbe1&deviceModel=Samsung+SM-N960F&regId=e-OsbeJK1IQ:APA91bGbijffSEJvwIxgALOdu7g-RNxA_s8weoQH7cQHUekWsj-AvztT87ERu0W9hP21s1f8kddM-E-K6m_kdDC5FHBKVdN94bOhWCvD4klWN32W4gD_EMdnb3jRoQr3ACdTqwPSi70t
04-29 20:58:12.357 29598 29666 D FcmRegistrationService: FCM reg id success
04-29 20:58:12.704 29598 29627 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
04-29 20:58:12.704 29598 29627 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
04-29 20:58:14.577 29598 29598 D ServerProperties: Server returned sitemaps: [Sitemap{name=hayat_icloud, label=Hayat’s iPhone, link=https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud, icon=null, iconPath=icon/null, homepageLink=https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud}]
04-29 20:58:14.579 29598 29598 D MainActivity: Configured sitemap is ‘hayat_icloud’, selected Sitemap{name=hayat_icloud, label=Hayat’s iPhone, link=https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud, icon=null, iconPath=icon/null, homepageLink=https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud}
04-29 20:58:14.580 29598 29598 I MainActivity: Opening sitemap Sitemap{name=hayat_icloud, label=Hayat’s iPhone, link=https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud, icon=null, iconPath=icon/null, homepageLink=https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud}, currently selected null
04-29 20:58:14.580 29598 29598 D ContentController: Opening sitemap Sitemap{name=hayat_icloud, label=Hayat’s iPhone, link=https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud, icon=null, iconPath=icon/null, homepageLink=https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud}
04-29 20:58:14.580 29598 29598 D PageConnectionHolderFragment: updateActiveConnections: URL list [https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud], connection org.openhab.habdroid.core.connection.DefaultConnection@a34dd1a
04-29 20:58:14.580 29598 29598 D PageConnectionHolderFragment: Creating new handler for URL https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud
04-29 20:58:14.580 29598 29598 D PageConnectionHolderFragment: Creating new SSE helper for sitemap hayat_icloud, page hayat_icloud
04-29 20:58:14.580 29598 29598 D PageConnectionHolderFragment: Loading data for https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud, long polling false
04-29 20:58:15.867 29598 29598 D PageConnectionHolderFragment: Updated page data for URL https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud (4 widgets)
04-29 20:58:15.867 29598 29598 D ContentController: Got update for URL https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud, pending [https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud]
04-29 20:58:15.884 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@699a6a4[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 505961443328} changed=false
04-29 20:58:15.888 29598 29598 D WidgetListFragment: onViewCreated() https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud
04-29 20:58:15.889 29598 29598 D WidgetListFragment: onActivityCreated() https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud
04-29 20:58:15.889 29598 29598 D WidgetListFragment: onStart() https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud
04-29 20:58:15.889 29598 29598 D PageConnectionHolderFragment: Trigger update for URL https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud, force false
04-29 20:58:15.889 29598 29598 D ContentController: Got update for URL https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud, pending []
04-29 20:58:15.901 29598 29598 I WidgetImageView: Refreshing image at https:///icon/battery?state=18.000000715255737&format=PNG, avoidCache false
04-29 20:58:15.901 29598 29598 I WidgetImageView: Refreshing image at https:///icon/battery?state=18.000000715255737&format=PNG, avoidCache false
04-29 20:58:15.906 29598 29598 I WidgetImageView: Refreshing image at https:///icon/time?state=2019-04-29T20%3A50%3A33.382%2B0300&format=PNG, avoidCache false
04-29 20:58:15.906 29598 29598 I WidgetImageView: Refreshing image at https:///icon/time?state=2019-04-29T20%3A50%3A33.382%2B0300&format=PNG, avoidCache false
04-29 20:58:15.909 29598 29598 I zzbz : Making Creator dynamically
04-29 20:58:15.912 29598 29598 W penhab.habdroi: Unsupported class loader
04-29 20:58:15.913 29598 29598 W penhab.habdroi: Skipping duplicate class check due to unsupported classloader
04-29 20:58:15.914 29598 29598 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
04-29 20:58:15.914 29598 29598 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 221
04-29 20:58:15.914 29598 29598 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
04-29 20:58:15.924 29598 29598 W penhab.habdroi: Unsupported class loader
04-29 20:58:15.969 29598 29598 I Google Maps Android API: Google Play services client version: 12451000
04-29 20:58:15.977 29598 29598 I Google Maps Android API: Google Play services package version: 16091037
04-29 20:58:16.194 29598 29598 I WidgetImageView: Refreshing image at https:///icon/woman_1?state=21.51337338613487%2C39.23677654940564%2C0.0&format=PNG, avoidCache false
04-29 20:58:16.195 29598 29598 I WidgetImageView: Refreshing image at https:///icon/woman_1?state=21.51337338613487%2C39.23677654940564%2C0.0&format=PNG, avoidCache false
04-29 20:58:16.202 29598 29678 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
04-29 20:58:16.203 29598 29678 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
04-29 20:58:16.203 29598 29679 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
04-29 20:58:16.203 29598 29679 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
04-29 20:58:16.650 29598 29680 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
04-29 20:58:16.650 29598 29680 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
04-29 20:58:17.603 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@699a6a4[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0
04-29 20:58:17.643 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@699a6a4[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1
04-29 20:58:17.647 29598 29598 D MainActivity: onOptionsItemSelected()
04-29 20:58:17.681 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@70a1c0d[MainActivity]
04-29 20:58:17.681 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: getNavigationBarColor() -855310
04-29 20:58:17.681 29598 29598 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=org.openhab.habdroid ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
04-29 20:58:17.681 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: startInputInner - Id : 0
04-29 20:58:17.681 29598 29598 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
04-29 20:58:17.683 29598 29598 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: fd=114
04-29 20:58:17.683 29598 29598 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: fd=80
04-29 20:58:18.195 29598 29688 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for not found.
04-29 20:58:18.199 29598 29688 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
04-29 20:58:18.199 29598 29688 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 4
04-29 20:58:18.201 29598 29688 W penhab.habdroi: Unsupported class loader
04-29 20:58:18.348 29598 29688 W penhab.habdroi: Verification of void q.c() took 128.362ms
04-29 20:58:18.686 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@699a6a4[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0
04-29 20:58:18.754 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@699a6a4[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1
04-29 20:58:18.784 29598 29598 D MainActivity: onPause()
04-29 20:58:18.785 29598 29598 D WidgetListFragment: onPause() https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud
04-29 20:58:18.785 29598 29598 I am_on_paused_called: [0,org.openhab.habdroid.ui.MainActivity,performPause]
04-29 20:58:18.799 29598 29598 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@14c259a
04-29 20:58:18.801 29598 29598 D skia : — Failed to create image decoder with message ‘unimplemented’
04-29 20:58:18.806 29598 29598 I AppCompatViewInflater: app:theme is now deprecated. Please move to using android:theme instead.
04-29 20:58:18.808 29598 29598 I am_on_create_called: [0,org.openhab.habdroid.ui.PreferencesActivity,performCreate]
04-29 20:58:18.812 29598 29598 D PreferencesActivity: Removing notification prefs for < 25
04-29 20:58:18.820 29598 29598 I am_on_start_called: [0,org.openhab.habdroid.ui.PreferencesActivity,handleStartActivity]
04-29 20:58:18.821 29598 29598 I am_on_resume_called: [0,org.openhab.habdroid.ui.PreferencesActivity,RESUME_ACTIVITY]
04-29 20:58:18.826 29598 29598 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: fd=112
04-29 20:58:18.827 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@ac623ac[PreferencesActivity]: setView = DecorView@843c875[PreferencesActivity] TM=true MM=false
04-29 20:58:18.827 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@699a6a4[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 1
04-29 20:58:18.827 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@70a1c0d[MainActivity]
04-29 20:58:18.827 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: getNavigationBarColor() -855310
04-29 20:58:18.835 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@ac623ac[PreferencesActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow
04-29 20:58:18.844 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@ac623ac[PreferencesActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 505961824256} changed=true
04-29 20:58:18.854 29598 29643 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-29 20:58:18.854 29598 29643 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x75bae37400, 0x75cdacc010
04-29 20:58:18.914 29598 29598 D AbsListView: in onLayout changed
04-29 20:58:18.937 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@ac623ac[PreferencesActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 1
04-29 20:58:18.952 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@843c875[PreferencesActivity]
04-29 20:58:18.952 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: getNavigationBarColor() -855310
04-29 20:58:18.953 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@843c875[PreferencesActivity]
04-29 20:58:18.953 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: getNavigationBarColor() -855310
04-29 20:58:18.953 29598 29598 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=org.openhab.habdroid ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
04-29 20:58:18.953 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: startInputInner - Id : 0
04-29 20:58:18.953 29598 29598 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
04-29 20:58:18.954 29598 29598 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: fd=115
04-29 20:58:18.954 29598 29598 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: fd=114
04-29 20:58:18.958 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@ac623ac[PreferencesActivity]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 63 - 0, 39) vi=Rect(0, 63 - 0, 39) or=1
04-29 20:58:19.251 29598 29643 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0x75cda6f010 disconnect failed
04-29 20:58:19.251 29598 29643 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x75dddf8800, 0x75cda6f000
04-29 20:58:19.257 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@699a6a4[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true
04-29 20:58:19.257 29598 29598 D MainActivity: onSaveInstanceState()
04-29 20:58:19.258 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@699a6a4[MainActivity]: Surface release. android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.setStoppedState:669
04-29 20:58:19.258 29598 29598 D MainActivity: onStop()
04-29 20:58:19.258 29598 29598 D PageConnectionHolderFragment: onStop()
04-29 20:58:19.258 29598 29598 D PageConnectionHolderFragment: Canceling connection for URL https:///rest/sitemaps/hayat_icloud/hayat_icloud
04-29 20:58:19.258 29598 29598 I am_on_stop_called: [0,org.openhab.habdroid.ui.MainActivity,STOP_ACTIVITY_ITEM]
04-29 20:58:19.271 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@699a6a4[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false
04-29 20:58:19.312 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@ac623ac[PreferencesActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0
04-29 20:58:19.333 29598 29598 D AbsListView: reportScrollStateChange() newState : 1
04-29 20:58:19.384 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@ac623ac[PreferencesActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1
04-29 20:58:19.384 29598 29598 D AbsListView: onTouchUp() mTouchMode : 3
04-29 20:58:19.384 29598 29598 D AbsListView: onTouchUp() TOUCH_MODE_SCROLL initialVelocity : -20954
04-29 20:58:19.384 29598 29598 D AbsListView: reportScrollStateChange() newState : 2
04-29 20:58:19.600 29598 29598 D AbsListView: reportScrollStateChange() newState : 0
04-29 20:58:19.998 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@ac623ac[PreferencesActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0
04-29 20:58:20.048 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@ac623ac[PreferencesActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1
04-29 20:58:20.048 29598 29598 D AbsListView: onTouchUp() mTouchMode : 0
04-29 20:58:20.136 29598 29598 I am_on_paused_called: [0,org.openhab.habdroid.ui.PreferencesActivity,performPause]
04-29 20:58:20.151 29598 29598 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@7dbe303
04-29 20:58:20.154 29598 29598 D skia : — Failed to create image decoder with message ‘unimplemented’
04-29 20:58:20.161 29598 29598 I AppCompatViewInflater: app:theme is now deprecated. Please move to using android:theme instead.
04-29 20:58:20.166 29598 29598 D ScrollView: initGoToTop
04-29 20:58:20.170 29598 29598 I am_on_create_called: [0,org.openhab.habdroid.ui.LogActivity,performCreate]
04-29 20:58:20.171 29598 29598 I am_on_start_called: [0,org.openhab.habdroid.ui.LogActivity,handleStartActivity]
04-29 20:58:20.172 29598 29598 I am_on_resume_called: [0,org.openhab.habdroid.ui.LogActivity,RESUME_ACTIVITY]
04-29 20:58:20.178 29598 29598 D InputTransport: Input channel constructed: fd=88
04-29 20:58:20.179 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@54ccee7[LogActivity]: setView = DecorView@668aa94[LogActivity] TM=true MM=false
04-29 20:58:20.179 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@ac623ac[PreferencesActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 1
04-29 20:58:20.179 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@843c875[PreferencesActivity]
04-29 20:58:20.179 29598 29598 D InputMethodManager: getNavigationBarColor() -855310
04-29 20:58:20.182 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@54ccee7[LogActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow
04-29 20:58:20.191 29598 29598 D ViewRootImpl@54ccee7[LogActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 505619734528} changed=true

The log is inconclusive here, but I’d guess the icloud binding writes a location state string we fail to parse. @Alahdal Can you please post a sample state of the location item, taken from the server’s event.log file? You can randomize the numbers as long as the format is kept intact. Alternatively, you could enable ‘show debug information’ in the app (second to last option), then close the app and open it again. (Doing so should include item state in the debug output) Then upload the log again 
 feel free to redact the exact location, but as above, please keep the format intact.

Hello @maniac103, please find attached the log.

oh.txt (61.3 KB)

Thanks. Issue indeed is the state format. The app expects ‘latitude,longitude’, while in your case it’s ‘latitude,longitude,0.0’ (I’m not sure what that 0.0 value is supposed to mean).
I’ll make the parser more lenient so it ignores the 3rd value.

Thank you @maniac103, I am not sure if my observation will add to what you have already found. But I feel like below values “bold font” are not correct it should be 39.236718

asHsv=[21.51347, 0.39236718, 0.0], asBrightness=0}, type=Mapview, url=null, item=Item{name=Hayat_iPhone_Location, label=Coordinates, type=Location, groupType=None, link=http://:8080/rest/items/Hayat_iPhone_Location, readOnly=true, members=[], options=[], state=ParsedState{asString=21.513468877626085,39.236718243524095,0.0, asBoolean=false, asNumber=null, asHsv=[21.51347, 0.39236718, 0.0], asBrightness=0}}, linkedPage=null, mappings=[], encoding=null, iconColor=null, labelColor=null, valueColor=null, refresh=0, minValue=0.0, maxValue=100.0, step=1.0, period=D, service=, legend=null, height=10}]

That’s OK actually. Values are parsed to some common formats before they are actually used, and so even location items are parsed to HSV (color) values. That parsed HSV values later won’t be used though.

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A common choice of coordinates is latitude, longitude and elevation.

@Alahdal Please checkout the latest beta (2.6.23-beta). Should arrive in Play Store soon.

Thank you. It works fine now on app.