It has nothing to do with coming from the marketplace. JRule times need to be compiled into jar files. I didn’t know if those can be used to create transformations.
This terminology has worked just fine since OH 1. Users of OH know they need to install stuff from the Add-on store to get support for that capability. For end users, there’s no such thing as a “service”. We install add-ons to get access to be capabilities in OH.
End users don’t see the code in core. Everything that runs users see, the docs, MainUI, forum posts call these “add-ons”.
if it’s a jar or a kar file, it is by definition an add-on.
There are many profiles. The transformation profile is one among many. The transformation profile let’s you call a transformation “service” with a specific transformation “configuration”.
That’s it. That’s the relationship. Nothing more. The transformation profile can invoke a transformation service.
Profile is not synonymous with transformation.
There’s a whole page about then in the docs. You’ll find the transformation action documented there among the others.
It’s right there between 'rule templates" and “UI widgets”.
I don’t control what terms of art are used in OH.
There is no “marketplace browser” anywhere. There is MainUI which has the Add-on Store.
Somehow rule templates, block libraries, and UI widgets have enough information to show them completely separated from the bundles. I didn’t see why it’s so hard to do the same for the posts on the forum in the Transformations category. It should work the same way.
The last things I want is for this to work differently.
The closest analog for what gets posted the the transformations category on the marketplace is rule templates. They should be presented the same way.