MCO Home IR Thermostat IR2900 Unknown Device

I believe it is. You can drill down to the commit (see changes) and update the binding from here. openHAB-ZWave [Jenkins]

I can see that the new device is included in the updated database, so I have uninstalled and reinstalled the Z-Wave plugin from my openHAB and i tried to add a new thing (after i have removed the old intance from the controller and the openHAB), but it still says “Unknown Device”. Am I missing some step?

I’m guessing the problem is here. The zwave binding that came with your installation hasn’t changed. You have to go out and fetch the new one. Bundle Management | openHAB You can check in the karaf console (sudo openhab-cli console; bundle:list). You need to do a bundle:update.

also you do not have to exclude the thing, simply delete the thing from the UI and go to the inbox and scan.

Lastly, I do not know what you are running now, but you will need java 17 as well.

I’ve done:

bundle:update 268

but I get the following:

Error executing command: Error executing command on bundles:
        Error starting bundle 268: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.zwave [268]
  Unresolved requirement: Require-Capability: osgi.extender; filter:="(&(osgi.extender=osgi.component)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))"

Is it the java 17, that you have warned me about?

So I’m not an expert on the inner workings of the Java 17 upgrade, but if you are not on Java 17, it could be related. What is your server and O/S?

I am running it on a Raspberry Pi. Do I need to upgrade its Java installation?

Are you using openhabian? Are you on buster or bullseye? But yes you will need Java 17 or you could wait and see if they release a oh3.4.3 and include the zwave Db updates.

I use openhabian. So I need to update Java on the host, and then? Do I need to somehow link the new Java with openHAB?

Buster or bullseye? Path forward depends on the OS.

It is bullseye!

That should be easy (I hope). Use openhabian-config to install Java 17. I forget what option

Thank you. now is there a specific way to link the new java 17 to openHAB?

I’m afraid I do not understand. Openhabian should take care of it.

sorry, I was not so clear. I have read somewhere that (sorry I can’t find the link):

If you are running openHAB as a service on your Raspberry Pi, you may need to update the Java version used by the service. You can do this by editing the openHAB service file at /etc/systemd/system/openhab.service and updating the ExecStart line to include the path to the java executable for Java 17. For example:

ExecStart=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-armhf/bin/java ...

Should I skip this step?

When you updated to java 17 via openhabian-config it should have handled that for you. Check this page on the UI

searching in the forum I haven’t found this information.

This is done automatically by making that version the default java version. Thus java will be found via it’s path.

And to do the Java 17 the default Java in openHAB, what do I have to do apart from installing it in raspbian?

Btw, it looks like openHAB now uses Java 17, but still MCO Home IR Thermostat device shows Unknown Device. I’ve attached openHAB’s about, console’s bundles, and MCO Thing.

There are some things look odd. First is that your device appears online despite the binding not being active. Is there only one zwave binding listed? Second is the osgi.extender error. I haven’t seen that and do not know how to fix. Third it looks like you are still on buster “linux/5” not bullseye “linux/6” and that I thought there were conflicts with java17. Not sure what to advise. If you are not too far along with OH it might be best to backup what you have to a separate computer and burn a fresh openhabian image. It should have everything updated.

thank you very much for the quick and long answer!