- Platform information:
- Hardware: x86_64/2Go/6Go
- OS: ArchLinux uptodate
- Java Runtime Environment: jre-openjdk 23.0.1.u
- openHAB version: 4.2.3
- Issue of the topic: problem to send a command to a Meross MSS210 switch with 8.0.0 firmware’s version
I have some issue with a new smart switch Meross MSS210.
I use a local MQTT mosquitto 2.0.18.
The device is configured with MerossBLE
I can read the status send by the device on my mosquitto server in /appliance/XXXX/publish topic.
I can sent an order to the device but it his status does not changed.
I had already do this with an older Meross device MSS620 without problem on the local mosquitto server and use it in OpenHAB.
"hardware": {
"type": "mss210",
"subType": "un",
"version": "8.0.0",
"chipType": "rtl8720cf",
"uuid": "XXXX",
"macAddress": "XXXX"
"firmware": {
"version": "8.3.2",
"compileTime": "2023/05/15-16:54:21",
"encrypt": 1,
"wifiMac": "XXXX",
"innerIp": "XXXX",
"server": "mosquitto_server",
"port": 8883,
"userId": XXX
Message sent for change the status in /appliance/XXXX/subscribe topic
"header": {
"messageId": "messsage1734084249927",
"namespace": "Appliance.Control.ToggleX",
"triggerSrc": "OpenHab",
"method": "SET",
"payloadVersion": 1,
"from": "/appliance/openhab/ack",
"uuid": "OpenHab server",
"timestamp": 1734084249,
"sign": "BC57E471020B7ADEFC948BB851C1F9FD"
"payload": {
"togglex": {
"channel": 0,
"onoff": 0
Do you have an idea to solve that ?