Meross: python library with mqtt

You installed the package(s) using privileges of user openhabian. openhabian does not have root user privileges and thus does not install the packages in the system’s paths but local to user openhabian ( /home/openhabian/.local/… ).
To execute the script you used user root. User root searches for the library in the paths of the system where the modules are not found.

Wolfgang, you made my day. Thank you!

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@demichve I am stuck at the same position. I cannot integrate the Meross Garage Door Opener MSG100 in my openHAB. The script recognizes the device (meross/Garagentor/set) but how can I setup channels? Where do I see available channels? To be honest I have no idea about MQTT. Any hint?

It worked for some time, but after some problems I switched back to my IFTTT webhooks. This is more reliable.

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I also switched to IFTTT webhooks now. Hereby, I can open and close the garage with openHAB. However, I see no option to read the status of the garage door (open or closed) from openHAB using IFTTT as openhab items cannot be exposed to IFTTT.
Do you have a solution for this?

You fixed your problem with the error in event handler?
I am now running into the same issue.

Please have a check on latest version of meross2mqttv2

It is now using MerossIot library and also include some code fixes.

Error in event handler fixed in latest version of meross2mqttv2

That’s really great and solved my problem.
Big thanks! :grinning: