Miele Cloud-binding


I think I have the same issue as @markus7017 in Miele Cloud-binding - #76 by markus7017

I tried to reset my password. I tried to ask for a new client/secret pair. I tried at different moment. I even tried to create an account in a different country (just to test). But there is no way I can login. I always get this error but no more detail. Am I doing something wrong?

Screenshot from 2022-01-25 21-37-24

Hi @BjoernLange
Can you tell me if there are any logs saved in Miele connected to API usage?
My oven was turned on by itself at 2am in the morning (no one in household did it - I checked all cameras), but the Oven H7264 switched to ā€˜Fan grill modeā€™ and was working until 7am. I can see elapsed time and current temperature in the UI started to grow at 2am, that is why I think it was turned on at 2am.

So I wonder if it was turned on via API from the cloud or there is a malfunction in my control panel? The same thing happened about a year ago, I called a technician, and he could find nothing. He also told he knows nothing about cloud control :slight_smile:

Hi @gaetancollaud,

sorry for the long response time. Sometimes itā€™s just a temporary outage of the login service and works again after a few days. If that doesnā€™t work your best bet is to try (or retry in case you already did so) the solution posted by @BobMiles:

If that still doesnā€™t work please contact Miele support.

Hi @dexter,

The binding does some logging but you need to manually increase the log level to DEBUG via the openHAB console in order to see it. Usually changes of item values are logged on INFO level and should appear in the openHAB log. However, this logging is not specific to API usage and only reflects changes and events in openHAB.

If your oven was turned off properly it is impossible to turn it on with the 3rd Party API which the binding uses. This is a design principle: It is only possible to switch devices into a state that is considered safer or equally safe without physical user interaction. So it is possible to turn a running oven off but it is not possible to turn it on without the user setting it into MobileStart or MobileControl modes by some interaction with the device.

I know that the Miele 1st Party API used by their app has more capabilities than the 3rd Party API but as this is closed source I cannot tell you whether it is possible. It is more probable that your control panel is malfunctioning :slight_smile:

Thanks for the note @BjoernLange
My question about the logs was not the logs from the binding, but logs stored in Miele servers regarding the API usage: if someone called API to do something with the device. Just to be on the safe side.
I understand that you canā€™t turn it on without MobileStart activated first, however bugs always exist :slight_smile:

Hmmm, talking about bugs - I need to check if a cockroach can do that. We have some big ones living in a garden that sometimes come insideā€¦

I donā€™t know whether they do any logging on the cloud side. All I can say is that there is no way to query such information via the 3rd Party API.

Hi @BjoernLange , I just upgraded OpenHAB from 3.0.2 to 3.2.0. Everything works fine except of the Miele Binding.
I removed the old .jar file, restarted, installed the 3.2.0 Miele Cloud binding. Then I had to remove the existing .things file with the binding and my 3 Miele devices (washing machine, dryer, dishwasher) so I got the /mielecloud screen (without removing the old things file I got just a list of errors on the /mielecloud page). There, I could do the pairing. The bridge also shows as online as soon as I activate the things file (I prefer to work with things files ā€¦ old school ā€¦). So far so good.
Unfortunately, on the last screen of the pairing, it does not show me my 3 Miele devices, only the line for the bridge. And using the existing definition in the .things file for the devices does not work (the things stay ā€œUninitializedā€ with ā€œHANDLER_REGISTERING_ERRORā€).
Any ideas what went wrong? Looks like the bridge does not recognize my registered Miele devices any more.

Ah, found the trick: I had to manually add the ā€˜deviceIdentifier="< ID >"ā€™ string into the brackets of the deviceā€™s line in the thing file. Now all devices are online.

Question is, if I didnā€™t have the old definition with the device IDā€™s already, where would I have gotten the device IDā€™s from? The pairing screen didnā€™t tell me.

Hi @sirupflex,

Currently, this is the expected behavior. After successful pairing you only get a .things file template for the bridge.

After the bridge is paired the bindings overview page (https://<your openHAB address>/mielecloud) displays details about the bridge. You can expand the bridge entry there and a full template will be shown. This is also described in detail in the Account Configuration Example on the documentation page.

Thank you very much for the details. Probably it is just me but it was not clear to me from the text that you have to return again to that page to see the full config. Maybe pointing it out very clearly help dummies like me to better understand :slight_smile:

At first - thank you for the binding!

We do have Miele Hood DA 3698 and according to developer portal (Hood, type=18) it should be able to have action ā€œventilationStepā€. But when i tried to find it from Miele Cloud binding manual it seems that there is ā€œventilation_powerā€ and ā€œventilation_power_rawā€ and those are ReadOnly :frowning:

Is there any chance that this kind of functionality fill come to binding ?


I have been trying to pair my new Miele dishwasher but I have some difficulties. I have done the Cloud Binding Configuration as explained here. In Discovery section it is mentioned that Once a Miele account is paired, all supported appliances are automatically discovered as individual things and placed in the inbox. They can then be paired with your favorite management UI.

This is what I donā€™t quite understand. I have tried to press the Scan button shown in the screenshot below:

but nothing happens so the dishwasher was not discovered. If I manually try to add the dishwasher I donā€™t know how I get the Device identifier shown below:

I have also looked at the configuration example but the Things file doesnā€™t show my dishwasher:

So, what Iā€™m missing?

Your latest screenshot should have a list of paired devices.

Can you see your device in the Miele home mobile app?
Are you using the same account that you are registered in the Miele home app?

@dexter, many thanks for your reply. I was also wondering why there are no paired devices in the last screenshot. My app on my phone is working but I realised now that I have two different variants for my email account and it seems that I used different versions on the app and on OH. I canā€™t now pair the dishwasher because Iā€™m not at home but will do it once I get back home.

I had some difficulties with pairing the dishwasher to my other email account on the Miele app. Only 2nd re-installation helped and the device was paired immediately.

I also had some problems with registering at the Miele Developer Portal so I had to do this twice for some reason. Finally I managed ot get the biding working. Thanks @dexter for your help.

Iā€™ve just installed this binding and can see my dishwasher and dryer.
Is there any way the binding can start the appliances if they are set to mobile start when they are loaded? I can schedule each appliance via the app, but I was hoping to use OH to start the devices. Previously with my older dishwasher I used a simple relay across the start button which worked well for many years, but I donā€™t want to hack a newer device which is still under warranty.
Iā€™m currently running OH 3.4.0.M5 and happy to update assuming it doesnā€™t break too many things

Hi @kevin,

usually it works like this: Set the delayed start time on the device to an arbitrary value (choose a high one, like 24 hours). Start the countdown. At this point the remote_control_can_be_started channel switches to ON. Finally, switching the program_start channel to ON starts the device, skipping any remaining delayed start time.

Thanks, will give it a try next time I do laundry :slight_smile:

That seems to work on both Dishwasher and Dryer, thanks!

Pity ā€œecostartā€ or ā€œsmartgridā€ canā€™t be used to delay the appliance from starting via the binding

@BjoernLange are the creators of this binding open to extending it? Specifically it would be great to be able to send program, options and schedule information to the dishwasher and tumble drier from OpenHAB