Migrated openhab2 IEC 62056 21 Meter Binding


i am the author of the old binding in openhab 1.x
i was not able to finish the migration to openhab 2.x as i wanted to us also the new openmuc library.
in the meantime there is a new smartmeter binding for OH2.
I do have issue with that binding as my landis gyr meter E350 is not working with openmuc 2.1.0
have you been able to use the new smart meter binding.

i am currently looking into the issue on the openmuc 2.1.0 not reading my data. in the meantime i am getting data. So updating the fixed openmuc to the smart meter bing may help


Hi Peter,
thank you for your response (and btw for all your work!!!).
I will test it asap and give you feedback.

So long

great if you could test this file here.
new version of smartmeter binding

to my understanding that binding would be able to replace my old binding plus it support an uptaded version of openmuc with including support for SML

let me know how you are using it