Migration from OH 1.x to OH 2 Tutorial

Yes, correct. To find the names go to PaperUI and take that entry:


RPi3 Raspian 4.4.13
Oracle JDK 1.8.0_65

Migration from fresh install of OH 1.8.3

Have followed this procedure (Snapshot, offline) without issues all the way up to completing the install of OH2 and opening the portal hours later with http://:8080

I am seeing “HELLO WORLD!” instead of the portal.

There seem to be issues in the log, but I am not OH-informed enough to know what they mean. I’ve uploaded the log, though am not sure that is the correct protocol.

openhab2.log.pdf (398.0 KB)

You have some other program listening on port 8080, 8443, or 8118.

Give you are seeing HELLO WORLD! I suspect it is on port 8080.

Not necessarily. “Hello World” is what you’ll see when browsing the static content page under: http://yourdeviceaddress:8080/static/index.html

@will_stewart1a you want to browse to http://yourdeviceaddress:8080
(will be redirected to http://yourdeviceaddress:8080/start/index)

The attached logfile said “address in use”, so I assume that Rich is right.

Oh, didn’t look into it. Then it’s clear.

I didn’t know about the Hello World! thing though. I assumed that was coming from another service. But the log does indicated a Bind exception.

Intriguingly, when I ran

 $ sudo netstat -l -p -t -n| grep 8080

I found;

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name

tcp6       0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN      16237/java

Looking at TaskManager on the RPi desktop, that process was the openhab2 java executing.

I tried http://(localAddress):xxxx with the other ports others had noted above, but only received connection errors.

Rebooted once again, and now I see the desktop. Thanks all!

Is it a typo or should we copy rules inside transform folder ?



Hi, How can I delete database used by paperUI ?

I first configured all my items using command line and config file, then I started paperUI and I clicked on the stuff found on the inbox (samsung smart tv binding and ntp binding), and now smart tv control does not work anymore.
I think there is a conflict between paperui conf and file conf. How can I delete paper ui db.


I’m pretty sure, though not certain, the db is in userdata/mapdb/storage*.

@rlkoshak Thanks’ a million for the effort of making such a thorough tutorial. It helped a lot to avoid heaps of “trial and errors”.

I run OH on Rpi’s and have zwave stuff as well as quite a few MySensors Arduinos which communicate over MQTT. So I made a test installation of OH2 on a separate Pi and used the Eventbus Broker functionality to set up and debug an initial and identical installation on OH2.

Essentially this means that all state changes are sent via MQTT from the OH1.8.3.Pi (the “master”) to the OH2 Pi (the “slave”) and commands are sent the other way. After everything was debugged and worked as expected I have started to convert a few items to the OH2 format to learn about this way of doing things.

Another (little) experience is that it is a help to use the log:tail function of the Karaf console when adding all the OH1 info from a separate Putty console. Then everything new showed up immediately so I did not need to poll the logs over and over again.

Or just run tail -f /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log

It may be because I’m old school but I like to tail and grep through the file rather than logging into the console.

I’m glad the tutorial was a help.

1 Like

I agree, I am using the log beside the console as well but when adding to OH2 part by part it helped to get a quick answer which mostly lead to jumping out of the console anyhow.

I tried that, but it was not successful:
String Weather_Current “Wetter [MAP(weather_de.map):%s]” {weather=“locationId=home, type=condition, property=commonId”}

I used the previous icons also used in the webview and generated icons for wunderground (back in OH1.8.3. already). For OH 1 it was working as desired and showed the icon on the Weather_Current item according to the weather (e.g. sunny). With OH2 it does not work…

Found it myself… See:

Hi, I followed this clean guide and I successfully updated my OH 1.X to OH 2 beta4.
Everything works as expected and now, after a couple of weeks that the system was up and running I want upgrade my zwave binding to 2.X but I cannot uninstall previous binding.
From karaf console if I run " feature:uninstall openhab-binding-zwave1" all I get is this error:

2016-11-13 15:21:58.981 [ERROR] [st.core.extensions.ExtensionResource] - Exception while uninstalling extension: org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Unable to resolve root: missing requirement [root] osgi.identity; osgi.identity=openhab-ui-habpanel; type=karaf.feature; version="[2.0.0.SNAPSHOT,2.0.0.SNAPSHOT]"; filter:="(&(osgi.identity=openhab-ui-habpanel)(type=karaf.feature)(version>=2.0.0.SNAPSHOT)(version<=2.0.0.SNAPSHOT))"

The same error is presents on the openhab log file if I try to uninstall zwave1 binding from paperUI.
Any suggestion ?

I recommend posting this as a separate thread. I’ve no advice to give and as a new thread it will get more exposure and attention.