Hi guys
After more or less 6 years I have decided to migrate my old platform to new ones, as my part of bidding was not working properly and was outdated. I have also changed platform from Pi2 to Pi3 with the newest Openhabian.
Unfortunately I forgot most of syntax and my complex config , also to he honest I thought that most of config will work on 4.1. My previous config was based on OH1, migrated/exteded to OH2. Now I spend a lot of time and it looks it working in ca 70%, but still I can not undestand or solve few problem. If you can help I will will be very gratefully, especially that I cound not find answer on community.
As I understand all binding concept is new now. Previously I can do config via web but it was inline with my text files. Now system ignored my binding config from items file, but when I config it via UI I do not see any text configuration, so where UI keep config like things, bridges, etc ?
I have following warn:
Item 'GWC_Auto_time' needed for rule 'went-1' is missing. Trigger '1' will not work.
items file:
Switch GWC_Auto_Time "ZaĆÄ
czenie na noc" (Wentylacja)
and rules with rule no1:
rule "Enabling GWC"
Time cron "0 0 19 * * ?" or
Item GWC_Auto_time changed from OFF to ON
if (GWC_Auto_Time.state == ON) {
postUpdate(GWC, ON)
It was working under OH2.
Contact items, I have plenty of items which I read from alarm system (Satel binding) like door or window status (open/close) OR from GPIO input. Now I can not assign as those binding do see only switches. Why ? Contact items are not longer supported.
WARN from Logs, which I have no idea how is it connected with config:
[WARN ] [pache.cxf.jaxrs.sse.SseEventSinkImpl] - There are still SSE events the queue which may not be delivered (closing now)
- Also I have read that some types was changed, is it a problem with types ?
[ERROR] [internal.handler.ScriptActionHandler] - Script execution of rule with UID 'went-3' failed: Could not cast NULL to org.openhab.core.library.types.DecimalType; line 32, column 28, length 39 in went
rule "Went_Fun nawiew update"
Item Went_Fun_Nawiew received update or
Item Went_Mode changed or
Item Went_Flow changed
if (Went_Fun_Nawiew.state !== NULL)
postUpdate(Went_Fun_Nawiew_V, 10 * (Went_Fun_Nawiew.state)as DecimalType / 4095)
val int c_Nawiew =10 + (((Went_Fun_Nawiew_V.state)as DecimalType -2) * 14.2857).intValue
postUpdate(Current_Nawiew, c_Nawiew)
Number Went_Fun_Nawiew (Wentylacja) //{channel="modbus:data:went:Fans:Naw:number"}
Number Went_Fun_Wywiew (Wentylacja) //{channel="modbus:data:went:Fans:Wyw:number"}
Number Went_Fun_Nawiew_V "NapiÄcie wentylator nawiewu [%.1f V]" <fan> (Wentylacja)
Number Went_Fun_Wywiew_V "NapiÄcie wentylator wywiewu [%.1f V]" <fan> (Wentylacja)
Number Went_Mode "Tryb pracy" <program> (Wentylacja)
Number Went_Flow "Zadana wydajnoĆÄ [%d]%" <fan> (Wentylacja)