I’m having a few issues with the milight binding in OH2 (this is my first attempt to use an OH2 specific binding, so the learning curve is steep! - I’ve followed the migration tutorial upto now, but following advice to use OH2 bindings where they exist, I’m heading down that path).
Bridge milight:bridge:AC*********3E [ ADDR="192.168.*.***", PORT=8899] {
Thing whiteLed 0 "Lamps" @ "Lounge"
Thing whiteLed 1 "Front Lamp" @ "Lounge"
Thing whiteLed 2 "Rear Lamp" @ "Lounge"
OK, first issue - I get the following warning, presumably because there’s something wrong with the .things definition:
2016-11-16 06:57:01.608 [WARN ] [milight.handler.MilightBridgeHandler] - BridgeID not known. Version 2 fallback behaviour activated, no periodical refresh available!
I then have the following items defined in .items:
Switch Light_LoungeLamps "Lounge Lamps" (gLights) { milight="milight:whiteLed:AC*********3E:0" }
Dimmer Light_GF_Lounge_Front_B "Lounge Front Lamp - Brightness" (gLights) { channel="milight:whiteLed:AC*********3E:1:ledbrightness" }
Dimmer Light_GF_Lounge_Front_C "Lounge Front Lamp - Colour" (gLights) { channel="milight:whiteLed:AC*********3E:1:colourTemperature" }
Dimmer Light_GF_Lounge_Rear_B "Lounge Rear Lamp - Brightness" (gLights) { channel="milight:whiteLed:AC*********3E:2:ledbrightness" }
Dimmer Light_GF_Lounge_Rear_C "Lounge Rear Lamp - Colour" (gLights) { channel="milight:whiteLed:AC*********3E:2:colourTemperature" }
Switch Light_GF_Lounge_Front "Lounge Rear Lamp" (gLights) { channel="milight:whiteLed:AC*********3E:2:nightMode" }
Switch Light_GF_Lounge_Rear "Lounge Rear Lamp" (gLights) { channel="milight:whiteLed:AC*********3E:2:nightMode" }
Things and items (Karaf console):
openhab> smarthome:things
milight:bridge:ACCF2339A93E (Type=Bridge, Status=ONLINE: V2 compatibility mode, Label=null, Bridge=null)
milight:whiteLed:ACCF2339A93E:0 (Type=Thing, Status=ONLINE, Label=Lamps, Bridge=milight:bridge:ACCF2339A93E)
milight:whiteLed:ACCF2339A93E:1 (Type=Thing, Status=ONLINE, Label=Front Lamp, Bridge=milight:bridge:ACCF2339A93E)
milight:whiteLed:ACCF2339A93E:2 (Type=Thing, Status=ONLINE, Label=Rear Lamp, Bridge=milight:bridge:ACCF2339A93E)
When I first tried to test, the lights came on in either a very low brightness setting, or directly into nightMode. What I found was that I could increase the brightness without a problem, but everytime I reduced the brightness, the lamps turned off completely.
Now I’m having the problem that none of the commands work at all…
I’m using either the default sitemap - I haven’t defined a new sitemap yet, or the karaf console:
openhab> smarthome:update Light_GF_Lounge_Front ON
Update has been sent successfully.
openhab> smarthome:update Light_GF_Lounge_Rear ON
Update has been sent successfully.
openhab> smarthome:update Light_GF_Lounge_Front_B 50
Update has been sent successfully.
openhab> smarthome:update Light_GF_Lounge_Rear_B 50
Update has been sent successfully.
openhab> smarthome:items | grep -i GF_Lounge
Light_GF_Lounge_Front_B (Type=DimmerItem, State=50, Label=Lounge Front Lamp - Brightness, Category=null, Groups=[gLights])
Light_GF_Lounge_Rear_B (Type=DimmerItem, State=50, Label=Lounge Rear Lamp - Brightness, Category=null, Groups=[gLights])
Light_GF_Lounge_Front (Type=SwitchItem, State=ON, Label=Lounge Rear Lamp, Category=null, Groups=[gLights])
Light_GF_Lounge_Rear (Type=SwitchItem, State=ON, Label=Lounge Rear Lamp, Category=null, Groups=[gLights])