Missing EOF while trying to Group Thermostat for Alexa

I just managed to link my Alexa with OpenHab2. This works well and im able to switch some lihgts on and off and also dimming works fine. I just wanted to add some clima to my setup and im running now into trouble - think i made a Mistake wtih my Group ?

I read the Docu where it is explained - Thermostats are created by adding the items of a thermostat to a group which has the tag “Thermostat” which follows the HomeKit binding configuration. See HomeKit Add-on for more information on how to configure thermostats.

I tried to create a group - but im running into trouble and can´t figure out what i´m doing wrong :frowning: Heres my code for the Items

Group  WZ_Thermostat      "Wohnzimmer Thermostat"                       ["Thermostat"]
Number Heizung_WZ "Soll Temp Wohnzimmer [%d °C]"     (WZ_Thermostat)    ["TargetTemperature"]      <temperature> { channel="homematic:HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU:7d67d2b2:MEQ0050671:2#SET_TEMPERATURE" }
Switch Boost_WZ "Boost 10 Minuten"                   (WZ_Thermostat)                               <fire>        { channel="homematic:HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU:7d67d2b2:MEQ0050671:2#BOOST_MODE"}
Number Hum_WZ "Aktuelle Luftfeuchtigkeit [%.1f %%]"  (WZ_Thermostat)                               <humidity>    { channel="homematic:HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU:7d67d2b2:MEQ0050671:2#ACTUAL_HUMIDITY"}
Number Temp_WZ "Aktuelle Temp"						 (WZ_Thermostat)	["CurrentTemperature"]	   <temperature> { channel="homematic:HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU:7d67d2b2:MEQ0050671:2#ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE"}
Switch Boost_Aktor_WZK "Boost 10 Minuten"            (WZ_Thermostat)                               <fire> 		 { channel="homematic:HM-CC-RT-DN:7d67d2b2:MEQ0792360:4#BOOST_MODE"}
Switch Boost_Aktor_WZ  "Boost 10 Minuten"            (WZ_Thermostat)                               <fire> 		 { channel="homematic:HM-CC-RT-DN:7d67d2b2:MEQ0792099:4#BOOST_MODE"}

I also added a Screen from HomeDesigner…can someone pls help ?