I try to use the blockly scripts, by define colors and send them to the hue bulbs. Problem is, that colors are HEX values and I need separated RGB values. Online I found a „hsb of“ block in the documentation. But the block is not exists in my env?! Can someone send me a hint why I don‘t found the block?
I’m pretty sure the documentation is ahead of the “stable” release in this instance. For example the inline code block also only appears in the 3.3 milestones and snapshots…
yes the documentation is ahead of the release. The block is only part of 3.3. I would recommend upgrading to 3.3 as there have been other blocks added, too.
Hey @stefan.hoehn
I am new in the openHAB eco system. So I thought I will wait for a stable release Or what exactly is the „milestone3“ release?!