Modbus: Failed to update item 'xxx' because '15.7' could not be converted to the item unit '°C'

I am trying to read a value via modbus and convert it into an Item. The modbus-tcp binding is working, as is the ‘modbus poller’ and the ‘modbus data’.

What fails is the conversion to an Item:

[WARN ] [openhab.core.library.items.NumberItem] - Failed to update item 'OutsideTemperature' because '15.7' could not be converted to the item unit '°C'

It seems to me that ‘15.7’ is a Number (it is also a plausible outside temperature value), so why does the conversion to a temperature (Number:Temperature) fail?

Here is the modbus data definition created through the UI:

UID: modbus:data:outside_temperature:outside_temperature
label: Modbus Data Outside Temperature
thingTypeUID: modbus:data
  readValueType: int16
  readTransform: default
  writeTransform: default
  readStart: "30009"
  updateUnchangedValuesEveryMillis: 1000
  writeMultipleEvenWithSingleRegisterOrCoil: false
  writeMaxTries: 3
bridgeUID: modbus:poller:source:outside_temperature
location: outside
  - id: number
    channelTypeUID: modbus:number-type
    label: Value as Number
    description: Number item channel
    configuration: {}
  - id: switch
    channelTypeUID: modbus:switch-type
    label: Value as Switch
    description: Switch item channel
    configuration: {}
  - id: contact
    channelTypeUID: modbus:contact-type
    label: Value as Contact
    description: Contact item channel
    configuration: {}
  - id: dimmer
    channelTypeUID: modbus:dimmer-type
    label: Value as Dimmer
    description: Dimmer item channel
    configuration: {}
  - id: datetime
    channelTypeUID: modbus:datetime-type
    label: Value as DateTime
    description: DateTime item channel
    configuration: {}
  - id: string
    channelTypeUID: modbus:string-type
    label: Value as String
    description: String item channel
    configuration: {}
  - id: rollershutter
    channelTypeUID: modbus:rollershutter-type
    label: Value as Rollershutter
    description: Rollershutter item channel
    configuration: {}
  - id: lastReadSuccess
    channelTypeUID: modbus:last-successful-read-type
    label: Last Successful Read
    description: Date of last read
    configuration: {}
  - id: lastReadError
    channelTypeUID: modbus:last-erroring-read-type
    label: Last Erroring Read
    description: Date of last read error
    configuration: {}
  - id: lastWriteSuccess
    channelTypeUID: modbus:last-successful-write-type
    label: Last Successful Write
    description: Date of last write
    configuration: {}
  - id: lastWriteError
    channelTypeUID: modbus:last-erroring-write-type
    label: Last Erroring Write
    description: Date of last write error
    configuration: {}

I then defined an Item:

label: Outside Temperature
type: Number:Temperature
category: ""
  - outside
  - Temperature
  - Point

I linked this Item to the channel modbus:data:outside_temperature:outside_temperature:number using a Gain-Offset Correction with offset 0 and gain 0.1 to convert the modbus integer value (e.g. 157) to a float 15.7.

(Sorry, could not find the YAML describing this in the UI anywhere.)

Since I see 15.7 displayed in the log, I am assuming that the gain-offset correction has worked.

How come the conversion to a temperature fails?

What version of OH are you running?

what makes if you set the unit on the gain like it describes?

Maybe add the unit to the gain factor.
Have a look at this post, here I did this for a power value read from Modbus and it is working for me.

You can directly use 0.1 [°C] as Gain.

I set the gain to “0.1 [°C]” and now it works. :grinning:

Thank you for all the helpful advice!