Modbus RTU Drexel & Weiss <> openHAB

Huh! Modbus Poll is 1,67 minutes. (lowered from 5 mins for testing purpose)
The errors appear just a few milliseconds just before the item change is registern in events.log.
so you’re probably right and the first try fails but the second succeeds.
i’ll take a look at the inter transaction gap - not sure what it means =)

yesterday i tried the 200 register with a read slave.



Number Aussen_MB "Außentemperatur raw" (Modbus) {modbus="slave1:0"}

apart from the error mentioned above i get the right value for room temperature.

BUT!!! when i add a second item:

Number Aussen2_MB "Außentemperatur raw 2" (Modbus) {modbus="slave1:2"}

i still get the value for 200, BUT! i don’t get the value for (200+2 =) 202 and an error like this:

2017-04-21 07:37:10.936 [ERROR] [] - Last request: 01 04 00 c8 00 02 f0 35
2017-04-21 07:37:10.938 [ERROR] [] - failed to read: Error reading response (EOF)
2017-04-21 07:37:10.940 [ERROR] [] - execute try 1/3 error: I/O exception - failed to read. Request: net.wimpi.modbus.msg.ReadInputRegistersRequest@17590e (unit id 1 & transaction 200). Serial parameters: SerialParameters@45ecae[portName=/dev/ttyAMA0,baudRate=9600,flowControlIn=none,flowControlOut=none,databits=8,stopbits=1,parity=none,encoding=rtu,echo=false,receiveTimeoutMillis=1500]
2017-04-21 07:37:11.054 [ERROR] [.binding.modbus.internal.ModbusSlave] - ModbusSlave (slave1) error getting response from slave
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4
        at org.openhab.binding.modbus.internal.ModbusBinding.extractStateFromRegisters([201:org.openhab.binding.modbus:1.9.0]
        at org.openhab.binding.modbus.internal.ModbusBinding.internalUpdateItem([201:org.openhab.binding.modbus:1.9.0]
        at org.openhab.binding.modbus.internal.ModbusSlave.updateItem([201:org.openhab.binding.modbus:1.9.0]
        at org.openhab.binding.modbus.internal.ModbusSlave.update([201:org.openhab.binding.modbus:1.9.0]
        at org.openhab.binding.modbus.internal.ModbusBinding.execute([201:org.openhab.binding.modbus:1.9.0]
        at org.openhab.core.binding.AbstractActiveBinding$BindingActiveService.execute([182:org.openhab.core.compat1x:2.0.0]
        at org.openhab.core.service.AbstractActiveService$[182:org.openhab.core.compat1x:2.0.0]

(first 3 lines are the usual ones, the rest is new)

have i misunderstood item configuration?

int32 datatypes use 2 standard modbus 16-bit registers. A single item is thus length 2.

A hint for that comes in the devices manual, the next “32-bit register” after 200 is 202. The binding config above fetches 200 and 201 and stitches them together as a single 32-bit data element.

To fetch two consecutive int32 types you would need length 4

The :2 in the Item definition refers to the third data element from the binding, as we count from zero here.

It gets a bit confusing because where in the binding config we count in standard size modbus registers, in the the Item definition we count in processed data elements passed from the binding.

This is the price of passing 32-bit data over a 16-bit standard, it works but needs care.

erm, well… ok (i guess?)

so to get 200 & 202 i’d have to adjuts length to “4” and second item should be

Number Aussen2_MB "Außentemperatur raw 2" (Modbus) {modbus="slave1:1"}


what if i want to read f.e. register 216 (Temperatur: Sole) as third item?
lenght = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6?
and item “:8”?


The binding can only read consecutive blocks of registers, because that is all that Modbus standard allows.
The binding can only treat such blocks as the same datatype throughout (int32 in this case), because it would get really confusing if we mixed datatypes within a block

But there is nothing in OpenHAB to prevent you reading a block and not using all the registers in it.

So to poll 200, 202 and 216 you might have


This will read all Modbus 16-bit registers 200 to 217, and the binding will process them into 9 32-bit data elements
You would pick the three you want like

Number Aussen1_MB "data 200 raw" {modbus="block1:0"}
Number Aussen2_MB "data 202 raw" {modbus="block1:1"}
Number Aussen3_MB "data 216 raw" {modbus="block1:8"}

This would use the first, second, and ninth data pairs in OpenHAB and simply not use the others in-between - though they do get read over Modbus.

Unfortunately, there is a complication. Modbus slaves are NOT obliged to allow reads from registers that their designers have not defined. They might respond with null data, or they might reject the read altogether. Rejection might take the form of an error code response, or it might simply ignore it and produce a timeout.
So the technique above may or may not work with any given device, if the registers in-between are not defined by the designer.
It’s a case of try it and see.

If it doesn’t work, then you have to split the blocks. There is nothing to stop you defining more than one ‘virtual’ slave in the binding config for the same physical device.
Indeed, you have to do that where different datatypes are involved, such as input registers and holding registers, or 16 and 32 bit numbers.

So for your example we could define two slaves



This would read only the registers wanted, at the cost of polling the device twice instead of once.
Items would then be

Number Aussen1_MB "data 200 raw" {modbus="block1:0"}
Number Aussen2_MB "data 202 raw" {modbus="block1:1"}
Number Aussen3_MB "data 216 raw" {modbus="block2:0"}

for the first two pairs in block1 and the first pair in block2

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Hi again… since i was busy the last weeks i couldn’t make much progress.
i tried your suggestions:




Group Modbus
Number Raum_MB "Raumtemperatur raw" (Modbus) {modbus="slave1:0"}
Number Raum_MB_kr "Raumtermperatur" (Modbus)
Number Aussen_MB "Aussentemperatur raw" (Modbus) {modbus="slave1:1"}

i get no values but errors in openhab.log

2017-05-09 19:53:46.916 [ERROR] [] - Last request: 01 04 00 c8 00 04 70 37
2017-05-09 19:53:46.917 [ERROR] [] - failed to read: CRC Error in received frame: 0 bytes:
2017-05-09 19:53:46.919 [ERROR] [] - execute try 1/3 error: I/O exception - failed to read. Request: net.wimpi.modbus.msg.ReadInputRegistersRequest@10da78e (unit id 1 & transaction 1). Serial parameters: SerialParameters@d8e661[portName=/dev/ttyAMA0,baudRate=9600,flowControlIn=none,flowControlOut=none,databits=8,stopbits=1,parity=none,encoding=rtu,echo=false,receiveTimeoutMillis=1500]
2017-05-09 19:53:47.067 [ERROR] [] - Last request: 01 04 00 c8 00 04 70 37
2017-05-09 19:53:47.072 [ERROR] [] - failed to read: CRC Error in received frame: 0 bytes:
2017-05-09 19:53:47.073 [ERROR] [] - execute try 2/3 error: I/O exception - failed to read. Request: net.wimpi.modbus.msg.ReadInputRegistersRequest@10da78e (unit id 1 & transaction 1). Serial parameters: SerialParameters@d8e661[portName=/dev/ttyAMA0,baudRate=9600,flowControlIn=none,flowControlOut=none,databits=8,stopbits=1,parity=none,encoding=rtu,echo=false,receiveTimeoutMillis=1500]
2017-05-09 19:53:47.176 [ERROR] [] - Last request: 01 04 00 c8 00 04 70 37
2017-05-09 19:53:47.177 [ERROR] [] - failed to read: CRC Error in received frame: 0 bytes:
2017-05-09 19:53:47.178 [ERROR] [] - execute try 3/3 error: I/O exception - failed to read. Request: net.wimpi.modbus.msg.ReadInputRegistersRequest@10da78e (unit id 1 & transaction 1). Serial parameters: SerialParameters@d8e661[portName=/dev/ttyAMA0,baudRate=9600,flowControlIn=none,flowControlOut=none,databits=8,stopbits=1,parity=none,encoding=rtu,echo=false,receiveTimeoutMillis=1500]
2017-05-09 19:53:47.178 [ERROR] [] - execute reached max tries 3, throwing last error: I/O exception - failed to read. Request: net.wimpi.modbus.msg.ReadInputRegistersRequest@10da78e. Serial parameters: SerialParameters@d8e661[portName=/dev/ttyAMA0,baudRate=9600,flowControlIn=none,flowControlOut=none,databits=8,stopbits=1,parity=none,encoding=rtu,echo=false,receiveTimeoutMillis=1500]
2017-05-09 19:53:47.179 [ERROR] [.binding.modbus.internal.ModbusSlave] - ModbusSlave (slave1): Error getting modbus data for request net.wimpi.modbus.msg.ReadInputRegistersRequest@10da78e. Error: I/O exception - failed to read. Endpoint ModbusSerialSlaveEndpoint@1c6568[portName=/dev/ttyAMA0]. Connection: SerialConnection@319350[portName=/dev/ttyAMA0,port=/dev/ttyAMA0]

with 2 different slaves it works:




Group Modbus
Number Raum_MB "Raumtemperatur raw" (Modbus) {modbus="slave1:0"}
Number Raum_MB_kr "Raumtermperatur" (Modbus)
Number Aussen_MB "Aussentemperatur raw" (Modbus) {modbus="slave2:0"}

This is for reading items.

I note that the “working” and “not working” slave1 are completely identical.

yeah… well… after changing back to “working” setup i forgot to adjust length to “2”. (correct now in post above!)
just took my 2 hours why i had no success in reading slave1. argh!!! :confounded:

i tried to setup a r/w item and could read 5016, but i wasn’t able to write. i’ll post conf & log tonight!

I’m not an OH2 user, but I see a lot of frustration about its habit of caching configurations and using “older versions”. I suspect an OH restart is needed when tinkering with configs.

Reading with a length of 4 ought to work, we ought to get to the bottom of that.

Note that 32-bit write is problematic, if thats what you are attempting later

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Re caching : even restart might not be enough. Consult this post for more details how to clear the cache : Modbus RTU openHAB binding Error


@ssalonen ty! your link helped clearing cache!

as for my “read/write” item:




Number Raum_MB_Soll "Raumtemperatur SOLL raw" (Modbus) {modbus="slave3:0"}

events.log (when changing temp. on heating system display)

2017-05-10 22:06:24.936 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - Raum_MB_Soll changed from 22500 to 22300

and this happens when i try to write: events.log

2017-05-10 22:09:13.895 [ItemCommandEvent          ] - Item 'Raum_MB_Soll' received command 22800
2017-05-10 22:09:14.278 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - Raum_MB_Soll changed from 22300 to 22800

it doesn’t relly change…

but i get this in openhab.log:

2017-05-10 22:09:13.985 [ERROR] [] - Last request: 01 10 13 98 00 01 02 59 10 a3 15
2017-05-10 22:09:13.986 [ERROR] [] - failed to read: CRC Error in received frame: 0 bytes:
2017-05-10 22:09:13.988 [ERROR] [] - execute try 1/3 error: I/O exception - failed to read. Request: net.wimpi.modbus.msg.WriteMultipleRegistersRequest@1c7ccc2 (unit id 1 & transaction 49). Serial parameters: SerialParameters@1eaaaaf[portName=/dev/ttyAMA0,baudRate=9600,flowControlIn=none,flowControlOut=none,databits=8,stopbits=1,parity=none,encoding=rtu,echo=false,receiveTimeoutMillis=1500]
2017-05-10 22:09:14.117 [ERROR] [] - Last request: 01 10 13 98 00 01 02 59 10 a3 15
2017-05-10 22:09:14.118 [ERROR] [] - failed to read: CRC Error in received frame: 0 bytes:
2017-05-10 22:09:14.120 [ERROR] [] - execute try 2/3 error: I/O exception - failed to read. Request: net.wimpi.modbus.msg.WriteMultipleRegistersRequest@1c7ccc2 (unit id 1 & transaction 49). Serial parameters: SerialParameters@1eaaaaf[portName=/dev/ttyAMA0,baudRate=9600,flowControlIn=none,flowControlOut=none,databits=8,stopbits=1,parity=none,encoding=rtu,echo=false,receiveTimeoutMillis=1500]
2017-05-10 22:09:14.229 [ERROR] [] - Last request: 01 10 13 98 00 01 02 59 10 a3 15
2017-05-10 22:09:14.230 [ERROR] [] - failed to read: CRC Error in received frame: 0 bytes:
2017-05-10 22:09:14.232 [ERROR] [] - execute try 3/3 error: I/O exception - failed to read. Request: net.wimpi.modbus.msg.WriteMultipleRegistersRequest@1c7ccc2 (unit id 1 & transaction 49). Serial parameters: SerialParameters@1eaaaaf[portName=/dev/ttyAMA0,baudRate=9600,flowControlIn=none,flowControlOut=none,databits=8,stopbits=1,parity=none,encoding=rtu,echo=false,receiveTimeoutMillis=1500]
2017-05-10 22:09:14.233 [ERROR] [] - execute reached max tries 3, throwing last error: I/O exception - failed to read. Request: net.wimpi.modbus.msg.WriteMultipleRegistersRequest@1c7ccc2. Serial parameters: SerialParameters@1eaaaaf[portName=/dev/ttyAMA0,baudRate=9600,flowControlIn=none,flowControlOut=none,databits=8,stopbits=1,parity=none,encoding=rtu,echo=false,receiveTimeoutMillis=1500]
2017-05-10 22:09:14.235 [ERROR] [.binding.modbus.internal.ModbusSlave] - ModbusSlave (slave3): error when executing write request (net.wimpi.modbus.msg.WriteMultipleRegistersRequest@1c7ccc2): I/O exception - failed to read

does this help?

From the binding WIKI

Note: The way Decimal commands are handled currently means that it is probably not useful to try to use Decimal commands with non-16bit valuetypes.

You cannot simply write 32-bit at present.

We’ll have to try to hack it with two 16-bit Items. It gets complicated because of the sign.

This is untested -

modbus.cfg to deal with this register pair as 16-bits, important note - Unsigned

writemultipleregisters = true


Items to handle 32-bit data in 16-bit chunks

// a virtual item for incoming reading
Number Raum_MB_Soll "Raumtemperatur SOLL raw" (Modbus) {autoupdate="false"}
// a pair of modbus registers for 16-bit read/write
Number Raum_MB_Soll_Hi "Raumtemperatur high byte" (Modbus) {modbus="slave3:0", autoupdate="false"}
Number Raum_MB_Soll_Lo "Raumtemperatur low byte" (Modbus) {modbus="slave3:1", autoupdate="false"}

Rules to do the magic

rule  "process incoming words"
   Item Raum_MB_Soll_Lo changed    
  Thread::sleep(100)   // _Hi should have changed already, wait a little to be sure
   var int hiraw = (Raum_MB_Soll_Hi.state as DecimalType).intValue   // get word
   var int loraw = (Raum_MB_Soll_Lo.state as DecimalType).intValue
   var int result = (hiraw * 65535) + loraw
   if (hiraw > 32767 ) {
         // oh dear it is signed, weird maths to follow
      result =  result - 4294967296    // think this extracts twos complement to signed ?!
   Raum_MB_Soll.postUpdate(result)    // to virtual item

rule "process outgoing value"
   Item Raum_MB_Soll received command    // from UI or rule
   var int raw32 = (receivedCommand as DecimalType).intValue
   if (raw32 < 0) {
      logInfo("mbconvert","negative numbers not supported")    // I chickened out of twos complement maths
   } else {
      var int hival = raw32 / 65535
      var int loval = raw32.bitwiseAnd(65535)    // mask with FFFF

I do not know if this idea will work at all, if the OH binding sends the two halves of the 32-bit pair separately the slave might reject it.

This is where you would want autoupdate=“false” in your Item config to ensure that the value in OH reflects what is in the real modbus device (at the next read poll), otherwise when you send the Item a command from UI or rule the autoupdate feature changes the Item value.

Thanks @rossko57 for pitching in. I fear that even that might not work since the default behavior is to write single register. The value written will be the decimal value rounded to 16bit integer, and function code will be 6 or 16 depending on the config.

Perhaps this slave refuses to respond with single register writes?


That is my suspicion too, likely the reason that it only supports FC16

should i ask the manufacturer something?

error for rule:

2017-05-11 13:45:25.258 [ERROR] [.script.engine.ScriptExecutionThread] - Rule 'process outgoing value': An error occured during the script execution: The name '<XFeatureCallImplCustom>.sendcommand(<XFeatureCallImplCustom>)' cannot be resolved to an item or type.

Check Item(s) exist.
Does the read part work? twos complement stuff scares me.

items exist - i used your input 1:1
read part seems to work!

2017-05-11 15:34:40.584 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - Raum_MB_Soll_Lo changed from 22500 to 22000
2017-05-11 15:34:40.744 [ItemStateChangedEvent     ] - Raum_MB_Soll changed from 22500 to 22000

There is a funny pratfall using primitive variables like int, but I thought it did not apply to item.sendCommand method.

nevertheless, try instead

      var Number hival = (raw32 / 65535).intValue
      var Number loval = raw32.bitwiseAnd(65535)    // mask with FFFF

I’m still expecting to see a Modbus failure in the end though

Still a problem with rule:

2017-05-11 21:59:22.106 [ERROR] [.script.engine.ScriptExecutionThread] - Rule 'process outgoing value': An error occured during the script execution: The name '<XFeatureCallImplCustom>.sendcommand(<XFeatureCallImplCustom>)' cannot be resolved to an item or type.
2017-05-11 21:59:22.188 [ERROR] [] - Last request: 01 10 13 98 00 01 02 00 00 98 89
2017-05-11 21:59:22.189 [ERROR] [] - failed to read: CRC Error in received frame: 0 bytes:
2017-05-11 21:59:22.190 [ERROR] [] - execute try 1/3 error: I/O exception - failed to read. Request: net.wimpi.modbus.msg.WriteMultipleRegistersRequest@13dbc24 (unit id 1 & transaction 1146). Serial parameters: SerialParameters@5f0110[portName=/dev/ttyAMA0,baudRate=9600,flowControlIn=none,flowControlOut=none,databits=8,stopbits=1,parity=none,encoding=rtu,echo=false,receiveTimeoutMillis=1500]
2017-05-11 21:59:22.296 [ERROR] [] - Last request: 01 10 13 98 00 01 02 00 00 98 89
2017-05-11 21:59:22.298 [ERROR] [] - failed to read: CRC Error in received frame: 0 bytes:
2017-05-11 21:59:22.300 [ERROR] [] - execute try 2/3 error: I/O exception - failed to read. Request: net.wimpi.modbus.msg.WriteMultipleRegistersRequest@13dbc24 (unit id 1 & transaction 1146). Serial parameters: SerialParameters@5f0110[portName=/dev/ttyAMA0,baudRate=9600,flowControlIn=none,flowControlOut=none,databits=8,stopbits=1,parity=none,encoding=rtu,echo=false,receiveTimeoutMillis=1500]
2017-05-11 21:59:22.418 [ERROR] [] - Last request: 01 10 13 98 00 01 02 00 00 98 89
2017-05-11 21:59:22.420 [ERROR] [] - failed to read: CRC Error in received frame: 0 bytes:
2017-05-11 21:59:22.422 [ERROR] [] - execute try 3/3 error: I/O exception - failed to read. Request: net.wimpi.modbus.msg.WriteMultipleRegistersRequest@13dbc24 (unit id 1 & transaction 1146). Serial parameters: SerialParameters@5f0110[portName=/dev/ttyAMA0,baudRate=9600,flowControlIn=none,flowControlOut=none,databits=8,stopbits=1,parity=none,encoding=rtu,echo=false,receiveTimeoutMillis=1500]
2017-05-11 21:59:22.426 [ERROR] [] - execute reached max tries 3, throwing last error: I/O exception - failed to read. Request: net.wimpi.modbus.msg.WriteMultipleRegistersRequest@13dbc24. Serial parameters: SerialParameters@5f0110[portName=/dev/ttyAMA0,baudRate=9600,flowControlIn=none,flowControlOut=none,databits=8,stopbits=1,parity=none,encoding=rtu,echo=false,receiveTimeoutMillis=1500]
2017-05-11 21:59:22.430 [ERROR] [.binding.modbus.internal.ModbusSlave] - ModbusSlave (slave3): error when executing write request (net.wimpi.modbus.msg.WriteMultipleRegistersRequest@13dbc24): I/O exception - failed to read

this is rules:

rule  "process incoming words"
   Item Raum_MB_Soll_Lo changed    
  Thread::sleep(100)   // _Hi should have changed already, wait a little to be sure
   var int hiraw = (Raum_MB_Soll_Hi.state as DecimalType).intValue   // get word
   var int loraw = (Raum_MB_Soll_Lo.state as DecimalType).intValue
   var int result = (hiraw * 65535) + loraw
   if (hiraw > 32767 ) {
         // oh dear it is signed, weird maths to follow
      result =  result - 4294967296    // think this extracts twos complement to signed ?!
   Raum_MB_Soll.postUpdate(result)    // to virtual item

rule "process outgoing value"
   Item Raum_MB_Soll received command    // from UI or rule
   var int raw32 = (receivedCommand as DecimalType).intValue
   if (raw32 < 0) {
      logInfo("mbconvert","negative numbers not supported")    // I chickened out of twos complement maths
   } else {
      var Number hival = (raw32 / 65535).intValue
      var Number loval = raw32.bitwiseAnd(65535)    // mask with FFFF