Modbus TCP with Slave responded with error=2 (ILLEGAL_DATA_ACCESS)

Hello! OH 3.3 and last 3.4.2 versions. TCP controller - ПР103-230.1610.01.X
I have the problem - Slave responded with error=2 (ILLEGAL_DATA_ACCESS)

Also I try to use Modbus Slave program from Modbus tool. This program got all data from this controller correct.
I changed Network address of the device (host) of OH settings of Modbus TCP slave to address where Modbus Slave is run. And it works as I want!

How to solve the problem?

My setups:

 UID: modbus:tcp:modbus
label: Modbus TCP Slave
thingTypeUID: modbus:tcp
  rtuEncoded: false
  connectMaxTries: 1
  reconnectAfterMillis: 0
  timeBetweenTransactionsMillis: 250
  port: 502
  timeBetweenReconnectMillis: 0
  connectTimeoutMillis: 10000
  host:                    <------ I changes this
  afterConnectionDelayMillis: 0
  id: 24
  enableDiscovery: false
UID: modbus:poller:modbus:25cf65b85a
label: Regular Poll
thingTypeUID: modbus:poller
  length: 1
  start: 8
  refresh: 250
  maxTries: 3
  cacheMillis: 50
  type: holding
bridgeUID: modbus:tcp:modbus

When press OK connection will be done.

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