Moon information from One Call (openweathermap)

I thought that could be pulled using the Astro Rule Action but I see that the action only supports the sun Thing, not the moon thing. I’d imagine that would be easy to add though.

You wouln’t have needed to do that. Forking the repo in GitHub web, then cloning your fork, creating a new branch on your fork (this is done locally on your PC), where you commit your changes, and finally pushing your branch to your repo would have worked as well.
You can use GitHub web to create a PR, edit description etc.

I will have a look at your PR.

Yes, this can still be done.
Adding moon data to OWM is not that difficult as well …

I’ve never been arguing against adding it to OWM. I just don’t want someone to come along and think if all they want is moon info they have to set up OWM.

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Looks like the process is stuck?

I have reviewed it, but we now need the add-on maintainers for their review, and this usually takes some time (unfortunately).

@florian-h05, thanks for helping me try this. It was a bit out of my league, but it was a fun excursion!

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You are welcome!

Everyone started small at some point in time.
BTW if you don’t like code contributions, documentation contributions are always appreciated and relatively easy to do.