Moonraker/Klipper Binding


This is a binding to connect a 3D-Printer, which is running Klipper and Moonraker to Openhab.
With the Thing created by the Binding, you can control a 3D-Printer (send G-Codes), and receive data from the 3D-Printer (State, Extruder Temperature, Progress, etc…)

For more details about Klipper, please see the official Klippler site
For more details about Moonraker, please see the official Moonraker site


Version 0.1

  • initial release
  • ported to Openhab 4.1.X (should also run with 4.0.X and 4.2.X releases)





After the binding was installed (via Marketplace or adding the jar manually), you have to add a new Thing with the Moonraker/Klipper Binding

Then you have to manually add a “Printer 3D” Thing

And finally make the initial configuration of the thing, where normally only the Host/IP-Adress of the Printer/Client has to be configured

In the advanced config part you could also configure a other port, api key (not needed if not configured on moonraker/klipper side), or change the timeouts for the websocket reconnect

*** Placeholder for usecase examples ***

At my setup, i’m automaticly turning off the power-supply of the printer, after the printer is cooled up and finished.

Afterwards, when a switch the power-supply back on, i have to restart the firmware and Home all axes (homing is done via sending the G-Code G28 to the G-Code channel of the 3D Printer Thing)

Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-01-02 14-53-15

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I am not seeing this in the marketplace
I am running 4.1.1

I had to turn on the unpublished stuff