This is a binding to connect a 3D-Printer, which is running Klipper and Moonraker to Openhab.
With the Thing created by the Binding, you can control a 3D-Printer (send G-Codes), and receive data from the 3D-Printer (State, Extruder Temperature, Progress, etc…)
For more details about Klipper, please see the official Klippler site
For more details about Moonraker, please see the official Moonraker site
Version 0.1
initial release
ported to Openhab 4.1.X (should also run with 4.0.X and 4.2.X releases)
In the advanced config part you could also configure a other port, api key (not needed if not configured on moonraker/klipper side), or change the timeouts for the websocket reconnect
Afterwards, when a switch the power-supply back on, i have to restart the firmware and Home all axes (homing is done via sending the G-Code G28 to the G-Code channel of the 3D Printer Thing)