Move Writtable Data or Log to Another Volatile Folder/Partition


I am doing manual openhab 2.5 installation. Wondering how can keep PaperUI writtable data files, logs and everything writtable to another folder? Basically, i want to keep OpenHab2 folder as a read only folder to avoid corruption during power outage. Thanks

Which OS? Which hardware?

If using a GNU/Linux system, try out openhab-cli info from console. This will give you a list of all used directories. Data frequently changed is in $OPENHAB_USERDATA, configurations is done via $OPENHAB_CONF, so these are the two paths that should be writable at least. But there is always a chance of some additional “dynamic” files, e.g. when manually adding an addon, this will be stored in $OPENHAB_RUNTIME/addons.

It’s not that easy to sort out the static files…